2011-11-13 00:46:51 +01:00

176 lines
8.0 KiB
Executable File

Home mailbox location = I:\PMAIL
Folder for copies to self = COPYSELF
Commenting string = ">"
Default reply-to address =
MHS mailbox name =
MHS Application directory =
MHS address =
Scan MHS application directory = N
Copy to self = P
Edit mail before forwarding = Y
Save deleted messages until exit = N
Leave read mail in newmail folder = N
Request confirmation of reading = N
[Pegasus Mail for DOS]
Folder sort order = 0
Default right margin = 74
External Editor Command =
Temporary files directory =
Reply field settings =
Trim spaces in editor = N
Print device = 0
Queue or file name =
Postscript printer = N
Lines per page = 66
Postscript font ID = 0
Swap out when calling DOS = N
Print a banner page = N
Startup directory = I:\PMAIL
Keyboard setup file =
Show address in folders = N
Suppress print dialog = N
Open new mail folder at startup = Y
Prompt for copyself folder = N
Address book sort order = 0
Require password at startup = N
Use MIME features = N
Default MIME character set = ISO-8859-1
Postscript font size = 12
Send FF to printer at end of job = N
Printer ID = 0
Paste addresses from address book = N
Wrap lines in message reader = N
Use PGP encryption routines = N
Encrypt copies-to-self of encrypted mail = N
Don't confirm message deletion = N
Enclose attachments instead of separating = N
Noticeboard sort order = 0
Lines to scan for message enclosures = 20
[Pegasus Mail for DOS - Run Info]
Program version = v3.22
Time and date run ended = Fri, 30 Aug 1996 11:10:52
Running in standalone mode? = N
Available DOS RAM after loading = 408112
Internal username =
Working home mailbox location = I:\PMAIL
New mailbox location =
SMTP gateway status = Disabled, not preferred, not 'use always'.
SMTP operating mode = Queue
SMTP queue or spool directory =
MHS status = Disabled, not preferred, not 'use always'.
MHS directory path = OHAMSTER/SYS:
MHS operating mode = SMF-70
[Pegasus Mail for Windows - built-in TCP/IP Mail]
Host where POP3 mail account is located =
POP3 mail account (username on host) =
Password for POP3 mail account =
Delete downloaded mail from host = Y
Largest message size to retrieve = 0
Directory to place incoming POP3 mail = I:\PMAIL
Transport control word = 0
SMTP relay host for outgoing mail =
Search mask to locate outgoing messages = I:\PMAIL\*.MSG
Alternative From: field for message =
TCP/IP timeout value (seconds) = 10
[Pegasus Mail for Windows]
Default right margin = 70
Folder sort order = 0
Temporary files directory =
Activity flags = 32
Reply field settings = 010100000
Startup directory = I:\PMAIL
Open new mail folder at startup = N
Prompt to select copy to self folder = N
Address book sort order = 0
Require password at startup = N
Use MIME features = Y
Default MIME character set = ISO-8859-1
Encrypt copies-to-self of encrypted mail = N
Don't confirm message deletion = N
Enclose attachments instead of separating = Y
Noticeboard sort order = 0
Lines to scan for message enclosures = 20
Button panel mode = 2
Button panel is closed = N
Button panel window rectangle = 0 0 0 0
New mail folder window rectangle = 5 5 504 336
Default signature for outgoing mail = 0
Request confirmation of delivery = N
Application window frame is maximized = N
Application window rectangle = 22 22 774 506
Editor window default width and depth = 0 0
Reader window default width and depth = 0 0
Font to use in message reader = Helv, 14, 0
Font to use in message editor = , 0, 0
Font to use in folder browser = Helv, 14, 0
Font to use for printing = , 0, 0
Offer advanced reply options = N
Top/bottom margin for printing = 20 1
Left/right margin for printing = 20 1
Local user list window rectangle = 0 0 0 0
Reformat hard line breaks in replies = N
Printer device name =
Printer driver name =
Printer port =
Tab width in message editor (0-disable) = 0
Logged-in user list window rectangle = 0 0 0 0
Save desktop state between sessions = N
Wrap long lines in message reader = N
Built-in POP3 transport options word = 64
Don't autoload WINSOCK.DLL if found = N
Seconds between POP3 new mail checks = 0
Seconds between regular new mail checks = 10
Secondary organization name =
Timezone for internal transport =
Refuse confirm-read requests (internal) = N
Telltale window mode = 0
Telltale window control word = 0
Location of TLC of telltale window = 0 0
DList Manager window rectangle = 0 0 0 0
Noticeboard Manager window rectangle = -4 -23 774 435
Header printing setting = 0
Extensions manager window rectangle = 0 0 0 0
WAV file for new mail sound alert =
Folder manager window rectangle = 0 0 0 0
Omit message headers when replying = N
Use custom header when replying = N
Custom header format string = On ~D at ~T, ~F wrote:
Font to use in folder manager window = , 0, 0
Quick folder definition =
Quick folder definition =
Quick folder definition =
Quick folder definition =
Quick folder definition =
Quick folder definition =
Quick folder operating flags = 0
MHS directory service window rectangle = 0 0 0 0
Use system colours = N
Display hot URLs in reader = 1
Web browser commandline =
Message reader format options = 0
[Pegasus Mail for Windows - Run Info]
Program version = v2.42a (Win16), Jul 22 1996
Language resources = Standard UK English resource set
Time and date run ended = Thu, 5 Sep 1996 11:36:49
Running in standalone mode? = N
Internal username =
Working home mailbox location = I:\PMAIL
New mailbox location = I:\PMAIL
LAN-based SMTP gateway status = Disabled, not preferred, not 'use always'.
MHS status = Disabled, not preferred, not 'use always'.
MHS directory path = \\OHAMSTER\SYS/
MHS operating mode = SMF-70
NICA module: Novell NetWare Bindery Mode
NICA module version: 1.0 release 4, Dec 6 1995
File server name: OHAMSTER
Server version: 3.11 rev 0, 90 user
Connections: Highest, 1; Current, 1
Shell/Requester version: 1.20.0