program Marsmail; uses dos; var mailfile, numfile, outfile: text; number, miline, moline, sl, slc: string; {mail-in, mail-out} UserId,UserLn: string; {mail dir on netware} nfile, odir, mfile: string; {numberfile, output dir, mailfile} numbint: longint; o, code, mi, i,j: integer; {mailindex} prevline, shortline,v : boolean; {v=verbose} Function FileExists(FileName: String): Boolean; { Boolean function that returns True if the file exists;otherwise, it returns False. Closes the file if it exists. } var F: text; begin {$I-} Assign(F, FileName); FileMode := 0; { Set file access to read only } Reset(F); Close(F); {$I+} FileExists := (IOResult = 0) and (FileName <> ''); end; { FileExists } Function ReadLine(var ReadFile: Text): String; var C: Char; S: String; O: boolean; Begin O:=False; S:=''; If Not EOF(ReadFile) Then Repeat {$I-} Read(readfile,c); {$I+} If EOF(ReadFile) Or (Ioresult <> 0) Or (C = #10) then O:=True Else S:=S+C; Until O; ReadLine:=S; End; Begin v:=false; UserId:=GetEnv('ID'); UserLn:=GetEnv('LN'); nfile:='F:\mail\'+UserId+'\numfile'; mfile:='F:\unixmail\'+UserLn; odir:='F:\mail\'+UserId; for i:=1 to paramcount do begin sl:=paramstr(i); for j:=1 to length(sl) do sl[j]:=upcase(sl[j]); if (pos('/N=',sl)=1) then nfile:=copy(sl,3,length(sl)-3); if (pos('/O=',sl)=1) then odir:=copy(sl,3,length(sl)-3); if (pos('/M=',sl)=1) then mfile:=copy(sl,3,length(sl)-3); if (pos('/V',sl)=1) then v:=true; if (pos('/?',sl)=1) or (pos('/H',sl)=1) or (pos('/HELP',sl)=1) then begin Writeln('Copyright 1996/9 Dud software'); Writeln(' Modifications by EL GUIDO'); Writeln; Writeln('Purpose: Creates *.cnm files from a unix mail file for Pegasus'); Writeln('Usage: marsmail.exe [/n=x:\numb\file] [/m=y:\mail\file]'); Writeln(' [/o=z:\base\out\dir] [/v] [/?|h|help]'); Writeln('Where:'); Writeln(' /n = numberfile, /m=singlemailfile, /o=outputbasedir'); Writeln(' /v = verbose messaging mode, /?|/h|/help = this help screen'); writeln('And: numberfile contains a single 8 digit number e.g. 00000019'); writeln(' singlemailfile is the unix /var/spool/mail/userfile unix2dos'); writeln(' converted. outdir is the dir where *.cnm files should be created'); writeln(' without the trailing \'); writeln; writeln; writeln; halt(2); end; end; { Open the numfile to read in a number } if v then writeln('Opening Number file...'); if FileExists(nfile) then Begin {$I-} assign (numfile,nfile); reset(numfile); if doserror >0 then begin writeln('Error reading '+nfile); halt(1); end; {$I+} if v then writeln('Reading number file...'); readln(numfile,number); close(numfile); end else Begin assign (numfile,nfile); {$I-} Rewrite(numfile); {$I+} if doserror >0 then begin writeln('Error rewriting '+nfile); halt(1); end; number:='00000000'; if v then writeln('Creating a new number file'); writeln(numfile,number); Close(numfile); end; val(number,numbint,code); numbint:=numbint+1; str(numbint:8,number); if v then writeln('Converting spaces to zeroes'); for i:=1 to length(number) do if number[i]=' ' then number[i]:='0'; { Open the converted mailfile and start reading it } slc:='|/-\|/-\'; sl:='|'; o:=2; assign(mailfile,mfile); assign(outfile,odir+'\'+number+'.cnm'); {$I-} if v then writeln('Opening mailfile for reading...'); reset(mailfile); {$I+} if doserror >0 then begin writeln('Error opening '+mfile); halt(1); end; if eof(mailfile) then begin close(mailfile); halt(3); end; {$I-} if v then writeln('Opening '+odir+'\'+number+'.cnm file for writing....'); rewrite(outfile); {$I+} if doserror >0 then begin writeln('Error rewriting '+odir+'\'+number+'.cnm'); halt(1); end; mi:=0; shortline:=false; writeln('Creating mail messages from UnixMail file to Pegasus mail messages.'); write('Working \'); if v then write(' Line:'); while not eof(mailfile) do begin {readln(mailfile,miline); this was the problem, the next is the solution} miline:=readline(mailfile); if v then write(mi,':'); prevline:=shortline; shortline:=false; if (length(miline)<2) then begin shortline:=true; end; mi:=mi+1; if ( (not v) and ((mi mod 10)=0)) then begin write(char(8)+sl); sl:=slc[o]; o:=o+1; if o=9 then o:=1; end; if (mi>5) and (prevline=true) then begin if (((pos('Received:',miline)=1) or (pos('Return-Path:', miline)=1) or (pos('From ',miline)=1) or (pos('From:',miline)=1)) and (prevline=true)) then begin {to flush file and start a new one} close(outfile); numbint:=numbint+1; str(numbint:8,number); for i:=1 to length(number) do if number[i]=' ' then number[i]:='0'; assign(outfile,odir+'\'+number+'.cnm'); rewrite(outfile); if v then writeln; if v then writeln('Finished with message no ',numbint-1,'...'); mi:=0; end; end; writeln(outfile,miline); end; if v then writeln; if v then writeln('Closing output files'); close(outfile); if v then writeln('Closing mail file'); close(mailfile); assign (numfile,nfile); if v then writeln('Updating number file'); rewrite (numfile); writeln(numfile,number); close(numfile); writeln(' '); if v then writeln('Program finished.'); end. {of program}