/* trustee.c 15-Apr-00 */ /* (C)opyright (C) 1998,2000 Martin Stover, Marburg, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ /* Trusttee routines for mars_nwe */ #include "net.h" #include #include "unxfile.h" #include "nwvolume.h" #include "connect.h" #include "trustee.h" /* right access routines depending on unix rights */ static int un_nw_rights(int voloptions, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb) /* returns eff rights of file/dir depending on unix rights only */ /* therefore only root gets TRUSTEE_S by this routine */ { int rights=0xff; /* first all, pconsole needs TRUSTEE_O */ int is_pipe_command=(voloptions & VOL_OPTION_IS_PIPE) && !S_ISFIFO(stb->st_mode); if (act_uid || is_pipe_command || (voloptions & VOL_OPTION_READONLY)) { int is_dir = S_ISDIR(stb->st_mode); int acc = get_unix_eff_rights(stb); int norights = TRUSTEE_A; /* no access control rights */ struct stat stbp; uint8 *p = unixname+strlen(unixname); memset(&stbp, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); if (p > unixname){ /* now we must get parent rights */ --p; while (p>unixname && *p=='/') --p; /* remove trailing slash */ while (p>unixname && *p!='/') --p; /* search for slash */ while (p>unixname && *p=='/') --p; /* and remove it */ if (p > unixname) { /* found subdir */ *(p+1)='\0'; if (stat(unixname, &stbp) || (stbp.st_dev==stb->st_dev && stbp.st_ino==stb->st_ino) || !S_ISDIR(stbp.st_mode) ){ /* something wrong here, clear rights */ errorp(0,"un_nw_rights", "wrong path=%s", unixname); memset(&stbp, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); } *(p+1)='/'; } else { if (stat("/.", &stbp)) memset(&stbp, 0, sizeof(struct stat)); } } if (!stbp.st_mode) { XDPRINTF((1,0, "no rights to parentdir of %s", unixname)); norights=rights; } else { int accp=get_unix_eff_rights(&stbp); if (!(accp & X_OK)) norights=rights; else if (!(accp & W_OK)) { norights |= TRUSTEE_E; /* no erase right */ norights |= TRUSTEE_M; /* no modify rights */ } } if (voloptions & VOL_OPTION_READONLY) { norights |= TRUSTEE_E; /* no erase right */ norights |= TRUSTEE_M; /* no modify rights */ norights |= TRUSTEE_C; /* no creat rights */ } else if ((!acc||is_dir||is_pipe_command) && !(acc&X_OK)) { norights = rights; } else if (is_pipe_command) { norights |= TRUSTEE_E; /* no erase right */ norights |= TRUSTEE_M; /* no modify rights */ norights |= TRUSTEE_C; /* no creat rights */ } if (!(acc & 0x30)){ /* if not user and not in groups */ norights |= TRUSTEE_M; /* no modify rights */ } if (!(acc & W_OK)) { if (!(acc & 0x10) || (stb->st_uid == default_uid)){ norights |= TRUSTEE_M; /* no modify rights */ } norights |= TRUSTEE_E; /* no erase */ norights |= TRUSTEE_C; /* no creat */ norights |= TRUSTEE_W; /* no write */ } if (!(acc & R_OK)) { norights |= TRUSTEE_R; /* No read rights for files */ if (is_dir) norights |= TRUSTEE_F; /* no scan rights */ } rights &= (~norights); } else rights |= TRUSTEE_S; /* Root always has all access rights */ return(rights); } #define MAX_TRUSTEES 100 /* max. trustee entries for one file/dir */ #define MAX_TRUSTEE_CACHE 50 /* max. trusttees in cache */ typedef struct { int trustee; uint32 id; } IDS_TRUSTEE; typedef struct { int volume; int dev; int inode; int idle; /* idle state */ int mode_flags; /* * &0x01 is directory * &0x02 is_root * &0x04 is_symlink * &0x08 dev changed, will be set by trustees scan * &0x10 dev differs from volume's dev * will be set by trustees scan * is important to prevent trustee changes by * normal user (not user 'root') */ int inherited_mask; /* for all users */ int eff_rights; /* for actual user */ /* trustees for this node */ int trustee_count; IDS_TRUSTEE *trustees; } FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE; typedef struct { int count; FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr[MAX_TRUSTEE_CACHE]; } TRUSTEE_CACHE; static TRUSTEE_CACHE *tr_cache=NULL; static void free_trustee_node(FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tn) { if (tn) { xfree(tn->trustees); xfree(tn); } } void tru_free_cache(int volume) /* free's cache for one volume or all volume's if volume == -1 */ { if (tr_cache) { int i=tr_cache->count; while(i--) { FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=tr_cache->tr[i]; if (tr && (volume == -1 || tr->volume == volume)){ free_trustee_node(tr); tr_cache->tr[i]=NULL; if (i+1 == tr_cache->count) --tr_cache->count; } } } if (volume == -1) xfree(tr_cache); } static void add_trustee_node(FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *trn) { if (trn) { int i; int max_idle = 0; int found_idle = -1; int to_use = -1; if (!tr_cache) tr_cache=(TRUSTEE_CACHE*)xcmalloc(sizeof(TRUSTEE_CACHE)); for (i=0;i < tr_cache->count; i++) { FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=tr_cache->tr[i]; if (!tr) { if (to_use < 0) to_use=i; } else { if (tr->mode_flags&1) tr->idle++; /* dirs should not become idle so fast */ else tr->idle+=10; /* as files */ if (tr->idle > max_idle) { found_idle=i; max_idle=tr->idle; } } } if (to_use < 0) { if (tr_cache->count < MAX_TRUSTEE_CACHE) to_use=tr_cache->count++; else { to_use=found_idle; free_trustee_node(tr_cache->tr[to_use]); } } tr_cache->tr[to_use]=trn; } } static FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *find_trustee_node(int volume, int dev, int inode) { if (vol_trustees_were_changed(volume)) return(NULL); if (tr_cache) { int i=-1; while (++i < tr_cache->count) { FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=tr_cache->tr[i]; if (tr && tr->volume == volume && tr->dev == dev && tr->inode == inode){ tr->idle=0; return(tr); } } } return(NULL); } static int find_id_trustee(FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr, uint32 id) { int i=0; IDS_TRUSTEE *ids=tr->trustees; while (i++ < tr->trustee_count) { if (ids->id == id) return(ids->trustee); ids++; } return(-1); /* not found */ } static int grps_count=0; static uint32 *grps_grps=NULL; static int cmp_uint32(const void *e1, const void *e2) { if (*((uint32*)e1) < *((uint32*)e2)) return(-1); if (*((uint32*)e1) > *((uint32*)e2)) return(1); return(0); } static int grp_exist(uint32 grp_id) /* returns 1 if grp_id exist */ { return( (NULL == bsearch(&grp_id, grps_grps, (size_t)grps_count, (size_t)sizeof(uint32), cmp_uint32)) ? 0 : 1); } void tru_init_trustees(int count, uint32 *grps) /* must be called after new loging */ { tru_free_cache(-1); xfree(grps_grps); grps_count=count; if (count) { grps_grps=(uint32*)xmalloc(sizeof(uint32) * count); memcpy(grps_grps, grps, sizeof(uint32) * count); qsort(grps_grps, (size_t)grps_count, (size_t)sizeof(uint32), cmp_uint32); } } static void creat_trustee_path(int volume, int dev, ino_t inode, uint8 *path) /* is always called with uid = 0 */ { char buf[256]; uint8 buf_uc[4]; char volname[100]; if (nw_get_volume_name(volume, volname, sizeof(volname) ) < 1) return; U32_TO_BE32(inode, buf_uc); slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s/%s/%x/%x/%x/%x/n.%x", path_trustees, volname, dev, (int) buf_uc[0], (int) buf_uc[1], (int) buf_uc[2], (int) buf_uc[3]); unlink(buf); if (symlink(path, buf)) { XDPRINTF((0,0,"creat_trustee_path buf=`%s`, path=`%s` failed", buf, path)); } } static int put_trustee_to_disk(int volume, int dev, ino_t inode, uint32 id, int trustee) /* is always called with uid = 0 */ /* if id=0, it means inherited_mask */ { char buf[256]; char btrustee[256]; int l; uint8 buf_uc[4]; char volname[100]; if (nw_get_volume_name(volume, volname, sizeof(volname) ) < 1) return(-0xff); U32_TO_BE32(inode, buf_uc); l=slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s/%s/%x/%x/%x/%x/t.%x", path_trustees, volname, dev, (int) buf_uc[0], (int) buf_uc[1], (int) buf_uc[2], (int) buf_uc[3]); unx_xmkdir(buf, 0755); slprintf(buf+l, sizeof(buf) -l -1, "/%x", (unsigned int) id); unlink(buf); l=slprintf(btrustee, sizeof(btrustee)-1, "%04x", (unsigned int) trustee); return(symlink(btrustee, buf) ? -0xff : 0); } static int get_trustee_from_disk(int volume, int dev, ino_t inode, uint32 id, int *trustee) /* * if id=0, it means inherited_mask * return 0 if 0, < 0 if error */ { char buf[256]; char btrustee[256]; int l; uint8 buf_uc[4]; char volname[100]; if (nw_get_volume_name(volume, volname, sizeof(volname) ) < 1) return(-0xff); U32_TO_BE32(inode, buf_uc); slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s/%s/%x/%x/%x/%x/t.%x/%x", path_trustees, volname, dev, (int) buf_uc[0], (int) buf_uc[1], (int) buf_uc[2], (int) buf_uc[3], (unsigned int)id); l = readlink(buf, btrustee, 254); if (l > 0) { unsigned int utrustee=0; btrustee[l]='\0'; if (1 == sscanf(btrustee, "%x", &utrustee)) { *trustee = (int)utrustee; return(0); } } return(-0xff); } static int del_trustee_from_disk(int volume, int dev, ino_t inode, uint32 id) /* removes users id trustee */ { char buf[256]; int result=-0xfe; /* no such trustee */ uint8 buf_uc[4]; char volname[100]; if (nw_get_volume_name(volume, volname, sizeof(volname) ) < 1) return(result); U32_TO_BE32(inode, buf_uc); slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s/%s/%x/%x/%x/%x/t.%x/%x", path_trustees, volname, dev, (int) buf_uc[0], (int) buf_uc[1], (int) buf_uc[2], (int) buf_uc[3], (unsigned int)id); seteuid(0); if (!unlink(buf)) result=0; reseteuid(); return(result); } unsigned int tru_vol_sernum(int volume, int mode) /* mode == 0, reads sernum, else change sernum, returns new sernum */ { char volname[100]; char buf[256]; char buf1[20]; int len; unsigned int sernum=0; if (nw_get_volume_name(volume, volname, sizeof(volname) ) < 1) return(-1); slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s/%s/ts", path_trustees, volname); len=readlink(buf, buf1, sizeof(buf1)-1); if (len>0) { buf1[len]='\0'; if (1!=sscanf(buf1,"%x", &sernum)) sernum=0; } if (mode) { if (++sernum==MAX_U32) sernum=1; seteuid(0); unlink(buf); slprintf(buf1, sizeof(buf1)-1, "%x", sernum); if (symlink(buf1, buf)) errorp(0, "rw_trustee_sernum", "symlink %s %s failed", buf1, buf); reseteuid(); tru_free_cache(volume); } return(sernum); } void tru_free_file_trustees_from_disk(int volume, int dev, ino_t inode) /* is called if directory/file is removed */ { char buf[256]; uint8 buf_uc[4]; int len; char volname[100]; if (nw_get_volume_name(volume, volname, sizeof(volname) ) < 1) return; U32_TO_BE32(inode, buf_uc); len=slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s/%s/%x/%x/%x/%x/", path_trustees, volname, dev, (int) buf_uc[0], (int) buf_uc[1], (int) buf_uc[2]); slprintf(buf+len, sizeof(buf) - len -1, "t.%x", (int)buf_uc[3]); seteuid(0); unx_xrmdir(buf); /* now we remove the name of the dir/file */ slprintf(buf+len, sizeof(buf) -len -1, "n.%x", (int)buf_uc[3]); unlink(buf); reseteuid(); } int tru_del_trustee(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb, uint32 id) { int result=-0x85; /* we say no privileges */ int voloptions = get_volume_options(volume); if ( (voloptions & VOL_OPTION_TRUSTEES) && ( (tru_get_eff_rights(volume, unixname, stb) & TRUSTEE_A) || (act_id_flags&1)) ) { result=del_trustee_from_disk(volume, stb->st_dev, stb->st_ino, id); if (!result) tru_vol_sernum(volume, 1); /* trustee sernum needs updated */ } MDEBUG(D_TRUSTEES, { xdprintf(1,0, "tru_del_trustee: id=%08lx, volume=%d, file=`%s`, result=-0x%x", id, volume, unixname, -result); }) return(result); } static FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *create_trustee_node(int volume, int dev, ino_t inode, int mode_flags) /* * mode_flags: &1=directory, &2=root, &4=symlink, &0x8 dev changes * &0x10 dev differs from volumes dev. */ { char buf[256]; int l; uint8 buf_uc[4]; DIR *d; char volname[100]; FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr = (FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE*)xcmalloc(sizeof(FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE)); tr->volume = volume; tr->dev = dev; tr->inode = inode; tr->mode_flags = mode_flags; tr->inherited_mask = (mode_flags&0xe) ? 0 /* root dir or symlink no rights */ : MAX_TRUSTEE_MASK; /* default all allowed */ tr->eff_rights = -1; /* not yet set */ U32_TO_BE32(inode, buf_uc); (void)nw_get_volume_name(volume, volname, sizeof(volname) ); l=slprintf(buf, sizeof(buf)-1, "%s/%s/%x/%x/%x/%x/t.%x", path_trustees, volname, dev, (int) buf_uc[0], (int) buf_uc[1], (int) buf_uc[2], (int) buf_uc[3]); if (NULL != (d= opendir(buf)) ) { uint8 *p=buf+l; struct dirent *dirbuff; int trustee_count=0; IDS_TRUSTEE trustees[MAX_TRUSTEES]; *p++ = '/'; while (trustee_count < MAX_TRUSTEES && (dirbuff = readdir(d)) != (struct dirent*)NULL){ if (dirbuff->d_ino && dirbuff->d_name[0] != '.') { char btrustee[255]; int len; unsigned int id; if (1 == sscanf(dirbuff->d_name, "%x", &id)) { len = (int)(p - (uint8*)buf); strmaxcpy(p, dirbuff->d_name, sizeof(buf) - len -1); len=readlink(buf, btrustee, 254); if (len > 0) { unsigned int utrustee=0; btrustee[len]='\0'; if (1 == sscanf(btrustee, "%x", &utrustee)) { if (id) { trustees[trustee_count].id = (uint32) id; trustees[trustee_count].trustee = (int) utrustee; trustee_count++; } else tr->inherited_mask=(int)utrustee; } } } } } /* while */ closedir(d); tr->trustee_count=trustee_count; if (trustee_count) { tr->trustees=(IDS_TRUSTEE*)xcmalloc(sizeof(IDS_TRUSTEE)*trustee_count); while (trustee_count--){ tr->trustees[trustee_count].id = trustees[trustee_count].id; tr->trustees[trustee_count].trustee = trustees[trustee_count].trustee; } } } return(tr); } static FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *find_creat_add_trustee_node( int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb) { FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=find_trustee_node(volume, stb->st_dev, stb->st_ino); if (!tr) { struct stat lstatbuf; int mode_flags=S_ISDIR(stb->st_mode) ? 1:0; if ( lstat(unixname, &lstatbuf) || (lstatbuf.st_dev != stb->st_dev) || (lstatbuf.st_ino != stb->st_ino) || S_ISLNK(lstatbuf.st_mode) ) { mode_flags|=4; } tr=create_trustee_node(volume, stb->st_dev, stb->st_ino, mode_flags); add_trustee_node(tr); } return(tr); } int tru_get_id_trustee(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb, uint32 id) /* is called by vol_trustee_scan */ { int voloptions=get_volume_options(volume); if (voloptions&VOL_OPTION_TRUSTEES){ FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=find_creat_add_trustee_node(volume, unixname, stb); return(find_id_trustee(tr, id)); } return(-0x85); } static FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *find_build_trustee_node(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb); static int local_tru_add_trustee_set(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb, int count, NW_OIC *nwoic) { int voloptions = get_volume_options(volume); int own_eff_rights; int result=-0x85; /* we say no privileges */ if ( (voloptions & VOL_OPTION_TRUSTEES) && ( ((own_eff_rights=tru_get_eff_rights(volume, unixname, stb)) & TRUSTEE_A) || (act_id_flags&1) )) { /* FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=find_trustee_node(volume, stb->st_dev, stb->st_ino); */ /* mst:11-May-00 */ FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=find_build_trustee_node(volume, unixname, stb); if (tr && (!(tr->mode_flags&0x18) || !act_uid)) { int volumenamelen = get_volume_unixnamlen(volume); uint8 ufnbuf[2]; uint8 *ufn; seteuid(0); while (count--) { if (! ((own_eff_rights & TRUSTEE_S) || (act_id_flags&1)) ) { /* only user with TRUSTEE_S are allowed to set TRUSTEE_S */ if (nwoic->trustee&TRUSTEE_S) nwoic->trustee&=~TRUSTEE_S; } result=put_trustee_to_disk(volume, stb->st_dev, stb->st_ino, nwoic->id, nwoic->trustee); MDEBUG(D_TRUSTEES, { xdprintf(1,0, "tru_add_trustee_set: id=%08lx, trustee=0x%04x, volume=%d, file=`%s`, result=-0x%x", nwoic->id, nwoic->trustee, volume, unixname, -result); }) if (result){ reseteuid(); goto func_err; } nwoic++; } ufn=unixname+min(strlen(unixname), volumenamelen); if (!*ufn) { /* is volume direct */ ufn=ufnbuf; *ufn='.'; *(ufn+1)='\0'; } creat_trustee_path(volume, stb->st_dev, stb->st_ino, ufn); reseteuid(); #if 0 /* now in tru_add_trustee_set */ tru_vol_sernum(volume, 1); /* trustee sernum needs updated */ #endif return(0); } } func_err: XDPRINTF((1,0, "user %08x tried to add trustees to %s, result=-0x%x", act_obj_id, unixname, -result)); tru_free_cache(-1); return(result); /* we say no privileges */ } int tru_add_trustee_set(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb, int count, NW_OIC *nwoic) { int result = local_tru_add_trustee_set(volume, unixname, stb, count, nwoic); if (!result) { /* mst: 13-Apr-00 */ int len = strlen(unixname); int vollen = get_volume_unixnamlen(volume); char *p = unixname+len; char *volp = unixname+vollen; seteuid(0); while (--p > volp) { if (*p == '/') { struct stat statb; *p='\0'; if (!stat(unixname, &statb)){ int i; NW_OIC *poic=nwoic; for (i=0; i < count; i++) { int trustee = 0; if (poic->id) { get_trustee_from_disk(volume, statb.st_dev, statb.st_ino, poic->id, &trustee); if ( !(trustee & (TRUSTEE_T|TRUSTEE_F)) ) { trustee |= TRUSTEE_T; put_trustee_to_disk(volume, statb.st_dev, statb.st_ino, poic->id, trustee); } } poic++; } } *p='/'; } } reseteuid(); tru_vol_sernum(volume, 1); /* trustee sernum needs updated */ } return (result); } int tru_get_trustee_set(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb, int sequence, int maxcount, uint32 *ids, int *trustees) { int voloptions = get_volume_options(volume); if (voloptions & VOL_OPTION_TRUSTEES) { int offset = sequence*maxcount; int count = 0; FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=find_creat_add_trustee_node(volume, unixname, stb); while (offset < tr->trustee_count && count < maxcount) { *ids=tr->trustees[offset].id; ids++; *trustees=tr->trustees[offset].trustee; trustees++; offset++; count++; } if (count) return(count); } return(-0x9c); /* no more trustees */ } int tru_set_inherited_mask(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb, int new_mask) /* sets inherited mask of directory */ { int voloptions = get_volume_options(volume); if ( (voloptions & VOL_OPTION_TRUSTEES) && ( (tru_get_eff_rights(volume, unixname, stb) & TRUSTEE_A) || (act_id_flags&1)) ) { FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=find_trustee_node(volume, stb->st_dev, stb->st_ino); if (tr && (!(tr->mode_flags&0x1e) || !act_uid)) { int result; seteuid(0); result=put_trustee_to_disk(volume, stb->st_dev, stb->st_ino, 0L, new_mask); reseteuid(); if (!result) tru_vol_sernum(volume, 1); /* trustee sernum needs updated */ return(result); } } return(-0x85); /* we say no privileges */ } int tru_get_inherited_mask(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb) /* returns inherited mask of directory */ { int voloptions = get_volume_options(volume); if (voloptions & VOL_OPTION_TRUSTEES){ FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=find_creat_add_trustee_node(volume, unixname, stb); return(tr->inherited_mask); } return(0x01ff); /* default */ } static int insert_ugid_trustee(IDS_TRUSTEE *ugid_trustees, int count, uint32 id, int trustee) /* return 1 if inserted, else 0 */ { while (count--) { if (ugid_trustees->id==id) { ugid_trustees->trustee|=trustee; return(0); } ugid_trustees++; } ugid_trustees->id=id; ugid_trustees->trustee=trustee; return(1); } static int build_trustee_rights(FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr, IDS_TRUSTEE *ugid_trustees, int count) /* this routine must be called root to leaf */ { if (tr) { int i = tr->trustee_count; IDS_TRUSTEE *trn = tr->trustees; int k = count; if (tr->mode_flags & (8|4|2)) { /* dev changed or root volume or symlink */ if ( (tr->mode_flags&2) && (act_id_flags&1) ) { /* root directory and supervisor equivalences */ /* get all trusttee rights */ if (insert_ugid_trustee(ugid_trustees, count, act_obj_id, MAX_TRUSTEE_MASK)) count++; } else { /* trusteess will not be passed to childs */ while (k--) { /* first we set all to null */ (ugid_trustees+k)->trustee = 0; } } /* inherited_mask will be 0 */ tr->inherited_mask=0; } else { while (k--) { /* trusteess will be passed to childs but */ /* first we mask all with inherited_mask */ (ugid_trustees+k)->trustee &= tr->inherited_mask; } } while (i--) { /* now we read all trustees for this node */ if (trn->id == act_obj_id || grp_exist(trn->id)){ if (insert_ugid_trustee(ugid_trustees, count, trn->id, trn->trustee)) count++; } trn++; } /* while */ /* now we build eff_rights for this node */ tr->eff_rights=0; for (k=0; k < count; k++) { tr->eff_rights |= (ugid_trustees+k)->trustee; } } return(count); } static FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *find_build_trustee_node(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb) { FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr=find_creat_add_trustee_node(volume, unixname, stb); if (tr->eff_rights < 0) { /* now we must rebuild eff rights */ int count=0; IDS_TRUSTEE *ugid_trustees= (IDS_TRUSTEE*)xcmalloc((grps_count+1)*sizeof(IDS_TRUSTEE)); struct stat stb1; (void)get_volume_inode(volume, &stb1); if (stb1.st_ino != stb->st_ino || stb1.st_dev != stb->st_dev) { /* is not volumes root */ int volumenamelen = get_volume_unixnamlen(volume); char *p = unixname+volumenamelen; int last_dev = stb1.st_dev; int volumes_dev = stb1.st_dev; FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr1=find_trustee_node( volume, stb1.st_dev, stb1.st_ino); if (!tr1) { tr1=create_trustee_node(volume, stb1.st_dev, stb1.st_ino, 3); add_trustee_node(tr1); } else tr1->mode_flags|=3; /* build trustees for unix volume */ count=build_trustee_rights(tr1, ugid_trustees, count); while (*p=='/')++p; while (NULL != (p=strchr(p, '/'))) { *p = '\0'; if (!stat(unixname, &stb1)) { if (stb1.st_ino != stb->st_ino || stb1.st_dev != stb->st_dev) { int mode_flags=S_ISDIR(stb1.st_mode)?1:0; tr1=find_trustee_node(volume, stb1.st_dev, stb1.st_ino); if (last_dev != stb1.st_dev) { last_dev = stb1.st_dev; mode_flags |= 0x8; } if (volumes_dev != stb1.st_dev) mode_flags|=0x10; if (!tr1) { struct stat lstatbuf; if ( lstat(unixname, &lstatbuf) || (lstatbuf.st_dev != stb1.st_dev) || (lstatbuf.st_ino != stb1.st_ino) || S_ISLNK(lstatbuf.st_mode) ) { mode_flags|=4; } tr1=create_trustee_node(volume, stb1.st_dev, stb1.st_ino, mode_flags); add_trustee_node(tr1); } else tr1->mode_flags|=mode_flags; count=build_trustee_rights(tr1, ugid_trustees, count); } else { *p='/'; break; } } else { errorp(10, "tru_get_eff_rights", "stat error `%s`", unixname); *p='/'; xfree(ugid_trustees); return(0); } *p='/'; while (*p=='/')++p; } /* while */ if (last_dev != stb->st_dev) tr->mode_flags|=0x8; if (volumes_dev!=stb->st_dev) tr->mode_flags|=0x10; } else { /* volumes directory */ tr->mode_flags|=(1|2); } count=build_trustee_rights(tr, ugid_trustees, count); xfree(ugid_trustees); } /* if eff_rights < 0 */ return(tr); } static int get_eff_rights_by_trustees(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb) /* returns the eff. rights the actual user has as real trustees */ { if ( (act_obj_id == 1) && (act_id_flags&1) ) /* supervisor */ return(MAX_TRUSTEE_MASK); /* all rights */ else { FILE_TRUSTEE_NODE *tr = find_build_trustee_node(volume, unixname, stb); return( (tr->eff_rights > -1) ? tr->eff_rights : 0); } } int tru_get_eff_rights(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb) /* returns the eff. rights the actual user has */ { int voloptions = get_volume_options(volume); int rights = 0; int rights1 = 0; if (voloptions & VOL_OPTION_TRUSTEES){ rights=(get_eff_rights_by_trustees(volume, unixname, stb) & MAX_TRUSTEE_MASK); } if (!(voloptions & VOL_OPTION_IGNUNXRIGHT)){ rights1 = un_nw_rights(voloptions, unixname, stb); } MDEBUG(D_TRUSTEES, { xdprintf(1,0, "eff_rights=%04x,%04x for`%s`", rights, rights1, unixname); }) return(rights|rights1); } int tru_eff_rights_exists(int volume, uint8 *unixname, struct stat *stb, int lookfor) /* * returns 0 if lookfor right exist, * otherwise returns the current rights */ { int voloptions = get_volume_options(volume); int rights = 0; int rights1 = 0; int result = -1; if (voloptions & VOL_OPTION_TRUSTEES){ /* we look for trustee rights first */ rights=get_eff_rights_by_trustees(volume, unixname, stb); if ((rights & TRUSTEE_S)||((rights&lookfor)==lookfor)) result = 0; else if ((lookfor == TRUSTEE_T) && (rights&TRUSTEE_F) ) /* mst: 13-Apr-00 */ result=0; } if (result && !(voloptions & VOL_OPTION_IGNUNXRIGHT)){ rights1 = un_nw_rights(voloptions, unixname, stb); } MDEBUG(D_TRUSTEES, { xdprintf(1,0, "lookfor=%04x, eff_rights_exists ? = %04x(tru),%04x(unx) for`%s`", lookfor, rights, rights1, unixname); }) if (!result) return(0); rights |= rights1; if ((lookfor == TRUSTEE_T) && (rights&TRUSTEE_F) ) /* mst: 13-Apr-00 */ return(0); return(((rights & TRUSTEE_S)||((rights&lookfor)==lookfor)) ? 0 : -1); }