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2017-09-14 11:26:13 +02:00
package Archive::SevenZip;
use strict;
use Carp qw(croak);
use Encode qw( decode encode );
use File::Basename qw(dirname basename);
use Archive::SevenZip::Entry;
use File::Temp qw(tempfile tempdir);
use File::Copy;
use IPC::Open3 'open3';
use Path::Class;
use Exporter 'import'; # for the error codes, in Archive::Zip API compatibility
=head1 NAME
Archive::SevenZip - Read/write 7z , zip , ISO9960 and other archives
my $ar = Archive::SevenZip->new(
find => 1,
archivename => $archivename,
verbose => $verbose,
for my $entry ( $ar->list ) {
my $target = join "/", "$target_dir", $entry->basename;
$ar->extractMember( $entry->fileName, $target );
=head1 METHODS
use vars qw(%sevenzip_charsetname %class_defaults $VERSION @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS);
$VERSION= '0.06';
# Archive::Zip API
# Error codes
use constant AZ_OK => 0;
use constant COMPRESSION_STORED => 'Store'; # file is stored (no compression)
use constant COMPRESSION_DEFLATED => 'Deflate'; # file is Deflated
%sevenzip_charsetname = (
'UTF-8' => 'UTF-8',
'Latin-1' => 'WIN',
'ISO-8859-1' => 'WIN',
'' => 'DOS', # dunno what the appropriate name would be
if( $^O !~ /MSWin/ ) {
# Wipe all filesystem encodings because my Debian 7z 9.20 doesn't understand them
$sevenzip_charsetname{ $_ } = ''
for keys %sevenzip_charsetname;
%class_defaults = (
'7zip' => '7z',
fs_encoding => 'UTF-8',
default_options => [ "-y", "-bd" ],
type => 'zip',
=head2 C<< Archive::SevenZip->find_7z_executable >>
Finds the 7z executable in the path or in C<< $ENV{ProgramFiles} >>
or C<< $ENV{ProgramFiles(x86)} >>. This is called
when a C<< Archive::SevenZip >> instance is created with the C<find>
parameter set to 1.
sub find_7z_executable {
my($class) = @_;
my $old_default = $class_defaults{ '7zip' };
my $envsep = $^O =~ /MSWin/ ? ';' : ':';
my @search = split /$envsep/, $ENV{PATH};
if( $^O =~ /MSWin/i ) {
push @search, map { "$_\\7-Zip" } grep {defined} ($ENV{'ProgramFiles'}, $ENV{'ProgramFiles(x86)'});
my $found = $class->version;
while( ! defined $found and @search) {
my $dir = shift @search;
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
next unless -e file("$dir", "7z.exe" );
$class_defaults{'7zip'} = "" . file("$dir", "7z" );
$found = $class->version;
if( ! $found) {
$class_defaults{ '7zip' } = $old_default;
return defined $found ? $found : ()
=head2 C<< Archive::SevenZip->new >>
my $ar = Archive::SevenZip->new( $archivename );
my $ar = Archive::SevenZip->new(
archivename => $archivename,
find => 1,
Creates a new class instance.
C<find> - will try to find the executable using C<< ->find_7z_executable >>
sub new {
my( $class, %options);
if( @_ == 2 ) {
($class, $options{ archivename }) = @_;
} else {
($class, %options) = @_;
if( $options{ find }) {
for( keys %class_defaults ) {
$options{ $_ } = $class_defaults{ $_ }
unless defined $options{ $_ };
bless \%options => $class
sub version {
my( $self_or_class, %options) = @_;
for( keys %class_defaults ) {
$options{ $_ } = $class_defaults{ $_ }
unless defined $options{ $_ };
my $self = ref $self_or_class ? $self_or_class : $self_or_class->new( %options );
my $cmd = $self->get_command(
command => '',
archivename => undef,
options => [], # on Debian, 7z doesn't like any options...
fs_encoding => undef, # on Debian, 7z doesn't like any options...
default_options => [], # on Debian, 7z doesn't like any options...
my $fh = eval { $self->run($cmd, binmode => ':raw') };
if( ! $@ ) {
local $/ = "\n";
my @output = <$fh>;
if( @output >= 3) {
$output[1] =~ /^7-Zip\s+.*?(\d+\.\d+)\s+(?:\s*:\s*)?Copyright/
or return undef;
return $1;
} else {
return undef
=head2 C<< $ar->open >>
my @entries = $ar->open;
for my $entry (@entries) {
print $entry->name, "\n";
Lists the entries in the archive. A fresh archive which does not
exist on disk yet has no entries. The returned entries
are L<Archive::SevenZip::Entry> instances.
This method will one day move to the Path::Class-compatibility
# Iterate over the entries in the archive
# Path::Class API
sub open {
my( $self )= @_;
my @contents = $self->list();
=head2 C<< $ar->memberNamed >>
my $entry = $ar->memberNamed('hello_world.txt');
print $entry->fileName, "\n";
The path separator must be a forward slash ("/")
This method will one day move to the Archive::Zip-compatibility
# Archive::Zip API
sub memberNamed {
my( $self, $name, %options )= @_;
my( $entry ) = grep { $_->fileName eq $name } $self->members( %options );
# Archive::Zip API
sub list {
my( $self, %options )= @_;
if( ! grep { defined $_ } $options{archivename}, $self->{archivename}) {
# We are an archive that does not exist on disk yet
my $cmd = $self->get_command( command => "l", options => ["-slt"], %options );
my $fh = $self->run($cmd, encoding => $options{ fs_encoding } );
my @output = <$fh>;
my %results = (
header => [],
archive => [],
# Get/skip header
while( @output and $output[0] !~ /^--\s*$/ ) {
my $line = shift @output;
$line =~ s!\s+$!!;
push @{ $results{ header }}, $line;
# Get/skip archive information
while( @output and $output[0] !~ /^----------\s*$/ ) {
my $line = shift @output;
$line =~ s!\s+$!!;
push @{ $results{ archive }}, $line;
if( $output[0] =~ /^----------\s*$/ ) {
shift @output;
} else {
warn "Unexpected line in 7zip output, hope that's OK: [$output[0]]";
my @members;
# Split entries
my %entry_info;
while( @output ) {
my $line = shift @output;
if( $line =~ /^([\w ]+) =(?: (.*?)|)\s*$/ ) {
$entry_info{ $1 } = $2;
} elsif($line =~ /^\s*$/) {
push @members, Archive::SevenZip::Entry->new(
_Container => $self,
%entry_info = ();
} else {
croak "Unknown file entry [$line]";
return @members
{ no warnings 'once';
*members = \&list;
=head2 C<< $ar->openMemberFH >>
my $fh = $ar->openMemberFH('test.txt');
while( <$fh> ) {
print "test.txt: $_";
Reads the uncompressed content of the member from the archive.
This method will one day move to the Archive::Zip-compatibility
sub openMemberFH {
my( $self, %options );
if( @_ == 2 ) {
($self,$options{ membername })= @_;
} else {
($self,%options) = @_;
defined $options{ membername } or croak "Need member name to extract";
my $cmd = $self->get_command( command => "e", options => ["-so"], members => [$options{membername}] );
my $fh = $self->run($cmd, encoding => $options{ encoding }, binmode => $options{ binmode });
return $fh
sub content {
my( $self, %options ) = @_;
my $fh = $self->openMemberFH( %options );
local $/;
=head2 C<< $ar->extractMember >>
$ar->extractMember('test.txt' => 'extracted_test.txt');
Extracts the uncompressed content of the member from the archive.
This method will one day move to the Archive::Zip-compatibility
# Archive::Zip API
sub extractMember {
my( $self, $memberOrName, $extractedName, %_options ) = @_;
$extractedName = $memberOrName
unless defined $extractedName;
my %options = (%$self, %_options);
my $target_dir = dirname $extractedName;
my $target_name = basename $extractedName;
my $cmd = $self->get_command(
command => "e",
archivename => $options{ archivename },
members => [ $memberOrName ],
options => [ "-o$target_dir" ],
my $fh = $self->run($cmd, encoding => $options{ encoding });
while( <$fh>) {
warn $_ if $options{ verbose };
if( basename $memberOrName ne $target_name ) {
rename "$target_dir/" . basename($memberOrName) => $extractedName
or croak "Couldn't move '$memberOrName' to '$extractedName': $!";
return AZ_OK;
=head2 C<< $ar->removeMember >>
Removes the member from the archive.
# strikingly similar to Archive::Zip API
sub removeMember {
my( $self, $name, %_options ) = @_;
my %options = (%$self, %_options);
if( $^O =~ /MSWin/ ) {
$name =~ s!/!\\!g;
my $cmd = $self->get_command(
command => "d",
archivename => $options{ archivename },
members => [ $name ],
my $fh = $self->run($cmd, encoding => $options{ encoding } );
$self->wait($fh, %options);
return AZ_OK;
sub add_quotes {
map {
defined $_ && /\s/ ? qq{"$_"} : $_
} @_
sub get_command {
my( $self, %options )= @_;
$options{ members } ||= [];
$options{ archivename } = $self->{ archivename }
unless defined $options{ archivename };
if( ! exists $options{ fs_encoding }) {
$options{ fs_encoding } = defined $self->{ fs_encoding } ? $self->{ fs_encoding } : $class_defaults{ fs_encoding };
if( ! defined $options{ default_options }) {
$options{ default_options } = defined $self->{ default_options } ? $self->{ default_options } : $class_defaults{ default_options };
my @charset;
if( defined $options{ fs_encoding }) {
exists $sevenzip_charsetname{ $options{ fs_encoding }}
or croak "Unknown filesystem encoding '$options{ fs_encoding }'";
if( my $charset = $sevenzip_charsetname{ $options{ fs_encoding }}) {
push @charset, "-scs" . $sevenzip_charsetname{ $options{ fs_encoding }};
for(@{ $options{ members }}) {
$_ = encode $options{ fs_encoding }, $_;
# Now quote what needs to be quoted
for( @{ $options{ options }}, @{ $options{ members }}, $options{ archivename }, "$self->{ '7zip' }") {
return [grep {defined $_}
add_quotes($self->{ '7zip' }),
@{ $options{ default_options }},
$options{ command },
add_quotes( @{ $options{ options }} ),
add_quotes( $options{ archivename } ),
add_quotes( @{ $options{ members }} ),
sub run {
my( $self, $cmd, %options )= @_;
my $mode = '-|';
if( defined $options{ stdin }) {
$mode = '|-';
my $fh;
warn "Opening [@$cmd]"
if $options{ verbose };
if( $self->{verbose} ) {
CORE::open( $fh, $mode, @$cmd)
or croak "Couldn't launch [$mode @$cmd]: $!/$?";
} else {
CORE::open( my $fh_err, '>', File::Spec->devnull )
or warn "Couldn't redirect child STDERR";
my $errh = fileno $fh_err;
# We accumulate zombie PIDs here, ah well.
my $pid = open3( my $fh_in, my $fh_out, '>&' . $errh, @$cmd)
or croak "Couldn't launch [$mode @$cmd]: $!/$?";
if( $mode eq '|-' ) {
$fh = $fh_in;
} else {
$fh = $fh_out
if( $options{ encoding }) {
binmode $fh, ":encoding($options{ encoding })";
} elsif( $options{ binmode } ) {
binmode $fh, $options{ binmode };
if( $options{ stdin }) {
print {$fh} $options{ stdin };
close $fh;
} elsif( $options{ skip }) {
for( 1..$options{ skip }) {
# Read that many lines
local $/ = "\n";
scalar <$fh>;
sub archive_or_temp {
my( $self ) = @_;
if( ! defined $self->{archivename} ) {
$self->{is_tempfile} = 1;
(my( $fh ),$self->{archivename}) = tempfile( SUFFIX => ".$self->{type}" );
close $fh;
unlink $self->{archivename};
sub wait {
my( $self, $fh, %options ) = @_;
while( <$fh>) {
warn $_ if ($options{ verbose } || $self->{verbose})
=head2 C<< $ar->add_scalar >>
$ar->add_scalar( "Some name.txt", "This is the content" );
Adds a scalar as an archive member.
Unfortunately, 7zip doesn't reliably read archive members from STDIN,
so the scalar will be written to a tempfile, added to the archive and then
renamed in the archive.
This requires 7zip version 9.30+
sub add_scalar {
my( $self, $name, $scalar )= @_;
# 7zip doesn't really support reading archive members from STDIN :-(
my($fh, $tempname) = tempfile;
binmode $fh, ':raw';
print {$fh} $scalar;
close $fh;
# Only supports 7z archive type?!
# 7zip will magically append .7z to the filename :-(
my $cmd = $self->get_command(
command => 'a',
archivename => $self->archive_or_temp,
members => [$tempname],
#options => ],
$fh = $self->run( $cmd );
unlink $tempname
or warn "Couldn't unlink '$tempname': $!";
# Hopefully your version of 7zip can rename members (9.30+):
$cmd = $self->get_command(
command => 'rn',
archivename => $self->archive_or_temp,
members => [basename($tempname), $name],
#options => ],
$fh = $self->run( $cmd );
# Once 7zip supports reading from stdin, this will work again:
#my $fh = $self->run( $cmd,
# binmode => ':raw',
# stdin => $scalar,
# verbose => 1,
=head2 C<< $ar->add_directory >>
$ar->add_directory( "real_etc", "etc" );
Adds an empty directory
This currently ignores the directory date and time if the directory
sub add_directory {
my( $self, $localname, $target )= @_;
$target ||= $localname;
# Create an empty directory, add it to the archive,
# then rename that temp name to the wanted name:
my $tempname = tempdir;
my $cmd = $self->get_command(
command => 'a',
archivename => $self->archive_or_temp,
members => [$tempname],
options => ['-r0'],
my $fh = $self->run( $cmd );
# Hopefully your version of 7zip can rename members (9.30+):
$cmd = $self->get_command(
command => 'rn',
archivename => $self->archive_or_temp,
members => [basename($tempname), $target],
$fh = $self->run( $cmd );
# Once 7zip supports reading from stdin, this will work again:
#my $fh = $self->run( $cmd,
# binmode => ':raw',
# stdin => $scalar,
# verbose => 1,
sub add {
my( $self, %options )= @_;
my @items = @{ delete $options{ items } || [] };
# Split up the list into one batch for the listfiles
# and the list of files we need to rename
my @filelist;
for my $item (@items) {
if( ! ref $item ) {
$item = [ $item, $item ];
my( $name, $storedName ) = @$item;
if( $name ne $storedName ) {
# We need to pipe to 7zip from stdin (no, we don't, we can rename afterwards)
# This still means we might overwrite an already existing file in the archive...
# But 7-zip seems to not like duplicate filenames anyway in "@"-listfiles...
my $cmd = $self->get_command(
command => 'a',
archivename => $self->archive_or_temp,
members => [$name],
#options => ],
my $fh = $self->run( $cmd );
$self->wait($fh, %options );
$cmd = $self->get_command(
command => 'rn',
archivename => $self->archive_or_temp,
members => [$name, $storedName],
#options => ],
$fh = $self->run( $cmd );
$self->wait($fh, %options );
} else {
# 7zip can read the file from disk
# Write the name to a tempfile to be read by 7zip for batching
push @filelist, $name;
if( @filelist ) {
my( $fh, $name) = tempfile;
binmode $fh, ':raw';
print {$fh} join "\r\n", @filelist;
close $fh;
my @options;
if( $options{ recursive }) {
push @options, '-r';
my $cmd = $self->get_command(
command => 'a',
archivename => $self->archive_or_temp,
members => ['@'.$name],
options => \@options
$fh = $self->run( $cmd );
$self->wait($fh, %options);
sub archiveZipApi {
my( $class, %options ) = @_;
require Archive::SevenZip::API::ArchiveZip;
Archive::SevenZip::API::ArchiveZip->new( %options )
package Path::Class::Archive::Handle;
use strict;
=head1 NAME
Path::Class::Archive - treat archives as directories
package Path::Class::Archive;
=head1 CAUTION
This module tries to mimic the API of L<Archive::Zip> in some cases
and in other cases, the API of L<Path::Class>. It is also a very rough
draft that just happens to be doing what I need, mostly extracting
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<File::Unpack> - also supports unpacking from 7z archives
L<Compress::unLZMA> - uncompressor for the LZMA compression method used by 7z
The public repository of this module is
=head1 SUPPORT
The public support forum of this module is
Please report bugs in this module via the RT CPAN bug queue at
or via mail to L<>.
=head1 AUTHOR
Max Maischein C<>
=head1 COPYRIGHT (c)
Copyright 2015-2016 by Max Maischein C<>.
=head1 LICENSE
This module is released under the same terms as Perl itself.