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2011-11-13 00:46:51 +01:00
<TITLE>Mars server user application form</TITLE>
<BODY BACKGROUND=/yourown.gif>
<IMG SRC="/yourlogo.gif" ALT="LOGO" HEIGHT=114 WIDTH=640><BR>
<FONT size=+1><B><I>PLEASE NOTE: This service is for OUR SITE's staff and students only!</I></B></FONT><HR>
<I>Oh Yee</I>, I would like to be enslaved by the Mars Virtual Server.
I hereby apply for usership in the XXX domain and will obey the
Mars's ever-changing rules.<P>
I take note of the following:
<LI>I will keep my home tidy and free of viri, executables, games and dirty stuff.
<LI>I will keep my home smaller than 20Mb, since being a slave means sharing living quarters.
<LI>I will discard all old email, we don't want the Mars angry, do we?
<LI>I will refrain from placing commercial applications in my WWW space
<LI>I will refrain from letting other users use my account
<LI>I will stop all subscriptions to listservers BEFORE I leave the XXXX domain.
<LI>I will clean my home before I depart permanently from the XXXX domain.
<LI>I will make use of the online help BEFORE phoning the network staff.
<CENTER><H2>User Application form</H2></CENTER>
<H3>Applicant's details</H3>
XXXXX needs your pedigree.
If you are found to make a suitable slave (user) you will be notified telephonically.
<INPUT SIZE=30 NAME="fname"> Full Name and Surname<BR>
<INPUT SIZE=5 NAME="title"> Title
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="addtitle" VALUE="addmytitle"> Add my title to the fullname of the account<BR>
<INPUT SIZE=30 NAME="office"> My office number e.g. Cybernetics B1L1<BR>
Choose a username and two alternatives <INPUT SIZE=8 NAME="sname1"> or <INPUT SIZE=8 NAME="sname2"> or <INPUT SIZE=8 NAME="sname3"><BR>
<FONT SIZE=-2><I>Please note: If your name is Peter de Villiers a username of <b>Cyclops</B>
will most definately NOT be accepted. Use <b>pieterdv</B> or <b>pdv</B> or <b>pdevil</b> for the above example.</FONT><BR>
<INPUT SIZE=13 NAME="wtel" VALUE="011-"> Work phone
<INPUT SIZE=13 NAME="htel" VALUE="011-"> Home phone<BR>
<INPUT SIZE=13 NAME="bidate" VALUE="Jan 01"> Birthday e.g. Oct 24<BR>
<INPUT SIZE=13 NAME="idnum"> Student, Personnel or ID number<BR>
<INPUT SIZE=30 NAME="reff"> Reference person or Study leader<BR>
<INPUT SIZE=30 NAME="refmail"> Reference's email addr<P>
<h4>Why do I want to be a user?</h4>
<B>M</B>any persons want to be network users because they
see it as a status symbol or they <i>just want to fool around</i> or saw
one of their friends in front of a PC and thought it looked quite <i>cool</i>.
They don't have the foggiest idea what they will to do IF they become slaves
or what a network is all about. Please explain in a few lines why you would like to become a slave of the XXXX Virtual server.
Please complete the following questionnaire. It will help us to plan for the
future. This is your chance to make a difference...
My level of computer-skills:<P>
<LI>Newbee barely knows where to switch on the <I>kompewter</I>.
Tries to feed mouse.<BR>
<LI>Beginner knows how to use mouse and click on icons to open programs<BR>
<LI>Average user customizes his desktop scheme and types <I>install</I> to install programs.<BR>
<LI>Advanced user compiles his own programs and installs operating systems.<BR>
<LI>Master hacks unix boxes and knows NOS and writes device drivers in ASM.<BR>
<LI>Guru lives in a cave with his Mother-in-Law
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="skill" VALUE "newbie"> NewBee
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="skill" VALUE "beginner"> Beginner
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="skill" VALUE "average"> Average
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="skill" VALUE "advanced"> Advanced
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="skill" VALUE "master"> Master
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="skill" VALUE "guru"> Guru <P>
Are you interested in helping out with network related work?
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="helpme" VALUE="yes"> YES
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="helpme" VALUE="no"> NO<P>
<h4>My first choice operating system</h4>
<LI>DOS users like the wording <I>Non-reentrant interrupt handler</i>
<LI>Win3xx and fw users like to press the GPF button
<LI>Win95 users like non-protected net,cd,diskcache and hairthin crashprotection
<LI>OS/2 users enjoy the power of raw multithreading, but cannot spell <I> multiuser</I>
<LI>Linux users will willingly spend 5 days doing stuff others do in 15 seconds
<LI>NT users enjoy seeing P-PRO-200's run like a 386es, and call themselves gurus
<LI>A Solaris user probably has a mother-in-Law.
<LI>Mac users smile when waking up.
<LI>Other users cannot spell <i>industry standard</i>.
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="os" VALUE="dos"> DOS
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="os" VALUE="win3"> Win3.xxfw
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="os" VALUE="w95"> Windows 95
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="os" VALUE="os2"> OS/2
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="os" VALUE="linux"> Linux
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="os" VALUE="nt"> NT
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="os" VALUE="solaris"> Solaris
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="os" VALUE="mac"> Mac
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="os" VALUE="other"> Other<P>
I can also use some of the following operating systems.<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="oos1" VALUE="dos"> DOS
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="oos2" VALUE="win3"> Win3.xx(fw)
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="oos3" VALUE="w95"> Windows 95
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="oos4" VALUE="os2"> OS/2
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="oos5" VALUE="linux"> Linux
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="oos6" VALUE="nt"> NT
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="oos7" VALUE="solaris"> Solaris
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="oos8" VALUE="mac"> Mac
<INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="oos9" VALUE="other"> Other<P>
<h4>What do I see as the most important function of the network?</h4>
<i>Please give a priority next to the following network services. 1 means you
think it's for the birds and 5 means that if this service should dissappear,
you would die. Please show some sort of personality, all 5's will not impress OhMaster.</I>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s1" value="1">1
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s1" value="2">2
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s1" value="3">3
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s1" value="4">4
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s1" value="5">5
.. E-Mail and other communication tools<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s2" value="1">1
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s2" value="2">2
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s2" value="3">3
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s2" value="4">4
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s2" value="5">5
.. World Wide Web for info search and research<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s3" value="1">1
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s3" value="2">2
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s3" value="3">3
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s3" value="4">4
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s3" value="5">5
.. Word-processing and office based work<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s4" value="1">1
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s4" value="2">2
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s4" value="3">3
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s4" value="4">4
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s4" value="5">5
.. Cruising internet for fun and pleasure<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s5" value="1">1
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s5" value="2">2
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s5" value="3">3
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s5" value="4">4
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s5" value="5">5
.. Engineering apps CAD/CAM, PCB design, math etc.<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s6" value="1">1
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s6" value="2">2
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s6" value="3">3
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s6" value="4">4
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s6" value="5">5
.. Shareware source<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s7" value="1">1
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s7" value="2">2
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s7" value="3">3
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s7" value="4">4
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s7" value="5">5
.. Programming apps, VisC, Pascal, VB etc.etc.<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s8" value="1">1
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s8" value="2">2
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s8" value="3">3
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s8" value="4">4
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s8" value="5">5
.. Storage of files and userdata<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s9" value="1">1
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s9" value="2">2
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s9" value="3">3
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s9" value="4">4
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="s9" value="5">5
.. Examination results, electronic lecture notes.<BR>
<h4>What I would like to see in future</h4>
What services would you like to see running at XXXXXXXXX in future?<P>
How many staff members do you think should design, implement and maintain <I>and</I>
give support to 200 workstations at XXXXXXXXXXX?
<INPUT NAME="numstaff" SIZE=4>
If I had to pay for a network account, how much is fair?
<INPUT NAME="hypopay" SIZE=8 VALUE="R0.00"> per year.<P>
What level of service would you expect for it?
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="hserv" VALUE="0"> Will take care of myself.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="hserv" VALUE="1"> Show me the ropes how to use services and that's it.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="hserv" VALUE="2"> A 3 day course on how to use the LAN software.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="hserv" VALUE="3"> Courses plus telephonic software support.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="hserv" VALUE="4"> 1 hour response time to software related queries.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="hserv" VALUE="5"> Full assistance: Software, hardware, help at my desk.
I see a network connection as<BR>
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="userv" VALUE="0">A utility like water and electricity I expect XXXXXXXXXX to provide it as a standard.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="userv" VALUE="1">A extra feature utility like a telephone at a minimal yearly/monthly fee.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="userv" VALUE="2">A Nice to have utility like airconditioning for my car. I do expect to pay alot to have a network connection in my office.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="userv" VALUE="3">A luxury item like an expensive watch that I would never be able to afford
Having a network connection is<BR>
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="nserv" VALUE="0"> a total waste of time, highly overrated
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="nserv" VALUE="1"> a good thing, a bit overrated but it can serve me as a tool
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="nserv" VALUE="2"> like a speedo in a car, it REALLY makes life easier.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="nserv" VALUE="3"> very important if I want to complete projects in time
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="nserv" VALUE="4">a way of life. I could not live without it.
What would I like to see on a monthly network account?
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aserv" VALUE="0">NO! No monthly account!
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aserv" VALUE="1">The amount of diskspace I use
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aserv" VALUE="2">Diskspace and time I've spent at a live connection.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aserv" VALUE="3">Diskspace, time and local vs international traffic I've generated.
<LI><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aserv" VALUE="4">Diskspace, time, traffic and a list of files I've accessed.
If you were forced to a monthly account, how would you like to receive it?<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aget" VALUE="email"> via Email
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aget" VALUE="web"> on the Web
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aget" VALUE="both"> both
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aget" VALUE="paper"> Old-fashioned snailmail paper account.<P>
Would you like to see the results of ALL the users or just your own.<BR>
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aret" VALUE="self"> Just my own
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aret" VALUE="all"> All the users
<INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="aret" VALUE="summ"> Detailed myself, summary all.<P>
Which of the following services would I like?<BR>
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c0">Birthday notification of other users
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c1">Voice email if I have a soundblaster
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c2">Open graphical noticeboard
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c3">Appointment reminder
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c4">Global telephone book
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c5">An Internet Relay Chat server
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c6">Automated software installation and updates
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c7">Voice navigation and dictation software
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c8">Examinations via computer terminals
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c9">Video lectures and Web notes
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c10">Video conferencing
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c11">Shared appointment books
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c12">Animated multimedia announcements
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c13">Student results on the web
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="c14">Hardware and software monitoring on my station
<INPUT TYPE="reset" VALUE="Clear Form"> <INPUT TYPE="submit" VALUE="Submit this long form to XXXXXXXX"><BR>
There is <B>no</B> guarrantee that xxxxxxxx will accept you as a user. This service was brought to you by the creaters of the xxxxxx virtual server.