
# Birthday reminder script for Mars and/or Samba
# This scripts sends out automated email for logged in users and the
# birthday boy on the correct date and should be started out of cron
# once a day before teatime :)
# Script creates a birthday.html file that can be included in another
# page. Script logs into mars server with mailusr and does nwuserlist.
# script can be linked to a notice board.... (i've edited it out though!)

# bpath=basepath
# lpath=logpath
# nowdate = current date e.g. Oct 24

srvname="ohmaster"				#Samba or mars server
marssrv="ohamster"				#Mars server name
mailusr="agenericmailusertodonwuserlists"	#Mail user
mailpwd="passwdforgenericmailuser"		#Mail user passwd
admname="eddie"					#your administrator email name
admfullname="Eddie Dunckley"			#Full name
site="RAU Engineering"				#Your site name
bpath="/hamster/home/httpd/html/main"		# where to place birthday.html
lpath="/var/log"				# Path to keep log files
nowdate=`/bin/date | /usr/bin/awk ' { print $2 " " $3 } ' `

# Script starts here
: > $bpath/birthday.txt				# clears the birthday file

/usr/bin/grep -i ":$nowdate:" /etc/birthdays > $bpath/birthday.txt

if [ `ls -l $bpath/birthday.txt | /usr/bin/awk ' { print $5 } '` != 0 ] ; 
  echo -en "$nowdate: Birthday's happening today:\r\n" > $bpath/bday.txt
  echo -en "-----------------------------------------------\r\n" >> $bpath/bday.txt
  echo -en "\r\n" >> $bpath/bday.txt
  echo "<CENTER>Current Birthdays for $nowdate:<BR><TABLE BORDER WIDTH=80% CELLPADDING=5 BGCOLOR=#FFFFFF>" > $bpath/bday.inc
  : > $bpath/bday.inc  
  touch $bpath/bday.txt
  rm $bpath/bday.txt

for birthuid in `cat $bpath/birthday.txt | cut -f 1 -d ":"` ;
birthguys=`/usr/bin/grep "^$birthuid:" $bpath/birthday.txt | cut -f 2 -d ":"`
birthstring=`/usr/bin/grep "^$birthuid:" $bpath/birthday.txt | awk -F ":" ' { print $4 } ' `
echo "<TR><TD>$birthguys</TD><TD><a href=\"mailto:$birthuid@$fqdn\">$birthuid@$fqdn</a></TD><TD>$birthstring</TD></TR>" >> $bpath/bday.inc
echo -en "$birthguys's birthday! Send mail to $birthuid@$fqdn...\r\n" >> $bpath/bday.txt
echo -en "$birthguys: $birthstring \r\n" >> $bpath/bday.txt

cat << EOMES | /usr/sbin/sendmail -f "$admname@$fqdn" -t
To: $birthuid@$fqdn ($birthguys)
From: $admname@$fqdn ($admfullname)
Reply-To: $admname@$fqdn ($admfullname)
Return-path: <$admname@$fqdn>
X-Mailer: Automated Birthday notification scripts 
Subject: Happy Birthday: $birthguys!

Dear $birthguys,

          May you have the best day of your life today.

Congratulations on your birthday! The whole $site staff and students
are thinking about you today. In far countries strange people are singing
songs in honour of your birth today.

If you brought cake and drinks along, please invite the $site staff to
join in the festive activities. May $nowdate be one of the best days you've
ever encountered!

From your friendly Automated $srvname Virtual Server and programmers.

sleep 4
  for lnames in `/usr/sbin/smbstatus | /usr/bin/awk ' { print $5 }' | sort | uniq | /bin/sed "/machine/d" | /bin/sed "1 d" ` ; 
#      echo "Processing $lnames smbside for $birthguys"
      echo "NB: It's user $birthuid ($birthguys)'s birthday today!" | /usr/sbin/smbclient -M $lnames 2>&1 > /dev/null
      echo "`/bin/date` -- Sent Birthday notice to $lnames" >> $lpath/ohmessage.log
  for nnames in `/usr/local/bin/nwuserlist -S $marssrv -U $mailusr -P $mailpwd | /usr/bin/awk ' { print $2 } ' | sort | uniq` ;
#    echo "Processing nsend to $nnames for $birthguys birthday.."
    /usr/local/bin/nsend -S ohamster -U ohmessage -P sendthemall $nnames "NB: It's user $birthuid ($birthguys)'s birthday!"
    echo "`/bin/date` -- Sent Birthday notice to NetWare user $nnames" >> $lpath/ohmessage.log

if [ `ls -l $bpath/birthday.txt | /usr/bin/awk ' { print $5 } '` != 0 ] ;
   echo "</TABLE></CENTER>" >> $bpath/bday.inc
   echo -en "\r\n" >> $bpath/bday.txt
   echo -en "May he/her/they become as old as the mountains! --$marssrv\r\n" >> $bpath/bday.txt