404 lines
13 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# echangelog: Update the ChangeLog for an ebuild. For example:
# $ echangelog 'Add ~alpha to KEYWORDS'
# 4a5,7
# > 10 Feb 2003; Aron Griffis <agriffis@gentoo.org> oaf-0.6.8-r1.ebuild :
# > Add ~alpha to KEYWORDS
# >
use strict;
use POSIX qw(strftime getcwd setlocale);
# Fix bug 21022 by restricting to C locale
setlocale(&POSIX::LC_ALL, "C");
use Text::Wrap;
$Text::Wrap::columns = 77;
$Text::Wrap::unexpand = 0;
# Global variables
my (@files, @ebuilds, @conflicts, @trivial, @unknown, @new_versions, %actions);
my ($input, $editor, $entry, $user, $date, $text, $version, $year, $vcs);
my %vcs = ( cvs => { diff => "cvs -f -U0 diff",
status => "cvs -fn up",
add => "cvs -f add",
skip => 6,
entries => "CVS/Entries" },
svn => { diff => "svn diff -N",
status => "svn status",
add => "svn add",
skip => 4,
entries => ".svn/entries" },
git => { diff => "git diff",
status => "git up",
add => "git add",
skip => 0,
entries => "wtf" },
nov => { diff => "",
status => "",
add => "",
skip => 0,
entries => "wtf" }
# Figure out what kind of repo we are in.
if ( -d "CVS" ) {
$vcs = "cvs";
} elsif ( -d '.svn' ) {
$vcs = "svn";
} elsif ( -d '.git' ) {
$vcs = "git";
} else {
print STDERR "** NOTE: No CVS, .git, .svn directories found, cannot know modifications\n";
$vcs = "nov";
# Read the current ChangeLog
if (-f 'ChangeLog') {
open I, '<ChangeLog' or die "Can't open ChangeLog for input: $!\n";
{ local $/ = undef; $text = <I>; }
close I;
} else {
# No ChangeLog here, maybe we should make one...
if (<*.ebuild>) {
open I, '<../../skel.ChangeLog'
or die "Can't open ../../skel.ChangeLog for input: $!\n";
{ local $/ = undef; $text = <I>; }
close I;
my ($cwd) = getcwd();
$cwd =~ m|.*/(\w+-\w+)/([^/]+)|
or die "Can't figure out category/package.. sorry!\n";
my ($category, $package_name) = ($1, $2);
$text =~ s/^\*.*//ms; # don't need the fake entry
$text =~ s/<CATEGORY>/$category/;
$text =~ s/<PACKAGE_NAME>/$package_name/;
} else {
die "This should be run in a directory with ebuilds...\n";
# Figure out what has changed around here
open C, $vcs{$vcs}{status}.' 2>&1 |' or die "Can't run ".$vcs{$vcs}{status}.": $!\n";
while (<C>) {
if (/^C\s+\+?\s+(\S+)/) {
push @conflicts, $1;
} elsif (/^\?\s+\+?\s+(\S+)/) {
push @unknown, $1;
$actions{$1} = '+';
} elsif (/^([ARMD])\s+\+?\s+(\S+)/) {
push @files, $2;
($actions{$2} = $1) =~ tr/ARDM/+--/d;
# Separate out the trivial files for now
@files = grep {
!/files.digest|Manifest|ChangeLog|^files$|^\.$/ or do { push @trivial, $_; 0; }
} @files;
@unknown = grep {
!/files.digest|Manifest|ChangeLog|^files$|^\.$/ or do { push @trivial, $_; 0; }
} @unknown;
# Don't allow any conflicts
if (@conflicts) {
print STDERR <<EOT;
$vcs reports the following conflicts. Please resolve them before
running echangelog.
print STDERR map "C $_\n", @conflicts;
exit 1;
# Don't allow unknown files (other than the trivial files that were separated
# out above)
if (@unknown) {
print STDERR <<EOT;
$vcs reports the following unknown files. Please use "cvs add" before
running echangelog, or remove the files in question.
print STDERR map "? $_\n", @unknown;
exit 1;
# Sort the list of files as portage does. None of the operations through
# the rest of the script should break this sort.
sub sortfunc($$) {
my ($a, $b) = @_;
(my $va = $a) =~ s/.*?-(\d.*?)(?:\.ebuild)?$/$1/;
(my $vb = $b) =~ s/.*?-(\d.*?)(?:\.ebuild)?$/$1/;
my ($na, $sa, $sna, $ra) = ($va =~ /^(.*?)(?:_(alpha|beta||pre|rc|p)(\d*))?(?:-r(\d+))?$/);
my ($nb, $sb, $snb, $rb) = ($vb =~ /^(.*?)(?:_(alpha|beta||pre|rc|p)(\d*))?(?:-r(\d+))?$/);
my (@na) = split /\.|(?<=\d)(?=[^\d\.])/, $na;
my (@nb) = split /\.|(?<=\d)(?=[^\d\.])/, $nb;
my $retval;
# compare version numbers first
for (my $i = 0; defined $na[$i] or defined $nb[$i]; $i++) {
# def vs. undef
return +1 if defined $na[$i] and !defined $nb[$i];
return -1 if defined $nb[$i] and !defined $na[$i];
# num vs. num
if ($na[$i] =~ /^\d/ and $nb[$i] =~ /^\d/) {
$retval = ($na[$i] <=> $nb[$i]);
return $retval if $retval;
# char vs. char
if ($na[$i] =~ /^\D/ and $nb[$i] =~ /^\D/) {
$retval = ($na[$i] cmp $nb[$i]);
return $retval if $retval;
# num vs. char
$retval = ($na[$i] =~ /\d/ and -1 or +1);
return $retval;
# compare suffix second
if (defined $sa and !defined $sb) {
return +2 if $sa eq "p";
return -2;
if (defined $sb and !defined $sa) {
return -3 if $sb eq "p";
return +3;
if (defined $sa) { # and defined $sb
$retval = ($sa cmp $sb);
if ($retval) {
return +4 if $sa eq "p";
return -4 if $sb eq "p";
return $retval; # suffixes happen to be alphabetical order, mostly
# compare suffix number
return +5 if defined $sna and !defined $snb;
return -5 if defined $snb and !defined $sna;
if (defined $sna) { # and defined $snb
$retval = ($sna <=> $snb);
return $retval if $retval;
# compare rev third
return +6 if defined $ra and !defined $rb;
return -6 if defined $rb and !defined $ra;
if (defined $ra) { # and defined $rb
return ($ra <=> $rb);
# nothing left to compare
return 0;
@files = sort sortfunc @files;
# Forget ebuilds that only have changed copyrights, unless that's all
# the changed files we have
# does not work with svn TODO
#@ebuilds = grep /\.ebuild$/, @files;
#@files = grep !/\.ebuild$/, @files;
if (@ebuilds) {
open C, $vcs{$vcs}{diff}.@ebuilds." 2>&1 |" or die "Can't run: ".$vcs{$vcs}{diff}."$!\n";
$_ = <C>;
while (defined $_) {
if (/^$vcs diff: (([^\/]*?)\.ebuild) was removed/) {
push @files, $1;
elsif (/^Index: (([^\/]*?)\.ebuild)\s*$/) {
my ($f, $v) = ($1, $2);
# check if more than just copyright date changed.
# skip some lines
$_ = <C>;
while (<C>) {
last if /^[A-Za-z]/;
if (/^[-+](?!# Copyright)/) {
push @files, $f;
# at this point we've either added $f to @files or not,
# and we have the next line in $_ for processing
elsif (/^$vcs.*?: (([^\/]*?)\.ebuild) is a new entry/) {
push @files, $1;
push @new_versions, $2; # new ebuild, will create a new entry
# other cvs output is ignored
$_ = <C>;
close C;
# When a package move occurs, the versions appear to be new even though they are
# not. Trim them from @new_versions in that case.
@new_versions = grep { $text !~ /^\*\Q$_\E\s/m } @new_versions;
# Check if we have any files left, otherwise re-insert ebuild list
# (of course, both might be empty anyway)
@files = @ebuilds unless (@files);
# Allow ChangeLog entries with no changed files, but give a fat warning
unless (@files) {
print STDERR "**\n";
print STDERR "** NOTE: No non-trivial changed files found. Normally echangelog\n";
print STDERR "** should be run after all affected files have been added and/or\n";
print STDERR "** modified. Did you forget to cvs add?\n";
print STDERR "**\n";
@files = sort sortfunc @trivial;
@files = qw/ChangeLog/ unless @files; # last resort to put something in the list
# Get the input from the cmdline, editor or stdin
if ($ARGV[0]) {
$input = "@ARGV";
} else {
# Testing for defined() allows ECHANGELOG_EDITOR='' to cancel EDITOR
$ENV{'EDITOR'} || undef;
if ($editor) {
system("$editor ChangeLog.new");
if ($? != 0) {
# This usually happens when the editor got forcefully killed; and
# the terminal is probably messed up: so we reset things.
system('/usr/bin/stty sane');
print STDERR "Editor died! Reverting to stdin method.\n";
undef $editor;
} else {
if (open I, "<ChangeLog.new") {
local $/ = undef;
$input = <I>;
close I;
} else {
print STDERR "Error opening ChangeLog.new: $!\n";
print STDERR "Reverting to stdin method.\n";
undef $editor;
unlink 'ChangeLog.new';
unless ($editor) {
print "Please type the log entry: use Ctrl-d to finish, Ctrl-c to abort...\n";
local $/ = undef;
$input = <>;
die "Empty entry; aborting\n" unless $input =~ /\S/;
# If there are any long lines, then wrap the input at $columns chars
# (leaving 2 chars on left, one char on right, after adding indentation below).
$input =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*\z/$1/s; # trim whitespace
$input = Text::Wrap::fill('', '', $input) if ($input =~ /^.{80}/m);
$input =~ s/^/ /gm; # add indentation
# Prepend the user info to the input
unless ($user = $ENV{'ECHANGELOG_USER'}) {
my ($fullname, $username) = (getpwuid($<))[6,0];
$fullname =~ s/,.*//; # remove GECOS, bug 80011
$user = sprintf "%s <%s\@gentoo.org>", $fullname, $username;
# Make sure that we didn't get "root"
die "Please set ECHANGELOG_USER or run as non-root\n" if $user =~ /<root@/;
$date = strftime("%d %b %Y", gmtime);
$entry = "$date; $user ";
$entry .= join ', ', map "$actions{$_}$_", @files;
$entry .= ':';
$entry = Text::Wrap::fill(' ', ' ', $entry); # does not append a \n
$entry .= "\n$input"; # append user input
# Each one of these regular expressions will eat the whitespace
# leading up to the next entry (except the two-space leader on the
# front of a dated entry), so it needs to be replaced with a
# double carriage-return. This helps to normalize the spacing in
# the ChangeLogs.
if (@new_versions) {
# Insert at the top with a new version marker
$text =~ s/^( .*? ) # grab header
\s*\n(?=\ \ \d|\*|\z) # suck up trailing whitespace
/"$1\n\n" .
join("\n", map "*$_ ($date)", reverse @new_versions) .
or die "Failed to insert new entry (4)\n";
} else {
# Changing an existing patch or ebuild, no new version marker
# required
$text =~ s/^( .*? ) # grab header
\s*\n(?=\ \ \d|\*|\z) # suck up trailing whitespace
or die "Failed to insert new entry (3)\n";
sub update_copyright {
my ($t) = @_;
(my $year = $date) =~ s/.* //;
$t =~ s/^# Copyright \d+(?= )/$&-$year/m or
$t =~ s/^(# Copyright \d+)-(\d+)/$1-$year/m;
return $t;
# Update the copyright year in the ChangeLog
$text = update_copyright($text);
# Write the new ChangeLog
open O, '>ChangeLog.new' or die "Can't open ChangeLog.new for output: $!\n";
print O $text or die "Can't write ChangeLog.new: $!\n";
close O or die "Can't close ChangeLog.new: $!\n";
# Update affected ebuild copyright dates. There is no reason to update the
# copyright lines on ebuilds that haven't changed. I verified this with an IP
# lawyer.
for my $e (grep /\.ebuild$/, @files) {
my ($etext, $netext);
open E, "<$e" or warn("Can't read $e to update copyright year\n"), next;
{ local $/ = undef; $etext = <E>; }
close E;
# Attempt the substitution and compare
$netext = update_copyright($etext);
next if $netext eq $etext; # skip this file if no change.
# Write the new ebuild
open E, ">$e.new" or warn("Can't open $e.new\n"), next;
print E $netext and
close E or warn("Can't write $e.new\n"), next;
# Move things around and show the diff
system "diff -U 0 $e $e.new";
rename "$e.new", $e or warn("Can't rename $e.new: $!\n");
# Move things around and show the ChangeLog diff
system 'diff -Nu ChangeLog ChangeLog.new';
rename 'ChangeLog.new', 'ChangeLog' or die "Can't rename ChangeLog.new: $!\n";
# Okay, now we have a starter ChangeLog to work with.
# The text will be added just like with any other ChangeLog below.
# Add the new ChangeLog to cvs before continuing.
if (open F, $vcs{$vcs}{entries} ) {
system("$vcs{$vcs}{add} ChangeLog") unless (scalar grep /\/?ChangeLog\/?/, <F>);
# vim:sw=4 ts=8 expandtab