2011-11-13 00:38:59 +01:00

779 lines
31 KiB

# This is the configuration-file for "mars_nwe", a free netware-emulator
# for Linux.
# last changed: 09-Nov-97
# !! section 4 : automatic creation of ipx-interfaces changed in 0.98.pl9 !!
# since version 0.98.pl11:
# the most important options in config.h can now be altered in
# this file begin at section 60.
# Most configuration errors depend on section 4.
# !! Please read section 4 very carefully. !!
# This file specifies which Linux-resources (printers, users, directories)
# should be accessible to the DOS-clients via "mars_nwe". Furthermore
# some general parameters are configured here.
# Some options of "mars_nwe" can only be altered by editing the the file
# `config.h' and re-compiling "mars_nwe", please see there for more
# information.
# Syntax of this config-file:
# - everything after a "#" is treated as a comment (particularly
# it does never belong to the values themselves)
# - entries _must_ begin with a number, indicating the section
# they belong to
# - hexadecimal values are prepended by "0x"
# All examples are verbatim.
# The term "DOS-client" does not refer to the special operating-system
# "DOS" in _this_ file. "DOS-client" is only a synomym for all possible
# ipx-clients (it's choosen for the people who are confused by the
# meaning of "client" and "server").
# The "Linux-side" of the game is always the "mars_nwe"-server.
# =========================================================================
# Section 1: volumes (required)
# In this section you list all Linux-directories accessible via "mars_nwe".
# To be more precise: a mapping from Linux-directories to mars_nwe-volumes
# is done. (Volumes are the beasts you can map to drive letters under DOS
# using "map.exe").
# Linux-directory mars_nwe-volume map.exe DOS-Drive
# /var/local/nwe/SYS -------> SYS -------------> W:
# More than one entry is allowed in this section.
# The maximum number of volumes must be specified in `config.h'
# or in section 61 in this file.
# Please note that at least the volume "SYS" must be defined and it must
# contain the following sub-directories: LOGIN, PUBLIC, SYSTEM, MAIL.
# See the installation-instructions in the doc-directory for more infos
# and the info to section 16 (tests on startup) in this file.
# !! NOTE !!
# First defined volume should always named 'SYS'.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# VOLUMENAME: the name of the mars_nwe-volume (max. 8 characters)
# DIRECTORY: the directory on your Linux-system associated with that
# volume; use the special name "~" to refer to the users
# individual home-directory.
# A directory entry like "~/tmp" also work since 0.99.pl3.
# If the netadmin wants to map the homedirectories with the MAP-Command to
# every user, he can do it in two variants:
# We suppose that the user test2 is logged in MARS_NWE. He has files
# earlier stored in his homedirectory /home/test2.
# In case of entry 1 in /etc/nwserv.conf (naturally amongst other entries)
# there are other results of the MAP-command.
# Variant 1 Variant 2
#Entry in /etc/nwserv.conf
# 1 HOMEDIR ~ k 1 HOMEDIR /home k
#Result of DIR *.* All files stored in All homedirs of the
# /home/test2 will shown. users will shown.
# Showing his own files
# it is a command like
# CD test2 and then
# dir *.* necessary.
# OPTIONS: none or some of the following characters (without a seperator)
# Next two options control DOS and OS/2 namespace.
# i ignore case, handle mixing upper/lowercase filenames (slow)
# should only be used if you really need it.
# k use lowercase-filenames (if you don't set this,
# and you don't set 'i' all files _must_ be upper-case)
# m removable volume (e.g. cd-roms) or volumes, which
# should be remountable when mars_nwe is running.
# r volume is read-only and always reports "0 byte free"
# (this is intended for copies of CD-ROMs on harddisks)
# o (lowercase o)
# volume has only one filesystem/device/namespace
# this is for filesystems with high inode > 0xFFFFFFF.
# because for namespace services mars_nwe normally use the
# first 4 bit of 32 bit inode for distinguish
# between several devices/namespaces for one volume.
# p "PIPE"-filesystem. All files are pipe commands.
# See `doc/PIPE-FS'.
# additional Namespaces
# O (uppercase o)
# + OS/2 namespace (useful for Win95 clients, see doc/FAQS).
# N + NFS namespace (not really tested).
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Examples:
# 1 SYS /var/local/nwe/SYS k
# 1 CDROM /cdrom kmor
# 1 HOME ~ k
# 1 HOMETMP ~/tmp kiO
1 SYS /u3/SYS/ k
# =========================================================================
# Section 2: servername (optional)
# The servername is the name under which this server will show up when
# using tools like "slist" (server-list).
# If you don't supply an entry for this section, the hostname of your
# Linux-machine will be converted to all-uppercase and used as the servername.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# SERVERNAME: a name for this nw-server
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example:
# 2 MARS # name of the server would be "MARS"
# =========================================================================
# Section 3: Number of the internal network (required)
# If have dealt with the TCP/IP-configuration of your Linux-Box, the term
# "ip-address" may be familiar to you. It's a numer that uniquely
# identifies your machine in the internet.
# As you might already expect, even the IPX-people use a unique number to
# identify each other. Addresses in the IPX-world always consist of a
# 4-byte "network-number" plus a 6-byte "node-number" (remember the
# ip-addresses also use 4-bytes).
# The numbering-rule for ipx-clients is easy: their "address" is the
# external-network of the server they are connected to plus the
# hardware-address of their own ethernet-card (6 byte). As a result of this
# rule, the clients can determine their address automatically (by listening
# to the server and looking at their own ethernet-hardware) and no
# configuration-files on the clients-side have to be maintained. (It would
# really be a nasty thing if you think of very many DOS-clients [remember:
# DOS is an OS where ordinary users can screw up the configuration files].)
# For internal routing purposes, a netware-server has an "internal network"
# As there is no organisation which regulates the use of network-numbers
# in the IPX-world, you have to run "slist" (under DOS or Linux) to
# determine a number that isn't already used by another server on your
# net. You better double-check and ask the other network administrators
# before using a random value because not all servers might be on-line when
# you "listen" to the net.
# A reasonable choice for the internal net-number of your mars_nwe-server
# could be the ip-address of your Linux-Box. It is reasonable because
# ip-addresse are unique and if every nw-administrator uses only this uniqe
# value, potential conflicts will be minimized. Of course this choice is
# no guarantee and it only works if your Linux-Box IP is well configured.
# Please note that you have to specify the address of your "internal
# ipx-network" in hexadecimal format (the leading "0x" indicates it).
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# INTERNAL_NET: the hexadecimal value of your "internal ipx-network". Use
# "0x0" or "auto" to refer to your ip-addresse (it's a kind of
# automagically setup)
# NODE: use "1" if you don't know what this entry is for (optional)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example:
# 3 auto 1 # 'automatic' setup, use ip-number as internal net
3 auto
# =========================================================================
# Section 4: IPX-devices (strongly recommended)
# This section contains information for the ipx-router built into mars_nwe
# and/or the external program "nwrouted".
# Both processes exchange the ipx-packets between your machine and the rest
# of the world (in other words: their functionallity is essential). Of
# course, to use one of both is already sufficient.
# Note for people with other IPX/NCP servers on the net:
# - choose the same frame-type as the other servers use
# - make sure your network-number is not already in use by another
# server (see the output of "slist" under Linux or DOS)
# Under Linux, it is possible to let the kernel creat all ipx-devices
# automatically for you. This is only possible (and only makes sense then)
# if there are other IPX/NCP servers on the same net which are setup
# correctly. It can be switched on in section '5'.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# NET_NUMBER: this number is determined by the router of the physical
# network you're attached to. Use "0x0" to use the entry
# for all network number match.
# DEVICE: the network-interface associated with the NET_NUMBER. Use
# a "*" (star) to use this entry for all devices match.
# FRAME: the frame-type of the data-packets on your local network.
# Possible values are:
# ethernet_ii :best for mixed(ipx, ip) environments
# 802.2 :Novell uses this as default since 3.12
# 802.3 :older frame typ, some boot proms use it
# snap :normally not used
# token :for token ring cards
# auto :automatic detection of the frame-type used
# in your ipx-environment
# TICKS: the time data-packets need to get delivered over a
# certain interface. If your connection goes through several
# routers, the shortest path can be determined by summing up
# all ticks for every route and compare the results.
# (1 tick = 1/18th second), default=1
# Note: If ticks > 6 then the internal router handles
# RIP/SAP specially. (RIP/SAP filtering)
# !! NOTE !!
# Automatic detection in this section means that ipx-interfaces which
# are created by other instances than the server/router,
# e.g. pppd, ipppd or ipx_interface, will be detected and inserted/removed
# in internal device/routing table at runtime.
# Automatic kernel creation of interfaces can be switched on in section 5.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Examples:
# 4 0x10 eth0 802.3 1 # setup ethernet with frame 802.3
# 4 0xa20 arc0 802.3 1 # standard arcnet (TRXNET)
# 4 0x0 * AUTO 1 # auto detection of all ipx-interfaces.
# 4 0x0 eth0 AUTO 1 # auto detection of eth0 frames.
# 4 0x0 eth0 802.2 1 # auto detection of eth0 frame 802.2.
# Note: If ticks > 6 then the internal router handles RIP/SAP specially.
# (RIP/SAP filtering)
# 4 0x0 isdn0 802.3 7 # auto isdn interface with ethernet encap.
# 4 0x0 ippp0 AUTO 7 # auto ippp0 (isdn ppp) interface.
# 4 0x0 ppp0 AUTO 7 # auto detection of ppp0 interface.
4 0x22 eth0 ethernet_ii 1
4 0x0 * AUTO 1
# Section 5: special device flags
# =========================================================================
# Flags
# 0x1 do not remove routes and ipx-devices
# beyond the lifetime of the server or router.
# If this flag is not set then all ipx-devices/routes
# will be deleted when nwserv/nwrouted ends (default).
# 0x2 Switch on automatic kernel creation of ipx-interfaces.
# The automatic kernel creating of ipx-devices sometimes
# make trouble (Win95). It should only be used in the
# beginning or for testing.
# other flags may follow.
# value will be interpreted as hex value.
5 0x0
# =========================================================================
# Section 6: version-"spoofing"
# Some clients work better if the server tells that it is a 3.11 Server,
# although many calls (namespace services) of a real 3.11 Server are
# missing yet.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# SERVER_VERSION: the version-number reported to DOS-clients
# 0 Version 2.15 (was default till version 0.98.pl7)
# 1 Version 3.11 (is default now)
# 2 Version 3.12
# If you want to use longfilenamesupport and/or namespace routines
# you should set this section to '1' or '2'
# And you should read doc/FAQS.
# FLAGS: some flags
# &1 enable burst mode connections.
# If you want to test Burst mode this flag must be set.
# and in config.h you must set ENABLE_BURSTMODE to 1.
# other flags may follow.
# value will be interpreted as hex value.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 1 0x0
# =========================================================================
# Section 7: password handling of DOS-clients (required)
# When changing your "mars_nwe"-password from a DOS-client, this client
# (think of "LOGIN.EXE", "SYSCON.EXE" or "SETPASS.EXE") can encrypt your
# password before sending it to the "mars_nwe"-server (this improves
# security a little bit).
# In this section you can enforce encryption of user-passwords or allow
# not-encrypted sending of passwords over the net.
# On the Linux-side, passwords will only be stored in encrypted format.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# 7 Value
# Value:
# 0 enforce encryption of _all_ passwords by the DOS-client
# (default)
# 1 as "0", but allow the non-encrypted version of the
# "change password"-routine.
# 7 allow all non-encrypted stuff but no empty nwe passwords.
# 8 allow all non-encrypted stuff and also allow empty
# nwe-passwords.
# 9 use all non-encryted calls + "get crypt key" will always fail
# so the login program will use the old unencryted calls.
# this will *not* work with all clients !! (OS2/client)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 0
# Section 8: special login/logout/security and other flags.
# =========================================================================
# Flags
# 0x1 allow changing dir/accessing other files than login/*
# when not logged in, if the client supports it.
# ( this was standard till mars_nwe-0.98.pl4 )
# 0x2 switch on strange compatibility mode for opening files.
# If an opencall do an open for writing but
# the file is readonly then this call will not fail
# but open the file readonly.
# 0x4 allow the rename file call (NCP function 0x45)
# renaming of directories.
# normally the rename file call returns an error if this
# routine is used for renaming directories.
# 0x8 ignore station/time restrictions for supervisor.
# 0x10 allows deleting a file even if the file is opened by
# other process.
# ( this was standard before mars_nwe-0.99.pl0 )
# 0x20 store file base entries for later use.
# Normally only directory base entries are stored.
# necessary if using ncpfs as mars_nwe client.
# 0x40 limit's volume's free space info to 2 GB.
# in some volume info calls.
# some DOS clients need it.
# other flags may follow.
# value will be interpreted as hex value.
8 0x0
# Section 9: Standard creat mode for creating directories and files.
# =========================================================================
# mkdir mode (creat mode directories), creat mode files
# values are always interpreted as octal values !
# if 0 is specified then the standard umask will be used.
# 9 0755 0664
9 0755 0664
# Section 10: UID and GID with minimal rights
# =========================================================================
# When loading the netware-drivers in the "autoexec.bat" of your
# DOS-client, you automatically "attach" to a netware-server.
# As a result, a new drive-letter is accessible under DOS, usally
# containing the programs "login.exe" and "slist.exe".
# Because you haven't logged in, nothing else of the netware-server
# will be visible to you. All actions requested from the DOS-client
# will be done with the following UID and GID on the Linux-side in this
# case.
# To achieve some level of security, the user/group asscociated with
# the UID and GID should only have _read_ rights on the files visible,
# _nothing_ else.
# On most Linux-systems, there is a user and group "nobody" defined in
# `/etc/passwd' and `/etc/group'. Use the number of that user/group
# for the following entries.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# 10 GID
# 11 UID
# GID numeric number of the group
# UID numeric number of the user
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example:
# 10 65534
# 11 65534
10 65534
11 65534
# =========================================================================
# Section 12: supervisor-login (required)
# The "supervisor" of a nw-server is much like "root" on the Linux-side.
# Specify a Linux-user that should be mapped to the supervisor of this
# mars_nwe-server.
# To improve security, don't use "root" for this purpose but create a
# seperate administrative account (under Linux) called "nw-adm" or similar.
# The nw-user defined in this section will have the mars_nwe internal UID
# "1" (remember even under Linux "root" must have the special UID "0"), so
# it is not possible to define a supervisor in section 13 (the users
# defined there will get random UIDs).
# You _can_ define a user with name "SUPERVISOR" in section 13, but he
# won't really be the "local god" on the "mars_nwe"-server.
# And of course you _can_ define a supervisor with name "GOD" or "ROOT"
# in _this_ section, which would only break the traditional naming-scheme
# of the netware-world.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# NW_LOGIN: the login-name for the "mars_nwe"-server (traditionally,
# this is "SUPERVISOR")
# LINUX_LOGIN: the account on the Linux-side associated with the NW_LOGIN
# PASSWORD: the password for the NW_LOGIN. It must be clear-text but
# will be encrypted and permanent stored in the
# bindery-files, so it (the password or the whole section, at
# your option) can be deleted after the first start of
# "nwserv".
# Make sure this file is not world-readable as long
# as the password stands here.
# If you leave this field blank when starting "mars_nwe" the
# first time, the supervisor-login will be completely
# disabled. In other words: there is no way to supply the
# supervisor with no password ("null-password").
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example:
# 12 SUPERVISOR nw-adm top-secret
# =========================================================================
# Section 13: user-logins (optional)
# You can provide mappings from the regular login-names of your Linux-Box
# to "mars_nwe"-logins here.
# Every "mars_nwe"-user _must_ have a login-name on the Linux side (even
# if he can't log in into the account associated with the login-name,
# because you locked it with a "*") in order to "own" files.
# If you specify a Linux-login that doesn't exist (one could think of a
# typo), the user will only have the minimal rights defined in
# sections 10/11.
# You may also map different mars_nwe user to the same unix user.
# See section 12 for a description of the syntax.
# Unlike in section 12, you can define users with no password.
# If you explizit want to set 'no password' here then use
# a '-' sign as password.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# FLAGS must be a hex value begin with 0x
# the only FLAG value in the moment is 0x1 for 'fixed passwords'
# which cannot be changed by user.
# Example:
# 13 MARTIN martin
# 13 DAREK martin
# 13 COMMON common gast 0x1 # no password change by user.
# 13 COMMON common 0x1 # syntax is allowed too.
# Section 14: currently not used
# =========================================================================
# Section 15: automatic mapping of logins (decision required)
# If you have a large number of accounts on your Linux-machine, you may
# want to map all Linux-logins automatically to "mars_nwe"-logins.
# At this stage this section is only a quick hack to make life a bit
# easier for the administrator.
# WARNING: as there is no algorithm to convert the encrypted
# "Linux-passwords" into the encrypted format used by the DOS-clients (and
# therefore "mars_nwe"), you have to supply a common password for all
# automatically mapped users. This is a big security concern and you
# should never make this common password public (and, of course you
# should choose a sufficient "secure" (read: difficult) password).
# Type the common password to grant access to the users login and the
# command "setpass" instead of telling the password to the user.
# Only those Linux-logins will handled automatically that don't have a
# "x" or "*" as their encrypted password.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# 0 DON'T map the Linux-logins automatically to
# "mars_nwe"-logins (default)
# 1 YES, DO the automatic mapping and provide every login
# created this way with the common password given with
# 99 re-read the logins from /etc/passwd and overwrite even the
# already existing logins from the bindery (this will also
# reset all the passwords to "DEFAULT_PASSWORD")
# DEFAULT_PASSWORD: the common password for all automatically created
# logins (only needed if FLAG is not "0"); everything about
# password in section 12 applies to this.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 0 top-secret
# =========================================================================
# Section 16: Tests on startup
# If you want some sanity checks at startup, set this flag to 1.
# "mars_nwe" will try to create/change missing directories:
# (with the "right" permissions, of course) if you enable this.
# should also be enabled when you use a new mars_nwe version.
# Disabling this test only spares little time when starting mars_nwe.
16 1
# Section 17-20: currently not used
# =========================================================================
# Section 21: print queues (optional)
# Which of the printers connected to your Linux-box should be accessible
# from the DOS-clients?
# Multiple entries are allowed.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# QUEUE_NAME: the name of the print queue on client-side (to make it
# perfectly clear: _not_ the Linux-queue)
# QUEUE_DIR: spooling directory for the print-jobs.
# The name is the DOS (not Unix) name of this
# directory.
# It must be placed on the first defined volume.
# (standard name is SYS volume).
# Then it will be created at starttime of mars_nwe.
# It must exist before printing.
# (_not_ the spooling-directories of the Linux-lpd)
# NOTE !
# A '-' sign as QUEUE_DIR has special meaning of
# 'standard' queuedir name. ( SYS:\SYSTEM\queueid.QDR )
# PRINT_COMMAND: command used for serving the print-jobs under Linux
# (see "man lpr" and "man magicfilter" for details)
# if the '!' is last parameter of command then
# the queue-packet fields 'banner_user_name'
# and 'banner_file_name' will be added to the
# command as last parameters.
# NOTE !
# If a print command is not specified the job can/must be
# printed by any print server.
# (e.g. pserver (ncpfs utils) or external printserver)
# Examples:
# 21 LASER - lpr -Plaser
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# =========================================================================
# Section 22: print server entries (optional)
# adds printserver entries into bindery
# e.g. to enable printing with ncpfs pserver
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# Examples:
# =========================================================================
# Section 30: Burst mode values (optional)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# default is 0x2000 0x2000
# Examples:
# 30 0x2000 0x2000
# =========================================================================
# Section 40ff: Some pathes (optional)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 40 = path for vol/dev/inode->path cache, needed for client-32,namespace
40 /var/spool/nwserv/.volcache
# 41 = path for share/lock files
41 /var/spool/nwserv/.locks
# 42 = path for spool dir
42 /var/spool/nwserv
# 45 = path for bindery file's
45 /etc
# =========================================================================
# Section 50: Conversion tables by Victor Khimenko <>
# Tables for DOS->Unix names translation & upper/lowercase translations
# For more information see doc/README.NLS
# some examples files exist in the examples directory.
# Conversation file must include 4 tables a 256 byte.
# 0 = dos2unix
# 1 = unix2dos
# 2 = down2up 'dosname'
# 3 = up2down 'dosname'
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Syntax:
# 50 Filename of conversation file.
# Examples:
# 50 /etc/nwserv.cnv
# Changing defaults from config.h
# more information in config.h
# 61 10 # MAX_NW_VOLS
# 68 1 # USE_MMAP (use mmap=1, no mmap=0)
# 69 0 # HANDLE_ALL_SAP_TYPS (all sap typs=1, only typ 4=0)
# 70 0x44444444 # NETWORK_SERIAL_NMBR (4 byte)
# 71 0x2222 # NETWORK_APPL_NMBR (2 byte)
# --------------------------------------------------------
# You usally don't want to change anything below this line
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Sections 100-106: amount of debug-information
# 0 no debug messages
# 1 errors and notes are reported
# 99 maximum debug levels
100 0 # debug IPX KERNEL (0 | 1)
101 1 # debug NWSERV
102 0 # debug NCPSERV
103 0 # debug NWCONN
104 0 # debug (start) NWCLIENT, should *always* be '0' !
105 0 # debug NWBIND
106 1 # debug NWROUTED
# Sections 200-202: logging of "nwserv"
200 1 # 0 = no logfile and dont daemonize nwserv/nwrouted
# 1 = daemonize nwserv/nwrouted and use logfile
201 /var/log/nw.log # filename of logfile
#201 syslog # if filename == syslog then syslogd will be used for
# all messages
202 0x1 # flag in hex notation
# 0x0=append all messages to logfile.
# & 0x1=creat new logfile instead of appending.
#202 0x3 # & 0x2=use syslogd for error messages instead of logfile.
# Sections 210,211: timing
210 10 # 1 .. 600 (default 10) seconds after server
# really goes down after a down command
211 60 # 10 .. 600 (default 60) broadcasts every x seconds
# Sections 300-302: loging of routing-information
300 1 # > 0 print routing info to file every x broadcasts.
# ( normally minutes )
301 /var/log/nw.routes # filename of logfile
302 0x1 # flags will be interpreted as hex value.
# 0 = append to this file
# & 0x1 = creat new routing info file
# & 0x2 = split info into several files
# (extensions = .1, .2, .3 ... )
# Section 310: watchdogs
310 7 # send wdog's only to device net < x ticks.
# 0 = always send wdogs. < 0 = never send wdogs
# Section 400:
# station file for special handling of stations.
400 /etc/nwserv.stations # for syntax see file in the examples directory.
# Section 401: nearest server
# for special handling of the 'get nearest server request'.
401 0 # 0 = ignore entry 400, get nearest response always enabled.
# 1 = 400 are excludes, get nearest response normally enabled.
# 2 = 400 are includes, get nearest response normally disabled.
# Section 402: station connect restrictions
# for special handling of the 'creat connection' (attach) call.
402 0 # 0 = ignore entry 400, create connection always enabled.
# 1 = 400 are excludes, create connection normally enabled.
# 2 = 400 are includes, create connection normally disabled.