Q: I don't exaclty understand the meaning of some ponits in nw.ini: 12,13 What will happen if I will not put PASSWORD here? Will it take it from /etc/passwd? I want it to be so. A: This passwords will be stored (crypted) into bindery to can handle the crypted login call from a standarrd Novell client. Q: What role plays: 15? What if I will no supply passwd here? A: This is for automatic inserting UNIX Users as mars_nwe users. All of these automatic inserted users will get the password as the crypted bindery password. Q: File write will not work under WIN3.1, WfW A: Try updating C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\STORAGE.DLL. I find that earlier versions of this file evince the problem you describe under Windows 3.1 and 3.11. Precisely when this problem went away in STORAGE.DLL I don't know, but versions dated October 1994 or later are working for us. ( John Rigby ) Q: I do not have longfilenamesupport. A: Give the volume the 'O' flag. Set section 6 in nwserv.conf to > 0. Win95, by default, does not use long filenames on a netware 3.11 server. This is documented in the resource kit help file and elsewhere. You should read that to find out the ramifications, but with real netware I've had good luck using the recommended registry settings. Here is a registry import file: REGEDIT4 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\VxD\NWREDIR] "SupportLFN"=hex:02