173 lines
6.7 KiB
173 lines
6.7 KiB
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $
inherit eutils rpm
DESCRIPTION="Novell Xtier Base"
RESTRICT="nomirror nostrip"
src_unpack() {
unpack novell-client-1.2-SLE10.tar.gz
rpm_unpack ${DISTDIR}/binutils-
mkdir -p ${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}
cd ${PN}-${MY_PV}
rpm_unpack ${WORKDIR}/ncl_build_711/NCL_disk/novell/i586/${PN}-${MY_PV}.sles10.i586.rpm
src_compile() { :; }
src_install() {
# still a hack
cp "${WORKDIR}"/usr/lib/libbfd-*.so "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"/opt/novell/xtier/lib
rm -rf "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"/etc/init.d
chmod 755 "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"/opt/novell/xtier
chmod 755 "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"/opt/novell/xtier/lib
mv "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"/usr/share/doc/packages/${PN} "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"/usr/share/doc/${P}
mv "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"/etc "${D}"/ || die "mv etc"
mv "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"/opt "${D}"/ || die "mv opt"
mv "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"/usr "${D}"/ || die "mv usr"
mv "${WORKDIR}/${PN}-${MY_PV}"/var "${D}"/ || die "mv var"
insinto /etc/env.d
doins "${FILESDIR}"/80novell-xtier
exeinto /etc/init.d
newexe "${FILESDIR}"/novell-xregd12.initd novell-xregd
# ***************************************
# ******* Begin of pre script ***********
# ***************************************
einfo "Running Novell XTier Base pre script..."
# We just want to stop the novell-xregd service and export the XTier registry to a
# temporary file if this is an upgrade.
if [ -e "/etc/init.d/novell-xregd" ]; then
#echo "Novell XTier Base pre script stoping novell-xregd for upgrade"
/etc/init.d/novell-xregd stop
# Check if we need to export the XTier registry
# Note: We export the registry at this time to avoid losing its settings in case
# that we have to rebuild the database.
if [ -e "/var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/xtier_registry.db" ]; then
einfo " Exporting Xtier Registry to temporary file..."
rm -f /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/xtier_registry.xml.export
/opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -e /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.export
einfo " done exporting Xtier Xml Registry"
einfo "done running Novell XTier Base pre script!"
# Do necessary user and group administration
enewgroup novlxtier
enewuser novlxregd -1 -1 /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd novlxtier
einfo "done running Novell XTier Base pre script!"
# ***************************************
# ******* End of pre script *************
# ***************************************
# ***************************************
# ******* Begin of post script **********
# ***************************************
echo "Running Novell XTier Base post script..."
# Check if we need to import the XTier registry
if [ ! -e "/var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/xtier_registry.db" ]; then
einfo " Importing Xtier Xml Registry..."
# Import the registry.
# Note: We could be dealing with an upgrade from a Pre-XFlaim registry in which
# case we would have saved the previous registry contents to let us upgrade to XFlaim based
# registry without loosing configuration settings.
einfo " Using newly installed registry file"
mkdir -p /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/
/opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -i /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml
# Make sure that novlxregd has rights to the registry db
chown -R novlxregd:novlxtier /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/
einfo " done importing Xtier Xml Registry"
# The XTier registry exists, check its integrity.
/opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -c
if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
einfo " Existing XTier Registry Db Unsupported or Corrupted"
einfo " Re-installing XTier Registry Db"
# Import the registry. Use registry file that was exported earlier if present to
# avoid losing configuration settings that may have been made.
if [ -e "/etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.export" ]; then
/opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -i /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/xtier_registry.xml.export
einfo " Exported registry file not found"
einfo " Configuration settings stored in the registry after initial install have been lost"
/opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -i /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml
# Make sure that novlxregd has rights to the registry db
chown -R novlxregd:novlxtier /var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/
einfo " done importing Xtier Xml Registry"
# Make sure that we are not leaving the temporary registry xml file around
rm -f /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.export
einfo "done running Novell XTier Base post script!"
# ***************************************
# ******* End of post script ************
# ***************************************
# ***************************************
# ******* Begin of pre-remove script ****
# ***************************************
einfo "Running Novell XTier Base preun script ..."
# Stop novell-xregd
/etc/init.d/novell-xregd stop
# Check if we need to export the XTier registry
if [ -e "/var/opt/novell/xtier/xregd/db/xtier_registry.db" ]; then
einfo " Exporting Xtier Xml Registry..."
rm -f /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.export
/opt/novell/xtier/bin/regutil -e /etc/opt/novell/xtier/xtier_registry.xml.export
einfo " done exporting Xtier Xml Registry"
einfo "done running Novell XTier Base preun script!"
# ***************************************
# ******* End of pre-remove script ******
# ***************************************
# ***************************************
# ******* Begin of postun script ********
# ***************************************
einfo "Running Novell XTier Base postun script ..."
# Delete the var files
rm -rf /var/opt/novell/xtier
einfo "done running Novell XTier Base postun script!"
# ***************************************
# ******* End of postun script **********
# ***************************************