(C)opyright (C) 1993,1995 Martin Stover, Marburg, Germany to compile and install, please read INSTALL ! This is a little try to emulate some functions from a NOVELL-SERVER under UNIX (LINUX). The first version I have written 1993 on a USL1.1 with TLI-Code. 1994 I have ported it to LINUX. This was easy, because I only have to write a small TLI->SOCKET emu. Unfortunately I had no full description of the NCP-calls, so many of the calls based on trying. :-( WARNING: this code has still many BUG's !! BINDERY: this are the *.pag and *.dir files. These files are generated by the first starting of mars_nwe and are filled with the minimal needed Objects and Properties. The User SUPERVISOR must be described in the nw.ini file, entry 12 NETWORK: If there is a real Novell-Server on the same net-line, then the NETWORK Number of the network device in nw.ini should match the NETWORK Number of the Novell-Server. LINUX KERNEL: the only linux-kernel depending files are emutli.[hc]. short description of the processes. 1) nwserv : the main program.Initiates all and starts 'ncpserv'. sends broadcasts, wdogs, sap and rip packets. If nwserv is started with a parameter, then the simple test client 'nwclient', only for debugging, is started. 2) ncpserv: opens NCP-Socket and handles NCP-Requests. When there comes NCP-Request 0x1111 (Get Connection Nr) then there will be started a new process 'nwconn'. Every client-ncp-request reaches nwconn over ncpserv. 3) nwconn: will be started for every connection. Is connected to ncpserv with a pipe. Problems and TODO: Many:-( Here is a short list. o - password changings from clients o - make routing better. o - making printing better. o - clean the code !!! o - make bindery code more complete. o - and much more ... Have luck with trying. :) Martin (mstover@freeway.de) BTW: The kick to make mars_nwe public was the publication of linware ( lwared ), the Novell-Server-Emulator from Ales Dryak (A.Dryak@sh.cvut.cz). I hope both products kann make profit from each other. -----> SuperNOS ala Linux ;-) Novell don't want to make it anymore. :-(