#!/bin/bash s1="`cat /var/spool/mail/$1 | grep Subject | wc -l`" let s2=`cat /tmp/mail/$1` if let "$s1 > $s2" then if smbstatus | grep " $1 " > /dev/null then for machine in `smbstatus | grep " $1 " | awk ' {print $5}' | sort | uniq` do echo "$1 has new mail `grep From: /var/spool/mail/$1 | tail --lines=1`" | smbclient -M $machine 2>&1 > /dev/null echo $s1 > /tmp/mail/$1 echo "`date` -- Sent notification to SMB user $1 at $machine" >> /var/log/ohmessage.log done elif /usr/local/bin/nwuserlist -S ohamster -U ohmessage -P sendthemall | grep -i " $1 " > /dev/null then /usr/local/bin/nsend -S ohamster -U ohmessage -P sendthemall $1 "New mail `grep From: /var/spool/mail/$1 | tail --lines=1`" echo $s1 > /tmp/mail/$1 echo "`date` -- Sent notification to NetWare user $1" >> /var/log/ohmessage.log fi else echo $s1 > /tmp/mail/$1 fi