# (C)opyright 1993, 1995, Martin Stover, Softwareentwicklung, Marburg # last change: 22-Jan-96 # MAR.S NW-Server Emulator # Einfache Konfiguration, alles ab # ist Kommentar. # Jeder Eintrag beginnt mit einer Zahl und dann folgt der Inhalt. # simple configuration, all after # is ignored. # every entry begins with a number and then the meet follows. # entry 1 VOLUMES (max. 5) entry 1 # Volumename Volumepath Options (k=lowercase,p=pipe) 1 SYS /u3/SYS/ # SYS 1 #################################### # Die folgenden Volumes sind optional. # the following volumes are optional. #1 SYS1 /u3/SYS1/ # SYS 2 upshift #1 TMP /tmp/ k # TMP downshift #1 CD /cdrom k # CDROM downshift #1 PIPES /u3/pipes kp # pipecommands # Falls lowercase nicht gesetzt ist, werden GROSSBUCHSTABEN erwartet. # If lowercase is not set then all filenames are upshift. # SYS, der Name darf auch anders lauten, muss # eingerichtet sein mit den folgenden Verzeichnissen: # LOGIN, PUBLIC, SYSTEM, MAIL. # SYS, may be named diffent but must be setup and must # contains the following Directories: LOGIN, PUBLIC, SYSTEM, MAIL ###################################### # Eintrag 2 fuer den Servername. # falls nicht gesetzt, wird hostname (in GROSSBUCHSTABEN) verwendet. # entry 2 for the servername. If not set, then the hostname (upshift) # will be taken. #2 MAR1 # Servername ###################################### # next entry for configure mars_nwe to use the internal net # If you have mars_nwe V > 0.96pl5 and the small ipx-kpatch # from the examples dir you can use Internal Net and Routing. # INTERNAL NET [NODE] ###3 0x999999 1 # Node default 1 ###################################### # entry 4: # for DEVICE(S) # if your ipx is allready up, then entry 4 must be removed. # NETWORK NUMBER, DEVICE, Frame-Typ TICS (default 1) 4 0x10 eth0 802.3 1 #4 0x22 eth0 ethernet_ii 1 #4 0x33 eth0 802.2 1 #4 0x55 isdn2 ethernet_ii 7 # Frames=ethernet_ii, 802.2, 802.3, SNAP (default 802.3) 5 0 # don't = 0, do = 1, save ipx-routes after server is down. ###################################### # some clients are running better, if the server tells # that it is a 3.11 Server, although many calls # (namespace services) of a real 3.11 Server are missing yet. 6 0 # tells server version: 2.15=0, 3.11=1 ###################################### # GID and UID for _minimal_ rights # will be used for not logins 10 200 # GID 11 201 # UID ############################# # the following passwords can be removed after the first # start, because these entries will be inserted (crypted) into # the bindery # one entry 12 for SUPERVISOR ## NW-Name UNIX-Name [PASSWORD] 12 SUPERVISOR root MYPW # Supervisor ############################# # more entries 13 for other user(s) ## NW-Name UNIX-Name [PASSWORD] #13 MAR mar # others #13 ALF mar # others ############################# # entry 21 for simple print queues # the queue Directory must exist before printing !!! # QUEUE NAME, Q_DIRECTORY, UNIX-print-command (pipe) 21 Q1 SYS:/PRINT/Q1 lpr #21 Q2 SYS:/PRINT/Q2 lpr -C printer2 ############################# # >= 100 debug flags, # 0=nodebug, 1=mindebug(errors), 99=maxdebug 100 0 # debug IPX KERNEL (0 | 1) 101 1 # debug NWSERV 102 0 # debug NCPSERV 103 0 # debug NWCONN 104 0 # debug (start) NWCLIENT ############################# 200 1 # 0 = no logfile and dont daemonize nwserv # # 1 = daemonize nwserv and use logfile 201 /tmp/nw.log # logfilename 202 1 # creat new logfile=1, append logfile=0 ############################# 210 10 # 1 .. 600 (default 10) seconds after server really goes down # # after a down command ############################# 300 0 # > 0 print routing info to file every x broadcasts. ( minuts ) 301 /tmp/nw.routes # filename. 302 1 # creat new filename=1, append to file=0 ############################# 310 7 # send wdog's only to device net < x tics. # 0 = allways send wdogs. < 0 = never send wdogs