/* comm.c 22-Oct-98 * simple demo for a command programm which do a * DOS/WIN <-> UNX command handling using PIPE filesystem. * Most problem under W95 is the file caching. * Only the 32-bit version (comm32) works correct under W95. * NT do not have this problems. * * can be used with unxcomm for UNX. * * Can also be used under Linux for ncpfs <-> mars_nwe. * comm and unxcomm must be same version ! */ #define MAXARGLEN 1024 /* Environment string could be in the form: UNXCOMM=p:/unxcomm * or under 32bit: UNXCOMM=\\lx1\pipes\unxcomm * or under linux: UNXCOMM=/pipes/unxcomm * */ #define ENV_UNXCOMM "UNXCOMM" #ifdef LINUX # include # include # define DEFAULT_COMM "/pipes/unxcomm" #else # ifdef DEFAULT_UNC # define DEFAULT_COMM DEFAULT_UNC # else # define DEFAULT_COMM "p:/unxcomm" # endif #endif #include #include #include #ifndef LINUX # include #else # define O_BINARY 0 #endif #include static int usage(char *progname) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\t%s prog [paras]\n", progname); return(1); } #ifdef WIN32 #include #include int get_server_name(char *servername, char *path) /* returns len of servername if exist or 0 */ { int result=0; char remotepath[300]; if (path && *path != '\\' && *path != '/' && *(path+1) != ':'){ getcwd(remotepath, sizeof(remotepath)-1); path=remotepath; } if (path && path[1] == ':') { char localpath[10]; DWORD size=sizeof(remotepath); memcpy(localpath, path, 2); *(localpath+2)='\0'; if (WNetGetConnection(localpath, remotepath, &size)==NO_ERROR) { path=remotepath; } } if (path && (*path == '\\' || *path == '/') && (*(++path) == '\\' || *path == '/') ) { char *p=++path; while (*p && *p!='/' && *p!='\\') ++p; result= (int)(p-path); if (result&&servername) { memcpy(servername, path, result ); servername[result] = '\0'; } } return(result); } HANDLE loc_open(char *fn, int mode) { HANDLE fd=CreateFile(fn, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL| FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN| FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING, /* IMPORTANT !!! */ NULL); return(fd); } int loc_read(HANDLE fd, char *buf, int size) { if (ReadFile(fd, buf, size, &size, NULL)) return(size); return(-1); } #define loc_close(fd) CloseHandle(fd) #define loc_lseek(fd, offs, what) /* not yet used */ #else #define loc_lseek lseek #define loc_read read #define loc_open open #define loc_close close typedef int HANDLE; #define INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE -1 #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *unxcomm=getenv(ENV_UNXCOMM); if (NULL == unxcomm) unxcomm=DEFAULT_COMM; if (argc > 1) { char **pp=argv+1; int size; char buf[MAXARGLEN+1024]; HANDLE fdin = loc_open(unxcomm, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); int fdout = -1; #ifdef WIN32 char buf_unxcomm[200]; if (fdin == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { char servername[100]; if (get_server_name(servername, argv[0])>0){ sprintf(buf_unxcomm, "\\\\%s\\pipes\\unxcomm", servername); unxcomm=buf_unxcomm; fdin = loc_open(unxcomm, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY); } } #endif if (fdin != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { int count=loc_read(fdin, buf, 10); char pipepath[200]; char *pipeext=pipepath; int tries=0; while (count < 10 && tries < 20) { int nc; if (count < 0) count =0; nc=loc_read(fdin, buf+count, 1); if (nc > 0) count+=nc; tries++; } if (count == 10 && buf[0]=='#' && buf[9] == '\n') { char *p; strcpy(pipepath, unxcomm); p=pipepath+strlen(unxcomm); while (p>pipepath) { if (*p=='\\' || *p=='/') break; --p; } if (p > pipepath) { ++p; *p++='r'; *p++='u'; *p++='n'; *p++='/'; memcpy(p, buf+1, 8); p += 8; *p++='.'; pipeext = p; strcpy(pipeext, "in"); } else pipepath[0] = '\0'; tries=0; do { fdout = open(pipepath, O_WRONLY|O_BINARY); } while (fdout < 0 && tries++ < 5); if (fdout <0) { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open pipe '%s'\n", pipepath); } } else { buf[count>0 ? count : 0]='\0'; fprintf(stderr, "%d Bytes read are wrong'%s'\n", count, buf); } if (fdout > -1) { char *p=buf; while(--argc) { int l=strlen(*pp); memcpy(p, *pp, l); ++pp; p+=l; *p++ = 32; } *p++='\0'; write(fdout, buf, (int)(p-buf)); close(fdout); loc_lseek(fdin, 0, 0); memset(buf, 0, 512); while (0 < (size = loc_read(fdin, buf, 512 /*sizeof(buf)*/))) { write(1, buf, size); loc_lseek(fdin, 0, 2); } loc_close(fdin); return(0); } loc_close(fdin); } else fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open PIPECOMMAND '%s'\n", unxcomm); } return(usage(argv[0])); }