/* nwvolume.c 20-Mar-96 */ /* (C)opyright (C) 1993,1995 Martin Stover, Marburg, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "net.h" #include #include #ifndef LINUX #include #define statfs statvfs #endif #include #include "nwvolume.h" NW_VOL nw_volumes[MAX_NW_VOLS]; int used_nw_volumes=0; void nw_init_volumes(FILE *f) /* f = inifile Pointer, must be opened !! */ { static int volumes_is_init=0; int what; uint8 buff[256]; int k = -1; if (!volumes_is_init) { volumes_is_init++; while (++k < MAX_NW_VOLS) memset(&(nw_volumes[k]), 0, sizeof(NW_VOL)); } else { while (++k < MAX_NW_VOLS) { int i = -1; while (++i < nw_volumes[k].maps_count) xfree(nw_volumes[k].dev_namespace_maps[i]); nw_volumes[k].maps_count = 0; } } rewind(f); used_nw_volumes = 0; while (0 != (what = get_ini_entry(f, 0, buff, sizeof(buff)))) { if ( what == 1 && used_nw_volumes < MAX_NW_VOLS && strlen((char*)buff) > 3){ uint8 sysname[256]; uint8 unixname[256]; char optionstr[256]; char *p; int len; int founds = sscanf((char*)buff, "%s %s %s",sysname, unixname, optionstr); if (founds > 1) { new_str(nw_volumes[used_nw_volumes].sysname, sysname); len = strlen((char*)unixname); if (unixname[len-1] != '/') { unixname[len++] = '/'; unixname[len] = '\0'; } nw_volumes[used_nw_volumes].unixnamlen = len; nw_volumes[used_nw_volumes].options = 0; new_str(nw_volumes[used_nw_volumes].unixname, unixname); if (founds > 2) { for (p=optionstr; *p; p++) { switch (*p) { case 'k' : nw_volumes[used_nw_volumes].options |= VOL_OPTION_DOWNSHIFT; break; case 'p' : nw_volumes[used_nw_volumes].options |= VOL_OPTION_IS_PIPE; break; case 'm' : nw_volumes[used_nw_volumes].options |= VOL_OPTION_REMOUNT; break; default : break; } } } used_nw_volumes++; } } } /* while */ } static int look_name_space_map(int volume, DEV_NAMESPACE_MAP *dnm, int do_insert) { int result=-1; if (volume > -1 && volume < used_nw_volumes) { NW_VOL *v= &(nw_volumes[volume]); DEV_NAMESPACE_MAP *mp; int k=-1; while (++k < v->maps_count) { mp=v->dev_namespace_maps[k]; if (mp->dev == dnm->dev && mp->namespace == dnm->namespace) return(k); } if (do_insert && v->maps_count < MAX_DEV_NAMESPACE_MAPS) { /* now do insert the new map */ mp = v->dev_namespace_maps[v->maps_count++] = (DEV_NAMESPACE_MAP*) xmalloc(sizeof(DEV_NAMESPACE_MAP)); memcpy(mp, dnm, sizeof(DEV_NAMESPACE_MAP)); return(k); } } return(result); } uint32 nw_vol_inode_to_handle(int volume, ino_t inode, DEV_NAMESPACE_MAP *dnm) { if (inode > 0 && inode < 0x1000000) { int result = look_name_space_map(volume, dnm, 1); if (result > -1) { uint32 handle = (((uint32)result) << 28) | (uint32) inode; XDPRINTF((3,0, "Handle map inode=%d, dev=%d, namespace=%d to handle 0x%x", inode, dnm->dev, dnm->namespace, handle)); return(handle); } } XDPRINTF((1,0, "Cannot map inode=%d, dev=%d, namespace=%d to handle", inode, dnm->dev, dnm->namespace)); return(0L); } ino_t nw_vol_handle_to_inode(int volume, uint32 handle, DEV_NAMESPACE_MAP *dnm) /* converts volume, handle to dev->inode->namespace */ { if (handle > 0 && volume > -1 && volume < used_nw_volumes) { NW_VOL *v= &(nw_volumes[volume]); int entry = (int) ((handle >> 28) & 0xFF); if (entry > -1 && entry < v->maps_count) { if (dnm) memcpy(dnm, v->dev_namespace_maps[entry], sizeof(DEV_NAMESPACE_MAP)); XDPRINTF((1, 0, "vol=%d, handle=0x%x to ino=%d, dev=%d, namespace=%d", volume, handle, (int)(handle & 0xFFFFFF), v->dev_namespace_maps[entry]->dev, v->dev_namespace_maps[entry]->namespace)); return((ino_t) (handle & 0xFFFFFF)); } } XDPRINTF((1, 0, "Can't vol=%d, handle=0x%x to inode", volume, handle)); return(-1); } int nw_get_volume_number(uint8 *volname, int namelen) /* Get Volume Number with name */ /* returns Volume Nummer or if error < 0 */ { int result = -0x98; /* Volume not exist */ uint8 vname[255]; int j = used_nw_volumes; strmaxcpy(vname, volname, namelen); upstr(vname); while (j--) { if (!strcmp((char*)nw_volumes[j].sysname, (char*)vname)) { result = j; break; } } XDPRINTF((5,0,"GET_VOLUME_NUMBER of:%s: result = 0x%x", vname, result)); return(result); } int nw_get_volume_name(int volnr, uint8 *volname) /* returns < 0 if error, else len of volname */ { int result = -0x98; /* Volume not exist */; if (volnr > -1 && volnr < used_nw_volumes) { if (volname != NULL) { strcpy((char*)volname, (char*)nw_volumes[volnr].sysname); result = strlen((char*)volname); } else result= strlen((char*)nw_volumes[volnr].sysname); } else { if (NULL != volname) *volname = '\0'; if (volnr < MAX_NW_VOLS) result=0; } if (nw_debug > 4) { uint8 xvolname[10]; if (!volname) { volname = xvolname; *volname = '\0'; } XDPRINTF((5,0,"GET_VOLUME_NAME von:%d = %s: ,result=0x%x", volnr, volname, result)); } return(result); } /* next is stolen from GNU-fileutils */ static long adjust_blocks (long blocks, int fromsize, int tosize) { if (fromsize == tosize) /* E.g., from 512 to 512. */ return blocks; else if (fromsize > tosize) /* E.g., from 2048 to 512. */ return blocks * (fromsize / tosize); else /* E.g., from 256 to 512. */ return (blocks + (blocks < 0 ? -1 : 1)) / (tosize / fromsize); } static int get_fs_usage(char *path, struct fs_usage *fsp) { struct statfs fsd; if (statfs (path, &fsd) < 0) return (-1); XDPRINTF((3, 0, "blocks=%d, bfree=%d, bavail=%d, files=%d, ffree=%d, bsize=%d", fsd.f_blocks, fsd.f_bfree, fsd.f_bavail, fsd.f_files, fsd.f_ffree, fsd.f_bsize)); #define convert_blocks(b) adjust_blocks ((b), fsd.f_bsize, 512) fsp->fsu_blocks = convert_blocks (fsd.f_blocks); fsp->fsu_bfree = convert_blocks (fsd.f_bfree); fsp->fsu_bavail = convert_blocks (fsd.f_bavail); fsp->fsu_files = fsd.f_files; fsp->fsu_ffree = fsd.f_ffree; return(0); } int nw_get_fs_usage(uint8 *volname, struct fs_usage *fsu) /* returns 0 if OK, else errocode < 0 */ { int volnr = nw_get_volume_number(volname, strlen((char*)volname)); return((volnr>-1 && !get_fs_usage((char*)nw_volumes[volnr].unixname, fsu)) ? 0 : -1); } int get_volume_options(int volnr, int mode) /* returns >= 0 (options) if OK, else errocode < 0 */ /* if mode > 0 and errcode then errorcode = 0 (nooptions) */ { int result = (mode) ? 0 : -0x98; /* Volume not exist */; if (volnr > -1 && volnr < used_nw_volumes) result = nw_volumes[volnr].options; XDPRINTF((5,0,"get_volume_options of VOLNR:%d, result=0x%x", volnr, result)); return(result); }