This is the file "INSTALL", a step-by-step guide on how to install the mars_nwe-package. (1) Get a 'good' ipx-kernel-version and compile it with IPX-support, but no full internal net. You can do this by answering the following questions when running "make config": The IPX protocol (CONFIG_IPX) [N/m/y/?] y Full internal IPX network (CONFIG_IPX_INTERN) [N/y/?] n For general questions about how to compile a kernel, please see the Linux Kernel-HOWTO. Best kernels for mars_nwe are 2.0.x. Older kernels will sometimes not work because of bugs in the ipx-code. See examples directory for some patches. (2) Decide, if mars_nwe should initialize your IPX-subsystem, make routing and handle sap/rip or if you want to do this with 3rd party products by hand. Before mailing problems with mars_nwe please try the first. (2a) Configuration of the IPX-subsystem by "mars_nwe" You do not need any other ipx-tool or routers/daemons in this case. It was tested that "mars_nwe", "dosemu", "ncpfs" or Caldera's "nwclient" do coexist friendly in this case. Set INTERNAL_RIP_SAP to "1" in `mars_nwe/config.h': #define INTERNAL_RIP_SAP 1 If you have other IPX/NCP servers on your local net you can let "mars_nwe" choose TRV ("the right values"(tm)) for you. You request this with the following entries in `nwserv.conf': 3 0x0 # use your IP number for internal net. 4 0x0 * AUTO # autodetect interfaces. 5 0x2 # set kernel autocreat interfaces = on. Make sure that no other server is using your internal net number as it's networknumber. If there is no other IPX/NCP Server on your net then the network- number from section '4' can be any number. 4 0x10 eth0 ethernet_ii # eth0 device with network number '0x10' # and frame ETHERNET_II. 4 0x20 eth0 802.3 # eth0 device with network number '0x20' # und frame ETHERNET_802.3. (2b) Manual configuration of the IPX-subsystem In this mode you must use tools like ipx-configure and ipxd to configure ipx-interfaces, routes and handle rip/sap. Set INTERNAL_RIP_SAP to "0" in `mars_nwe/config.h': #define INTERNAL_RIP_SAP 0 (3) Compile the programs from the mars_nwe-package Unpack the source of "mars_nwe" and change to the directory `mars_nwe' (you already did that, otherwise you won't read this). Enter the command: make This will create the file `config.h' and ''. Edit them to suit your needs. '" only needs to be altered under very rare conditions or if you have problems with compiling/linking this package. Now run "make" again: make (4) Edit the configuration-file `nw.ini'. Make sure you have all required sections included in your old configuration-file, if you upgrade to a new version of "mars_nwe". (5) Install everything Just say make install and perhaps make install_ini The later is only if you want to _overwrite_ the already installed versions of the configuration-file "nwserv.conf" by the "nw.ini" file. (6) Create the directories visible to DOS-clients At least the volume "SYS" must be defined in the configuration-file "nwserv.conf". Create the associated directory if it does not already exists and place the programs "login.exe" and "slist.exe" into the "LOGIN" or "login" directory. You also can use the free mars_dosutils with a poor version of these programms. NEW ! In newer versions of mars_nwe these directories will be created after the first start of mars_nwe. (7) Fire it up As root, execute the command nwserv (8) Stop programs (server down) If nwserv isn't daemonized, then the server can be stopped with ^C, otherwise the server must be shut down with a kill of nwserv or with starting 'nwserv -k' or with the right dos client programm (fconsole server down) as supervisor. Entry 210 in the nw.ini file gives the time in seconds, before the server really shuts down. good luck :-) Martin Stover