This is Mars_nwe, a free NetWare(tm) emulator for Linux and UnixWare, written by Martin Stover, Marburg, Germany. There is not yet too much documentation available, look into the doc/ subdirectory. As Martin's native tongue is german, the documentation, as well as a lot of the code comments are a mixture of english and german. This will certainly converge to english in the future. INSTALLATION look in doc/INSTALL or doc/INSTALL.ger HELP To get help you can mail to and/or subscribe to LinWare mailing list: Topics for the list: - discussing LinWare server, its features, installation problems and bugs - using IPX protocol under Linux - IPX routing and router daemons under Linux - mars_nwe You can subscribe to the list by sending command "add linware" in mail message body to address: "". Your list postings should be sent to address: "".