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# ChangeLog for net-mail/novell-groupwise-gwclient
# Copyright 1999-2007 Gentoo Foundation; Distributed under the GPL v2
# $Header: $
04 Jun 2007; Mario Fetka <mario-fetka@gmx.at>
Bump Version to 7.0.2 HP1
04 Apr 2007; Mario Fetka <mario-fetka@gmx.at>
Drop old buggy ebuild
14 Mar 2007; Mario Fetka <mario-fetka@gmx.at>
Remove beta ebuild
*novell-groupwise-gwclient-7.0.1_p20060613-r1 (06 Mar 2007)
06 Mar 2007; Michael Dwyer <mdwyer@tamu.edu>
+novell-groupwise-gwclient-7.0.1_p20060613-r1.ebuild : Added new ebuild for
current stable version of the Groupwise client. This is based off of the
existing ebuilds, however the download URL has been corrected and the JRE
that comes with the download is used by default. The original behavior of
removing the Novell JRE and using the system JRE is available via the
system-jre USE flag. I personally get better performance with the Novell-
tuned JRE, YMMV. Dependecies have been changed to reflect the new option as
well as checking for any JRE (not just the Sun JDK). Finally, $JAVA_HOME has
been replaced with `java-config --jre-home`.
17 Nov 2006; Mario Fetka <mario-fetka@gmx.at>
Bump Client to 7.0.1 ir1
13 Aug 2006; Mario Fetka <mario-fetka@gmx.at>
novell-groupwise-gwclient-7.0.1_p20060613.ebuild, +metadata.xml:
Correct Typo
13 Aug 2006; Mario Fetka <mario-fetka@gmx.at> ChangeLog:
Initial groupwise-gwclient ChangeLog