/* tools.c 08-Jun-97 */ /* (C)opyright (C) 1993,1995 Martin Stover, Marburg, Germany * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ #include "net.h" #include #include #ifndef LINUX extern int _sys_nerr; extern char *_sys_errlist[]; #endif int nw_debug=0; uint32 debug_mask=0; /* special debug masks */ static FILE *logfile=stderr; static int use_syslog=0; /* 1 = use syslog for all loggings * 2 = only for errors */ static int in_module=0; /* in which process i am ? */ static int connection=0; /* which connection (nwconn) */ static int my_pid = -1; static void (*sigsegv_func)(int isig); static char *modnames[] = { "?", "NWSERV", "NCPSERV", "NWCONN", "NWCLIENT", "NWBIND", "NWROUTED" }; static char *get_modstr(void) { return(modnames[in_module]); } char *xmalloc(uint size) { char *p = (size) ? (char *)malloc(size) : (char*)NULL; if (p == (char *)NULL && size){ errorp(1, "xmalloc", "not enough core, need %d Bytes\n", size); exit(1); } return(p); } char *xcmalloc(uint size) { char *p = xmalloc(size); if (size) memset(p, 0, size); return(p); } void x_x_xfree(char **p) { if (*p != (char *)NULL){ free(*p); *p = (char*)NULL; } } int strmaxcpy(uint8 *dest, uint8 *source, int len) /* dest must be 1 byte larger than len */ { int slen = (source != (uint8 *)NULL) ? min(len, strlen((char*)source)) : 0; if (slen) memcpy(dest, source, slen); dest[slen] = '\0'; return(slen); } int x_x_xnewstr(uint8 **p, uint8 *s) { int len = (s == NULL) ? 0 : strlen((char*)s); if (*p != (uint8 *)NULL) free((char*)*p); *p = (uint8*)xmalloc(len+1); if (len) strcpy((char*)(*p), (char*)s); else **p = '\0'; return (len); } void xdprintf(int dlevel, int mode, char *p, ...) /* mode flags * 0x01 : no 'begin line' * 0x02 : no new line (endline) * 0x10 : add errno print. */ { va_list ap; static char *buffered=NULL; int errnum = errno; if (nw_debug >= dlevel) { if (use_syslog==1) { char *buf; char *pb; if (buffered) { buf=buffered; pb=buf+strlen(buffered); buffered=NULL; } else { pb=buf=xmalloc(2048); } if (p) { int l; va_start(ap, p); l=vsprintf(pb, p, ap); va_end(ap); pb+=l; } if (mode & 0x10) { int l=sprintf(pb, ", errno=%d", errnum); pb+=l; if (errnum > 0 && errnum < _sys_nerr) l=sprintf(pb, " (%s)", _sys_errlist[errnum]); } if (!(mode & 2)) { char identstr[200]; sprintf(identstr, "%-8s %d", get_modstr(), connection); openlog(identstr, LOG_CONS, LOG_DAEMON); syslog(LOG_DEBUG, buf); closelog(); } else { int l=strlen(buf); buffered=xmalloc(l+2048); memcpy(buffered, buf, l+1); } xfree(buf); } else { if (!(mode & 1)) fprintf(logfile, "%-8s %d:", get_modstr(), connection); if (p) { va_start(ap, p); vfprintf(logfile, p, ap); va_end(ap); } if (mode & 0x10) { fprintf(logfile, ", errno=%d", errnum); if (errnum > 0 && errnum < _sys_nerr) fprintf(logfile, " (%s)", _sys_errlist[errnum]); } if (!(mode & 2)) fprintf(logfile, "\n"); fflush(logfile); } } } void errorp(int mode, char *what, char *p, ...) { va_list ap; int errnum = errno; FILE *lologfile = logfile; char errbuf[200]; char *errstr = errbuf; if (mode > 9) { errnum = -1; mode -= 10; } if (errnum >= 0 && errnum < _sys_nerr) errstr = _sys_errlist[errnum]; else if (errnum > -1) sprintf(errbuf, "errno=%d", errnum); else errbuf[0] = '\0'; if (use_syslog) { int prio=(mode) ? LOG_CRIT : LOG_ERR; char identstr[200]; char buf[2048]; int l=sprintf(buf, "%s:%s ", what, errstr); if (p) { va_start(ap, p); vsprintf(buf+l, p, ap); va_end(ap); } sprintf(identstr, "%-8s %d", get_modstr(), connection); openlog(identstr, LOG_CONS, LOG_DAEMON); syslog(prio, buf); closelog(); if (!mode) return; lologfile=stderr; } while (1) { if (mode==1) fprintf(lologfile, "\n!! %-8s %d:PANIC !!\n", get_modstr(), connection); fprintf(lologfile, "%-8s %d:%s:%s\n", get_modstr(), connection, what, errstr); if (p) { va_start(ap, p); vfprintf(lologfile, p, ap); va_end(ap); fprintf(lologfile, "\n"); } fflush(lologfile); if ((!mode) || (lologfile == stderr)) break; else lologfile = stderr; } } FILE *open_nw_ini(void) { char *fname=FILENAME_NW_INI; FILE *f=fopen(fname, "r"); int uid=geteuid(); if (f == (FILE*)NULL && uid > 0) { seteuid(0); f=fopen(fname, "r"); if (seteuid(uid)) { errorp(1, "seteuid", "uid=%d", uid); exit(1); } } if (f == (FILE*)NULL) fprintf(logfile, "Cannot open ini file `%s`\n", fname); return(f); } int get_ini_entry(FILE *f, int entry, uint8 *str, int strsize) /* returns ini_entry or 0 if nothing found */ { char buff[512]; int do_open = ((FILE*) NULL == f); if (do_open) f = open_nw_ini(); if ((FILE*) NULL != f) { while (fgets(buff, sizeof(buff), f) != NULL){ int len = strlen(buff); char *ppi = NULL; char *ppe = NULL; char *p_buff = buff; int se = 0; int j = -1; char *pp; while (len && (*p_buff == '\t' || *p_buff == 32)) { --len; p_buff++; } pp = p_buff; while (++j < len){ if (*pp == '#' || *pp == '\r' || *pp == '\n') { *pp = '\0'; len = j; break; } else if ( *pp == 32 || *pp == '\t') { if (!se) se = j; } else { if ((!ppi) && se) ppi = pp; ppe=pp; } pp++; } if (len > se+1 && se > 0 && se < 4 && ppi){ char sx[10]; int fentry; strmaxcpy((uint8*)sx, (uint8*)p_buff, se); fentry = atoi(sx); if (fentry > 0 && ((!entry) || entry == fentry)) { if (ppe) *(ppe+1) = '\0'; strmaxcpy((uint8*)str, (uint8*)ppi, strsize-1); if (do_open) fclose(f); return(fentry); } } } /* while */ if (do_open) fclose(f); } return(0); } static uint8 *path_bindery=NULL; static uint8 *path_spool=NULL; char *get_div_pathes(char *buff, char *name, int what, char *p, ... ) { char *wpath; int len; uint8 locbuf[200]; switch (what) { case 0 : wpath = PATHNAME_PROGS; break; case 1 : if (path_bindery==NULL) { if (get_ini_entry(NULL, 45, locbuf, sizeof(locbuf)) && *locbuf) { new_str(path_bindery, locbuf); } else new_str(path_bindery, PATHNAME_BINDERY); } wpath = path_bindery; break; case 2 : wpath = PATHNAME_PIDFILES; break; case 3 : case 4 : if (path_spool==NULL) { if (get_ini_entry(NULL, 42, locbuf, sizeof(locbuf)) && *locbuf) { new_str(path_spool, locbuf); } else new_str(path_spool, "/var/spool/nwserv"); } wpath = path_spool; if (what==4) name="queues/"; break; default : buff[0]='\0'; return(buff); } len=sprintf(buff, (name && *name) ? "%s/%s" : "%s/", wpath, name); if (NULL != p) { va_list ap; va_start(ap, p); vsprintf(buff+len, p, ap); va_end(ap); } return(buff); } int get_ini_int(int what) { uint8 buff[30]; int i; if (get_ini_entry(NULL, what, buff, sizeof(buff)) && 1==sscanf((char*)buff, "%i", &i) ) return(i); return(-1); } static void sig_segv(int isig) { errorp(11, "!!! SIG_SEGV !!!", "at pid=%d", my_pid); #if 0 (*sigsegv_func)(isig); #endif } static int fn_exist(char *fn) { struct stat stb; return((stat(fn, &stb) == -1) ? 0 : stb.st_mode); } static char *get_pidfilefn(char *buf) { char lbuf[100]; strcpy(lbuf, get_modstr()); return(get_div_pathes(buf, (char*)downstr((uint8*)lbuf), 2, ".pid")); } static void creat_pidfile(void) { char buf[300]; char *pidfn=get_pidfilefn(buf); FILE *f=fopen(pidfn, "w"); if (f != NULL) { fprintf(f, "%d\n", getpid()); fclose(f); } else { errorp(1, "INIT", "Cannot creat pidfile=%s", pidfn); exit(1); } } void get_debug_level(uint8 *buf) { char buf1[300], buf2[300]; int i=sscanf((char*)buf, "%s %s", buf1, buf2); if (i > 0) { nw_debug=atoi((char*)buf1); debug_mask=0; if (i > 1) { char dummy; if (sscanf(buf2, "%ld%c", &debug_mask, &dummy) != 1) sscanf(buf2, "%lx", &debug_mask); } } } void get_ini_debug(int module) /* what: * 1 = nwserv * 2 = ncpserv * 3 = nwconn * 4 = nwclient * 5 = nwbind * 6 = nwrouted */ { uint8 buff[300]; if (get_ini_entry(NULL, 100+module, buff, sizeof(buff))) get_debug_level(buff); } void init_tools(int module, int options) { uint8 buf[300]; char logfilename[300]; FILE *f=open_nw_ini(); int withlog=0; int dodaemon=0; int new_log=0; in_module = module; my_pid = getpid(); connection = (NWCONN == module) ? options : 0; if (NWSERV == module || NWROUTED == module) { int kill_pid=-1; char *pidfn=get_pidfilefn((char*)buf); if (fn_exist(pidfn)) { FILE *pf=fopen(pidfn, "r"); if ( NULL != pf) { if (1 != fscanf(pf, "%d", &kill_pid) || kill_pid < 1 || kill(kill_pid, 0) < 0) kill_pid=-1; fclose(pf); } if (kill_pid < 0) unlink((char*)buf); } if (kill_pid > -1) { int sig; if (options == 1) { /* kill -HUP prog */ sig = SIGHUP; } else if (options == 2) { /* kill prog */ sig = SIGTERM; } else if (options == 3) { /* update tables */ sig = SIGUSR1; } else { errorp(11, "INIT", "Program pid=%d already running and pidfn=%s exists" , kill_pid, pidfn); exit(1); } if (kill_pid > 1) { kill(kill_pid, sig); if (sig == SIGUSR1) { /* we try twice */ sleep(2); kill(kill_pid, sig); } } exit(0); } else if (options == 1 || options == 2 || options == 3) { errorp(11, "INIT", "Program not running yet" ); exit(1); } } if (f) { int what; while (0 != (what=get_ini_entry(f, 0, buf, sizeof(buf)))) { /* daemonize */ if (200 == what) dodaemon = atoi((char*)buf); else if (201 == what) { strmaxcpy((uint8*)logfilename, (uint8*)buf, sizeof(logfilename)-1); withlog++; } else if (202 == what) { int flags = hextoi((char*)buf); new_log=flags&1; use_syslog=(flags&2) ? 2 : 0; } else if (100+module == what) { get_debug_level(buf); } } fclose(f); } if (dodaemon) { if (!withlog) strcpy(logfilename, "./nw.log"); if (!strcmp(logfilename, "syslog")) use_syslog=1; if (NWSERV == module) { fprintf(stdout, "\n\nMars_nwe V%d.%02dpl%d started using %s.\n", _VERS_H_, _VERS_L_, _VERS_P_, FILENAME_NW_INI); fprintf(stdout, "If you have problems, please read mars_nwe/doc/BUGS !\n"); if (use_syslog==1) { fprintf(stdout, "Errors/warnings will be reported in syslog\n"); } else { fprintf(stdout, "Errors/warnings will be reported in %s\n", logfilename); } fprintf(stdout, "\n\n"); fflush(stdout); } if (NWSERV == module || NWROUTED == module) { /* now make daemon */ int fd=fork(); if (fd) exit((fd > 0) ? 0 : 1); my_pid=getpid(); } if (use_syslog != 1){ if (new_log && (NWSERV == module || NWROUTED == module)) unlink(logfilename); if (NULL == (logfile = fopen(logfilename, "a"))) { logfile = stderr; errorp(1, "INIT", "Cannot open logfile='%s'",logfilename); exit(1); } } if (NWSERV == module || NWROUTED == module) { creat_pidfile(); setsid(); } } else logfile=stdout; if ( NWCONN != module || nw_debug > 1 ) { XDPRINTF((1, 0, "Starting Version: %d.%02dpl%d", _VERS_H_, _VERS_L_, _VERS_P_ )); } #if 1 if (nw_debug < 8) sigsegv_func = signal(SIGSEGV, sig_segv); #endif } void exit_tools(void) { if (in_module == NWSERV || in_module == NWROUTED) { char buf[300]; unlink(get_pidfilefn(buf)); } } uint8 down_char(uint8 ch) { if (ch > 64 && ch < 91) return(ch + 32); switch(ch){ case 142: return(132); case 153: return(148); case 154: return(129); } return(ch); } uint8 up_char(uint8 ch) { if (ch > 96 && ch < 123) return(ch - 32); switch(ch) { case 132: return(142); case 148: return(153); case 129: return(154); } return(ch); } uint8 *upstr(uint8 *ss) { uint8 *s=ss; if (!s) return((uint8*)NULL); for (;*s;s++) *s=up_char(*s); return(ss); } uint8 *downstr(uint8 *ss) { uint8 *s=ss; if (!s) return((uint8*)NULL); for (;*s;s++) *s=down_char(*s); return(ss); } int hextoi(char *buf) { int i; if (!buf || (1 != sscanf(buf, "%x", &i))) i=0; return(i); } unsigned int atou(char *buf) { unsigned int u; if (!buf || (1 != sscanf(buf, "%i", &u))) u=0; return(u); } char *hex_str(char *buf, uint8 *s, int len) { char *pp=buf; while (len--) { int i = sprintf(pp, "%02x ", *s++); pp += i; } return(buf); } int name_match(uint8 *s, uint8 *p) /* simple match routine matches '?' and '*' */ { uint8 pc; while ( (pc = *p++) != 0){ switch (pc) { case '?' : if (!*s++) return(0); /* simple char */ break; case '*' : if (!*p) return(1); /* last star */ while (*s) { if (name_match(s, p) == 1) return(1); ++s; } return(0); default : if (pc != *s++) return(0); /* normal char */ break; } /* switch */ } /* while */ return ( (*s) ? 0 : 1); } uint8 *station_fn=NULL; int find_station_match(int entry, ipxAddr_t *addr) { int matched = 0; if (station_fn && *station_fn) { FILE *f=fopen((char*)station_fn, "r"); if (f) { uint8 buff[200]; uint8 addrstring[100]; int what; ipx_addr_to_adr((char*)addrstring, addr); upstr(addrstring); while (0 != (what = get_ini_entry(f, 0, buff, sizeof(buff)))){ if (what == entry) { uint8 *p = buff + strlen((char*)buff); while (p-- > buff && *p==32) *p='\0'; upstr(buff); if (name_match(addrstring, buff)) { matched=1; break; } } } fclose(f); } else { XDPRINTF((3, 0, "find_station_match, cannot open '%s'", station_fn)); } } XDPRINTF((3, 0, "find_station_match entry=%d, matched=%d, addr=%s", entry, matched, visable_ipx_adr(addr))); return(matched); }