/* * Copyright (c) 2011-2012 by Michael Berlin, Zuse Institute Berlin * * Licensed under the BSD License, see LICENSE file for details. * */ #ifndef CPP_TEST_COMMON_TEST_RPC_SERVER_H_ #define CPP_TEST_COMMON_TEST_RPC_SERVER_H_ #include #ifndef WIN32 #include #include #endif // !WIN32 #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "include/Common.pb.h" #include "pbrpc/RPC.pb.h" #include "rpc/record_marker.h" #include "util/logging.h" #include "xtreemfs/DIR.pb.h" #include "xtreemfs/get_request_message.h" #include "drop_rules.h" namespace xtreemfs { namespace rpc { /** Base class which allows to implement a test XtreemFS server. * * Implementations have to set interface_id_ accordingly and add * implemented operations to operations_. */ template class TestRPCServer { public: TestRPCServer() : interface_id_(0), drop_connection_(false) {} virtual ~TestRPCServer() {} /** Starts the RPC Server at free, random port. False if not successful. */ bool Start() { using boost::asio::ip::tcp; using xtreemfs::util::Logging; xtreemfs::util::initialize_logger(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN); if (interface_id_ == 0) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_ERROR) << "You forgot to set interface_id_ in" " your TestRPCServer implementation."<< std::endl; return false; } if (operations_.size() == 0) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_ERROR) << "You have not registered any implemented operations." << std::endl; return false; } try { tcp::endpoint localhost( boost::asio::ip::address::from_string(""), 0); acceptor_.reset( new tcp::acceptor(io_service, localhost)); daemon_.reset(new boost::thread(boost::bind(&TestRPCServer::Run, this))); } catch (const std::exception& e) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN) << "Failed to start the server: " << e.what() << std::endl; } return false; } return true; } /** Stops the server again. */ void Stop() { using xtreemfs::util::Logging; // Stop running Session() threads. std::map< boost::thread::id, boost::shared_ptr > active_sessions_copy; { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(active_sessions_mutex_); active_sessions_copy = active_sessions_; // Close active sessions. for (std::map< boost::thread::id, boost::shared_ptr >::iterator iter = active_sessions_socks_.begin(); iter != active_sessions_socks_.end(); iter++) { iter->second->shutdown(boost::asio::ip::tcp::socket::shutdown_both); } } // Wait for all closed sessions to exit. for (std::map< boost::thread::id, boost::shared_ptr >::iterator iter = active_sessions_copy.begin(); iter != active_sessions_copy.end(); iter++) { iter->second->join(); } { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(active_sessions_mutex_); if (active_sessions_.size() > 0) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN) << "There are open sessions left (" << active_sessions_.size() << ")" << std::endl; } } } { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(drop_rules_mutex_); for (std::list::iterator it = drop_rules_.begin(); it != drop_rules_.end(); ++it) { delete *it; } drop_rules_.clear(); } // Unfortunately, boost::asio does not allow to abort synchronous operations // See: https://svn.boost.org/trac/boost/ticket/2832 // Randomly acceptor_->close(ec); succeeds, but not guaranteed. Even things // like shutdown(acceptor_->native(), SHUT_RDWR); did not work. // During debugging in Eclipse, I noticed that the daemon_ thread exits from // the blocking acceptor_->accept() if it was interrupted by the debugger. // Therefore, we call a no-op signal handler in the thread now and accept() // becomes unblocked, effectively allowing to stop the daemon_ thread. if (daemon_.get()) { daemon_->interrupt(); // Ignore errors. boost::system::error_code ec; acceptor_->close(ec); if (!daemon_->timed_join(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(10))) { #ifdef WIN32 Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_ERROR) << "Failed to stop the server, daemon thread won't unblock. " "Abort manually with Ctrl + C." << std::endl; #else pthread_kill(daemon_->native_handle(), SIGUSR2); daemon_->join(); #endif } } } /** Returns the address of the service in the format "ip-address:port". */ std::string GetAddress() { return acceptor_->local_endpoint().address().to_string() + ":" + boost::lexical_cast(acceptor_->local_endpoint().port()); } /** Add a DropRule, ownership is transferred to the callee. */ void AddDropRule(DropRule* rule) { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(drop_rules_mutex_); drop_rules_.push_back(rule); RemovePointlessDropRules(lock); } /** The connection will be shut down once after this call. */ void DropConnection() { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(drop_connection_mutex_); drop_connection_ = true; } protected: /** Function pointer an implemented server operation. */ typedef google::protobuf::Message* (Derived::*Operation)( const pbrpc::Auth& auth, const pbrpc::UserCredentials& user_credentials, const google::protobuf::Message& request, const char* data, uint32_t data_len, boost::scoped_array* response_data, uint32_t* response_data_len); struct Op { Op() {} Op(Derived* server, Operation op) : server(server), op(op) {} /** Pointer to the implementation of TestRPCServer. */ Derived* server; /** Function pointer to the implemented operation. */ Operation op; }; /** Interface ID of the implemented XtreemFS service. */ uint32_t interface_id_; /** Implementations have to register implemented operations with the * corresponding proc_id here. */ std::map operations_; private: /** Delete old rules, should be called from a locked context */ void RemovePointlessDropRules(const boost::mutex::scoped_lock& lock) { std::remove_if(drop_rules_.begin(), drop_rules_.end(), &DropRule::IsPointlessPred); } /** Returns true if the request shall be dropped. */ bool CheckIfRequestShallBeDropped(uint32_t proc_id) { using xtreemfs::util::Logging; boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(drop_rules_mutex_); bool drop_request = false; // NOTE: all drop rules must be asked even if drop_request is already // true. This is important for counting rules or other side effects. for (std::list::iterator it = drop_rules_.begin(); it != drop_rules_.end(); ++it) { drop_request = drop_request || (*it)->DropRequest(proc_id); } if (drop_request) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_DEBUG)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_DEBUG) << "Dropping request (proc_id = " << proc_id << ")" << std::endl; } } return drop_request; } static void DummySignalHandler(int signal) { // See comment at TestRPCServer::Stop() why this is needed. } /** Processes the "request" and returns a response. * * @remarks Ownership of return value is transferred to caller. */ google::protobuf::Message* ExecuteOperation( uint32_t proc_id, const pbrpc::Auth& auth, const pbrpc::UserCredentials& user_credentials, const google::protobuf::Message& request, const char* data, uint32_t data_len, boost::scoped_array* response_data, uint32_t* response_data_len) { typename std::map::iterator iter = operations_.find(proc_id); if (iter == operations_.end()) { return NULL; } Op& entry = iter->second; return (entry.server->*(entry.op)) (auth, user_credentials, request, data, data_len, response_data, response_data_len); } /** Daemon function which accepts new connections. */ void Run() { using boost::asio::ip::tcp; using xtreemfs::util::Logging; #ifndef WIN32 signal(SIGUSR2, DummySignalHandler); #endif for (;;) { if (boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_DEBUG)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_DEBUG) << "Received interrupt, aborting server listener." << std::endl; } break; } boost::shared_ptr sock(new tcp::socket(io_service)); try { acceptor_->accept(*sock); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(drop_connection_mutex_); if (drop_connection_) { drop_connection_ = false; sock->shutdown(tcp::socket::shutdown_both); continue; } } boost::shared_ptr new_thread(new boost::thread( boost::bind(&TestRPCServer::Session, this, sock))); { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(active_sessions_mutex_); active_sessions_[new_thread->get_id()] = new_thread; active_sessions_socks_[new_thread->get_id()] = sock; } } catch (const boost::system::system_error&) { break; } } } /** Connection handler. */ void Session(boost::shared_ptr sock) { using xtreemfs::util::Logging; try { std::string remote_address = sock->remote_endpoint().address().to_string() + ":" + boost::lexical_cast(sock->remote_endpoint().port()); boost::scoped_array record_marker_buffer( new char[xtreemfs::rpc::RecordMarker::get_size()]); boost::scoped_array header_buffer; boost::scoped_array message_buffer; boost::scoped_array data_buffer; if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_DEBUG)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_DEBUG) << "New client connection from: " << remote_address << std::endl; } for (;;) { if (boost::this_thread::interruption_requested()) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_DEBUG)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_DEBUG) << "Received interrupt, aborting test server connection to: " << remote_address << std::endl; } break; } size_t length = 0; boost::scoped_ptr request_rm; try { // Read record marker. length = boost::asio::read( *sock, boost::asio::buffer(record_marker_buffer.get(), xtreemfs::rpc::RecordMarker::get_size())); if (length < xtreemfs::rpc::RecordMarker::get_size()) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN) << "Read invalid record marker from: " << remote_address << std::endl; } break; } request_rm.reset( new xtreemfs::rpc::RecordMarker(record_marker_buffer.get())); // Read header, message and data. std::vector bufs; header_buffer.reset(new char[request_rm->header_len()]); bufs.push_back( boost::asio::buffer(reinterpret_cast(header_buffer.get()), request_rm->header_len())); if (request_rm->message_len() > 0) { message_buffer.reset(new char[request_rm->message_len()]); bufs.push_back( boost::asio::buffer( reinterpret_cast(message_buffer.get()), request_rm->message_len())); } else { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN) << "Received a request with an empty message from: " << remote_address << std::endl; } break; } if (request_rm->data_len() > 0) { data_buffer.reset(new char[request_rm->data_len()]); bufs.push_back( boost::asio::buffer(reinterpret_cast(data_buffer.get()), request_rm->data_len())); } else { data_buffer.reset(NULL); } length = boost::asio::read(*sock, bufs); if (length != (request_rm->header_len() + request_rm->message_len() + request_rm->data_len())) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN) << "Failed to read a complete request from: " << remote_address << std::endl; } break; } } catch (const boost::system::error_code& error) { if (error == boost::asio::error::eof) { break; // Connection closed cleanly by peer. } else { throw; } } // Parse header and message. xtreemfs::pbrpc::RPCHeader request_rpc_header; if (!request_rpc_header.ParseFromArray( reinterpret_cast(header_buffer.get()), request_rm->header_len())) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN) << "Failed to parse request header received from: " << remote_address << std::endl; } break; } uint32_t interface_id = request_rpc_header.request_header().interface_id(); uint32_t proc_id = request_rpc_header.request_header().proc_id(); if (interface_id != interface_id_) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN) << "Received a message which was not intended for this service" " with interface id: " << interface_id_ << " (Message from" " = " << remote_address << " (interface id = " << interface_id << ", proc id = " << proc_id << ")" << std::endl; } break; } boost::scoped_ptr request_message( xtreemfs::pbrpc::GetMessageForProcID(interface_id, proc_id)); if (!request_message.get()) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN) << "Failed to find a suitable request message type for message" " received from: " << remote_address << " (interface id = " << interface_id << ", proc id = " << proc_id << ")" << std::endl; } break; } if (!request_message->ParseFromArray( reinterpret_cast(message_buffer.get()), request_rm->message_len())) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN) << "Failed to parse request message received from: " << remote_address << std::endl; break; } } // Check if the request should be dropped. if (CheckIfRequestShallBeDropped(proc_id)) { continue; } // Process request. boost::scoped_array response_data; uint32_t response_data_len = 0; boost::scoped_ptr response_message( ExecuteOperation(proc_id, request_rpc_header.request_header().auth_data(), request_rpc_header.request_header().user_creds(), *request_message, data_buffer.get(), request_rm->data_len(), &response_data, &response_data_len)); if (!response_message.get()) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_ERROR) << "No response was generated. Operation with proc id = " << proc_id << " is probably not implemented? (interface_id = " << interface_id_ << ")" << std::endl; break; } if (!response_message->IsInitialized()) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_ERROR) << "Response message is not valid." " Not all required fields have been initialized: " << response_message->InitializationErrorString() << std::endl; break; } // Send response. xtreemfs::pbrpc::RPCHeader response_header(request_rpc_header); xtreemfs::rpc::RecordMarker response_rm( response_header.ByteSize(), response_message->ByteSize(), response_data_len); size_t response_bytes_size = xtreemfs::rpc::RecordMarker::get_size() + response_rm.header_len() + response_rm.message_len() + response_rm.data_len(); boost::scoped_array response_bytes(new char[response_bytes_size]); char* response = response_bytes.get(); response_rm.serialize(response); response += xtreemfs::rpc::RecordMarker::get_size(); response_header.CheckInitialized(); if (!response_header.SerializeToArray(response, response_rm.header_len())) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_ERROR) << "Failed to serialize header" << std::endl; break; } response += response_rm.header_len(); response_message->CheckInitialized(); if (!response_message->SerializeToArray(response, response_rm.message_len())) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_ERROR) << "Failed to serialize message" << std::endl; break; } response += response_rm.message_len(); if (response_data.get() != NULL) { memcpy(response, response_data.get(), response_data_len); } std::vector write_bufs; write_bufs.push_back( boost::asio::buffer(reinterpret_cast(response_bytes.get()), response_bytes_size)); boost::asio::write(*sock, write_bufs); } } catch (const boost::system::system_error& e) { if (e.code() != boost::asio::error::eof) { if (Logging::log->loggingActive(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN)) { Logging::log->getLog(xtreemfs::util::LEVEL_WARN) << "Exception in thread: " << e.what() << std::endl; } } } { boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(active_sessions_mutex_); active_sessions_.erase(boost::this_thread::get_id()); active_sessions_socks_.erase(boost::this_thread::get_id()); } } /** Guards access to active_sessions_ and active_sessions_socks_. */ boost::mutex active_sessions_mutex_; /** Active client connections (thread id -> thread). */ std::map< boost::thread::id, boost::shared_ptr > active_sessions_; /** Socket of active client connections. Needed to cleanly shut them down. */ std::map< boost::thread::id, boost::shared_ptr > active_sessions_socks_; /** Thread which listens on the server socket and accepts new connections. */ boost::scoped_ptr daemon_; boost::asio::io_service io_service; boost::scoped_ptr acceptor_; /** Drop rules for incoming requests. */ std::list drop_rules_; /** Guards access drop_rules_. */ boost::mutex drop_rules_mutex_; /** Used to drop the next connection. */ bool drop_connection_; /** Guards access drop_connection_. */ boost::mutex drop_connection_mutex_; }; } // namespace rpc } // namespace xtreemfs #endif // CPP_TEST_COMMON_TEST_RPC_SERVER_H_