snapraid (11.5-0) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium * Bump * Bump -- Mario Fetka Fri, 11 Sep 2020 13:42:38 +0200 snapraid (11.2-0tikhonov1) xenial; urgency=medium [11.2 2017/12] * Fixed recognition of NTFS hardlinks. They behave differently than standard Unix hardlinks and this could result in SnapRAID reporting internal inconsistency errors for detecting links to the same file with different metadata attributes. * More efficient 'pool' command that updates only the links that need to be updated. This ensures that no change is done, avoiding to trigger a directory rescan of other programs. * In Linux use by default the advise "discard" mode instead of "flush". This avoids to swap-out the other process memory, leaving the system more responsive. * Changed the fallocate() use to work better with Btrfs with parity disks. * Changed the --test-io-stats screen to print the file name in process for each disk. -- Maxim Tikhonov Wed, 18 Jul 2018 19:44:46 +0400 snapraid (11.1-0tikhonov1~trusty) trusty; urgency=medium [11.1 2017/05] * Fixed the check command to correctly ignore errors on unused parity. This was broken in version 9.0. * Allow increasing the number of parity splits of existing parity. * Fixed quoting when printing in Linux. This fixes the UTF-8 screen output. Windows version was not affected. * Fixed recognition of 'hashsize' in the configuration file. The previous incorrect 'hash_size' is still supported for backward compatibility. * Fixed building in platforms that don't provide major/minor definitions in sys/types.h. * When creating 'pool' symbolic links, set their time as the linked files. * Added support for the Windows 10 symbolic link unprivileged creation, using SYMBOLIC_LINK_FLAG_ALLOW_UNPRIVILEGED_CREATE. * Windows binaries built with gcc 4.9.4 using the MXE cross compiler at commit ae56efa2b23a793b0146508bfef33027cdb09fd2 with targets i686-w64-mingw32 and x86_64-w64-mingw32 and optimization -O2. -- Maxim Tikhonov Mon, 28 Aug 2017 12:41:29 +0400 snapraid (11.0-0tikhonov1~trusty) trusty; urgency=medium [11.0 2016/11] * Added support for splitting the parity in multiple partitions. You can now specify multiple files for a single parity. As soon a file cannot grow anymore, the next one starts growing. In the configuration file, just put more files in the same 'parity' line, separated by , (comma). Note that if this feature is used, the saved content file won't be read by older SnapRAID versions. In Windows, 256 MB are left free in each disk to avoid the warning about full disks. * Added a new 'hashsize' configuration option. It could be useful in systems with low memory, to reduce the memory usage. Note that if this feature is used, the saved content file won't be read by older SnapRAID versions. * In Linux added the missing support for Btrfs file-systems. Note that to have full support you need also the 'libblkid' library, otherwise you won't get the UUIDs. * In screen messages don't print the disk directory in file path. You can control the format with the test option: --test-fmt file|disk|path. * In Windows allows to use the escape char '^' to handle file patterns containing real characters matching the globbing '*?[]' ones. In Unix it was already possible to do the same escaping with '\'. * Added a new -R, --force-realloc option to reallocate all the parity information keeping the precomputed hash. This is the previous -F, --force-full that instead now maintains the same parity organization and just recomputes it. * Added test options for selecting the file advise mode to use: --test-io-advise-none for standard mode --test-io-advise-sequential advise sequential access (Linux/Windows) --test-io-advise-flush flush cache after every operation (Linux) --test-io-advise-flush-window flush cache every 8 MB (Linux) --test-io-advise-discard discard cache after every operation (Linux) --test-io-advise-discard-window discard cache every 8 MB (Linux) --test-io-advise-direct use direct/unbuffered mode (Linux/Windows) The new default mode is 'flush' in Linux (before it was 'sequential'), and 'sequential' in Windows (like before). * For Seagate SMR (Shingled Magnetic Recording) ignore the SMART attribute Command_Timeout 188 as not reliable. * Fixed running in Windows platforms that miss the RtlGenRandom() function. * Added the --test-io-cache=1 option to disable the multi-thread IO mode. -- Maxim Tikhonov Thu, 01 Dec 2016 16:25:21 +0400 snapraid (10.0-0tikhonov1~trusty) trusty; urgency=medium [ 10.0 2016/02 ] * Boosts the speed of the 'sync' and 'scrub' commands with a new multi-thread implementation. It uses one thread for each disk, dedicated exclusively to read-ahead data and parity and to write-behind parity. This maximizes the data throughput keeping disks always busy. You can control the number of blocks to cache with the option --test-io-cache=NUMBER, where the number is between 3 and 128. The default is 8 MiB of blocks. You can show run-time stats during the process with the --test-io-stats option. You will see a graph with the number of cached blocks, and a graph with the wait time percentage for all the disks and computations. * The -h, --pre-hash command, saves the content file only after having verified all the hashes. This allows recovering of moved files in case a silent error is found during the hash verification check. * Allows to use the -d, --filter-disk option in the 'up' and 'down' commands. * Allows to run the 'smart' command without a configuration file. In such case it operates on all the disks of the machine. * In the configuration file 'data' is now a synonymous of 'disk'. * Adds the 'touch' command intended to arbitrarily set all the zero sub-second timestamps. This improves the SnapRAID capabilities to identify files. The 'status' command recommends to run 'touch' if required. * Restores the functionality of the -D, --force-device option when used to workaround the use of the same disk for two logical data drives when running the 'fix' command. * Uses a correct shell quoting in the example commands that involve files. * The minimum Windows version supported is now Windows Vista. This is required to use the native Windows thread support for the new multi-thread implementation. If you need to run on Windows XP, you have to stick on SnapRAID 9.x. -- Maxim Tikhonov Sat, 05 Mar 2016 17:44:53 +0400 snapraid (9.3-0tikhonov1~trusty) trusty; urgency=medium [ 9.3 2016/01 ] * Fixes an invalid assumption in the copy detection mechanism that could result in an internal inconsistency, and with the impossibility to run the 'sync' and 'diff' commands. This was triggered by a very specific pattern of identical files. At least three of them, with one already in the parity, and at a higher disk number than the others that should be instead new ones. This had no bad effect, if not preventing the 'sync' command to run. A workaround was to just run 'sync' one time with the -N, --force-nocopy option to disable the copy detection. * Restored the -O2 optimization option for Windows binaries, as -Og has a too big performance penality. [ 9.2 2016/01 ] * Fixes support for symlinks pointing to an empty target. Before they were only partially supported, and their presence could result in a content file not readable. This also disables multi-thread content write, as this was the issue we tried to detect with this feature, and it doesn't provide a performance advantage. Content verification is instead still multi thread. * Autorename disks using the matching UUID. To rename a disk you can now change directly the name in the configuration file, and run a 'sync' command. * Improves the physical offset ordering for the Btrfs file-system, correctly detecting files that have not a physical offset, for whatever reason. * Adds UUID support to Btrfs file-systems. It's present only if the 'libblkid' development library is available on the system. Usually this requires to install the libblkid-dev or libblkid-devel package. * Added a new --no-warnings option to disable some repetitive warnings that could be annoying to power users. * Improves the error reporting, printing a complete stack trace, that can be used to track down bugs more easily. For this reason the Windows binaries are now built with optimization option -Og, instead than -O2. -- Maxim Tikhonov Tue, 02 Feb 2016 12:59:13 +0400 snapraid (9.1-0tikhonov1~trusty) trusty; urgency=medium [ 9.1 2015/11 ] * Fixes a bug when reading a content file with a deleted entry bigger than 4 GB. This was a regression introduced in version 9.0 that could result in the impossibility to read a valid content file, after a deletion of a file bigger than 4 GB in the array. If this happened to you, just upgrading to 9.1 fixes the issue, and it allows you to continue to work. Note that this bug only prevented to run 9.0, but your data was still protected and could have been recovered using the versions 8.1 or 9.1. * In Windows disables the file zero check requiring the --force-zero option. This check is intended for possible case using ext3/4 in Linux, and there is no evidence that in Windows it's possible at all. * Windows binaries built with gcc 4.9.3 using the MXE cross compiler at commit 62bcdbee56e87c81f1faa105b8777a5879d4e2e with targets i686-w64-mingw32 and x86_64-w64-mingw32 and optimization -O2. [ 9.0 2015/11 ] * Fixes an invalid assumption that could happen when using the -e, --filter-error option with "fix" or "check". This was triggered by a very specific pattern of fragmented files and bad blocks combination, not so easy to reproduce. This had no bad effect, if not preventing the command to run. * Drastically reduces the memory usage. For each block, it now uses 17 bytes of memory, instead of the previous 28 bytes (for 32 bit) or 36 bytes (for 64 bit). This could result is a memory saving of up the 50%. * The -p, --plan option (old --percentage) can be used to define a scrub plan: "new", "bad" and "full". The "new" plan scrubs all the new synced blocks not yet scrubbed. This allows to verify as early as possible that the written parity during sync is really correct. You can use the "status" command to show the amount blocks not yet scrubbed. The "bad" plan scrubs only bad blocks. The "full" plan scrubs all blocks. * The graph in the "status" command now show scrubbed blocks with '*', and synced, but not yet scrubbed, blocks with 'o'. Note that when upgrading from a previous version, all blocks are assumed scrubbed the first time. * Content files are now written asyncronously from different threads to avoid the unfortunate condition that a memory error affects all of them in the same way. After writing, they are read again to verify their CRC. This is done to ensure thay they are really OK, even in the case of the worst possible silent errors. * Extends the -D, --force-device option to ignore more erroneous conditions in the 'fix' command, like unaccessible disks, or disks sharing the same physical device. * Extends the -d, --filter-disk option to allow to filter also by parity disk. * Extends the -h, --pre-hash option to also verify moved and copied files into the array before running a 'sync'. * Updates 'best' RAID functions for recent Atom CPUs. * Validates filters specifications rejecting relative paths. -- Maxim Tikhonov Tue, 01 Dec 2015 23:50:52 +0400 snapraid (8.1-0tikhonov1~trusty) trusty; urgency=medium [ 8.1 2015/05 ] * Fix build issues in generic Unix platforms, including Mac OS X. * The "diff" command returns with error code 2 if a "sync" is required, to differentiate with the generic error code 1. * Reduced the effect of SMART attribute 193 on the failure probability to avoid some false positive reports. -- Maxim Tikhonov Sun, 17 May 2015 23:29:11 +0400 snapraid (8.0-0tikhonov1~trusty) trusty; urgency=medium [ 8.0 2015/04 ] * Allows "sync" and "scrub" to continue after the first bunch of disk errors. Blocks with errors are marked as bad, and you can fix them with the "fix -e" command. The fix is expected to force the disk firmware to reallocate the bad sector, likely fixing the problem. You can control the number of allowed errors with the new -L, --error-limit option. The default is 100. * The -e, --filter-error option doesn't write anymore fixes to unsynced files. This helps in case you are running it on a not synced array, removing the risk to revert some files to an old state. * The -e, --filter-error option is now optimal and reads only the minimal amount of data necessary to fix the errors. * The "diff" command returns with an error code if a "sync" is required. * Adds new "smart" command to print a SMART report of the array. * Adds new "up" and "down" commands to spin up and down the disks of the array. * Adds new "devices" command to print the devices associations in the array. * Changes the log handling. If no log file is specified, all the warnings and not fatal errors messages goes to stderr. If a log file is specified, only fatal error messages are printed on the screen. You can control the amount of informative messages on stdout with the -q, --quiet and -v, --verbose options, that can be specified multiple times to be more quiet or verbose. * In the "status" command the "Wasted" column now shows a negative number for the amount of space that you can still waste without filling up the parity. * In the "status" and others commands we now use GB instead of GiB, when referring to disk space. * Renames the -s and -t options to -S and -B as they are intended to be manual only operations. * Windows binary built with gcc 4.8.1 using the MXE cross compiler 2.23, with targets i686-w64-mingw32 and x86_64-w64-mingw32. Before the x86 target was i686-pc-mingw32. -- Maxim Tikhonov Thu, 30 Apr 2015 23:01:55 +0400 snapraid (7.1-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=medium [ 7.1 2015/01 ] * In 'scrub' and 'sync' detects and reports Input/Output errors separately from generic file system errors. * In 'diff' doesn't print the "add" entry if a "copy" one is already printed. * Fixes build with old compilers in the x64 platforms [Leigh Phillips]. * Fixes out-of-dir builds [Christoph Junghans]. -- Maxim Tikhonov Wed, 11 Mar 2015 20:36:58 +0400 snapraid (7.0-0tikhonov2~precise) precise; urgency=medium [ 7.0 2014/11 ] * In 'check' and 'fix' the array is scanned to find any moved files that could be used to recover missing data. Files are identified by timestamp, and then they are recognized also if moved to a different disk. Note that even if there are false positive they are identified checking the hash, so they have not effect, besides making the process a little slower. To disable this new behaviour you can use the -N, --force-nocopy option. * The -i, --import command now identifies files by timestamp making it very fast in importing directories. * More detailed 'status' report with single disk stats and free space available. * A lot faster directory listing for Windows. * Adds AVX2 support to improve parity generation speed. * Prints the time spent waiting for each disk also in 'scrub'. * The CPU usage, speed and ETA estimations are now based on the last 100 seconds rather than from the start. * Keeps track of the UUID of the parity disks to check them before operating. * Windows binary built with gcc 4.8.1 using the MXE cross compiler 2.23. -- Maxim Tikhonov Thu, 27 Nov 2014 00:36:59 +0400 snapraid (6.2-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low [ 6.2 2014/5 ] * Fixed the regression test when run as root. * Added a new heuristic to detect file copies. Now a file is assumed to be a copy if name, size and nanosecond timestamp are matching, but if the nanosecond part of the timestamp is 0, it requires the full path matching and not only the name. * Added the -N, --force-nocopy option to disable completely the copy detection. SnapRAID also suggests to use this option in the error message of a data mismatch if likely caused by the copy detection. -- Maxim Tikhonov Wed, 16 Jul 2014 01:01:09 +0400 snapraid (6.1-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=high [ 6.1 2014/4 ] * Fix build and regression test in Mac OS X. -- Maxim Tikhonov Tue, 22 Apr 2014 00:22:07 +0400 snapraid (6.0-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low [ 6.0 2014/3 ] * In "sync", even if a silent error is found, continue to update the parity if it's possible to correct the error. Note that the block will be marked bad, and the data will be fixed only at the next "fix -e" call. But any new data added will be protected if you are using enough parity to fix both the silent error and at least another potential error. * Detect copied files from one disk to another and reuse the already computed hash information to validate them in "sync". Files are assumed copied if they matches the name, size and timestamp. * For "sync", added a new -h, --pre-hash option to run a preliminary hashing step for all the new files to ensure to detect silent errors caused by the heavy machine usage of the parity computation. * In "fix", if a previous fixing attempt was made resulting in a .unrecoverable file, uses this file as starting point for the new attempt. * In the log file name allows the use of the '>>', %D, %T modifiers to select append mode, and to insert the date and time in the name. * The options -p, --percentage and -o, --older-than now keep their default value even if the other one is specified. * Moved the .lock file in the same dir of the first specified content file. This avoid to spin-up the parity disks in all commands. * The "diff", "list", "dup", "status" and "pool" commands don't access anymore the parity disks that can now stay powered down. * The default configuration file in Windows is now searched in the same directory where the snapraid.exe file resides. * New source code organization. The RAID engine is now an external component usable also in other projects. -- Maxim Tikhonov Fri, 11 Apr 2014 02:43:52 +0400 snapraid (5.3-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low [ 5.3 2014/3 ] * Don't warn about UUID changed if it's for an empty disk. * Fixed the number of blocks that scrub has to process when selecting a high percentage of the array. * Removed duplicate recovery attempts in synced state. [ 5.2 2013/12 ] * If a disk changes UUID, automatically disable the inode recognition, because this is likely a new filesystem with all the inodes reassigned, and we don't want to risk a false positive when searching for inode/timestamp/size. * Allow to run a fix command with disks that doesn't need to be fixed mounted as read-only. * After a failed sync, always reallocates new files with a not yet computed parity to ensure to minimize the parity usage, if some other file is deleted in the meantime. * Doesn't count empty dirs as files in the diff counters. * Added a new "share" configuration option to allow to share in the network the pool directory also in Windows. * Fixed build problems in OpenBSD due the old assembler. * Fixed build problems in platforms different than x86. [ 5.1 2013/12 ] * Fixed a potential crash if a file is deleted during a "sync/scrub". This is a problem introduced in version 5.0 due new logging. If happened to you to have a crash in sync, you don't need to take any special action, just run "sync" again. * Restored the functionality of -C, --gen-conf command. * Prints the files with duplicate physical offset if the -v, --verbose option is specified. -- Maxim Tikhonov Tue, 11 Mar 2014 18:56:46 +0400 snapraid (5.0-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low * New upstream release. [ Upstream changelog 4.4 ] * Added support for up to six levels of parity. * Added a specific and faster triple parity format for CPUs that don't support SSSE3 instructions like ARM and AMD Phenom, Athlon and Opteron. * Faster RAID5 and RAID6 implementation for ARM 64 bit CPUs. * If a silent error is found during a "sync" command, directly marks the block as bad like in "scrub", without stopping the the "sync" process. * Sort files by inode when listing the directory. This improves the scanning performance. * For files with changes only in some blocks, updates the parity only for blocks that really are changed. This improves the performance in sync for modified files. * Added a new "list" command to see the stored list of files. * Removed the detailed list of errors from the screen output. To get it you must explicitely use the -l, --log option. It's now too detailed for the screen, because it contains a lot of info. * Changed the output format of some commands to make it similar at the new "list" one. * Reduced memory usage removing some unnecessary allocations. * Added a memory test on the memory buffers used in sync/scrub/check/fix before using them. -- Maxim Tikhonov Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:58:37 +0400 snapraid (4.4-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low * New upstream release. [ Upstream changelog 4.4 ] * Relaxed the check about small parity files, to allow to recover after a failed sync before resizing the parity files. [ Upstream changelog 4.3 ] * Fixed the scrub command with the -p0 option. Now it really scrubs only the blocks marked as bad and not the full array. [ Upstream changelog 4.2 ] * Fixed the wrong warning about physical offsets not supported caused by files not having a real offset because too small. For example, in NTFS it's possible to store such files in the MFT. It's just a cosmetic change, and not a functional one. * Remove unexpected 'Restore' entries in the diff output when dealing with filesystem without persistent inodes like NTFS in Linux. * Added support for filenames containing newlines. This happens in Mac OS X. [ Upstream changelog 4.1 ] * If the underline filesystem doesn't support the FIEMAP command, automatically fallback to use FIBMAP for sorting files. * Fixed the import of content files from previous version of SnapRAID that are the result of an incomplete sync. * Added a new -C, --gen-conf option to generate a dummy configuration file from the info in the content file. Just in case that you lose everything, except the content file. * At the end of sync/scrub/check/fix prints "Everything OK" if no error was found. This should make clear that everything is really OK. [ Upstream changelog 4.0 ] * New 'scrub' command to periodically check the oldest blocks for silent errors without the need to scan the whole array. * New 'status' command to check the fragmentation, the last check time distribution, and the silent error status of the array. * Added the new Spooky hash. It's faster in 64 bit architectures. To convert you can use the new 'rehash' command. * Changed to a binary content file to improve speed and reduce size. * Removed the --find-by-name, -N option. Now it always searches by name if a file is not found searching by inode, automatically reassigning inodes in restored files without needing to sync again the file. This happens only if the file has the same path, size and timestamp at nanosecond precision. * Added a hash seed to make harder intentional collision attacks. * When inserting files for the first time, sort them by their physical address to improve read performance. * Optimized the cache use for the all the RAID computations. This improves a lot the RAID performance. * Better selection of the RAID6 implementation for different CPUs. * Added RAID5/RAID6 mmx and sse2 implementations with unrolling by 4. They are a little faster than the previous unroll by 2. * Added a lock file to avoid multiple running instances on the same array. The file is named as parity file adding the .lock extension. There is also the undocumented --test-skip-lock to avoid to check it. * Automatically ignores, with warning, mount points inside the array directory tree. * Changes the 'dup' output format to include the size of each duplicate file. -- Maxim Tikhonov Fri, 01 Nov 2013 00:04:46 +0400 snapraid (3.2-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low * New upstream release. [ Upstream changelog 3.2 ] * Fix a directory creation problem in Windows when the "disk" option points to the root directory of a drive. Now SnapRAID won't complain about the inability to create such directory. If you encouter this problem when trying to recover your data, just upgrade to this version, and you'll be able to complete the recovering process. No need to upgrade for platforms different than Windows. [ Upstream changelog 3.1 ] * Direct use of Windows API for disk access to improve error reporting. * If the 'fix' process is aborted, it removes all the new files partially recovered, to allow to reuse again the '-m, --filter-missing' flag. * In Windows don't exclude anymore system files. Only system directories are excluded. * In Windows applies filters in case insensitive way. * The Windows binaries are now built with gcc 4.7.2. * Reduced memory occupation for hardlinks and directories. * In 'dup' don't list file with 0 size. -- Maxim Tikhonov Fri, 09 Aug 2013 17:43:06 +0400 snapraid (3.0-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low * New upstream release. [ Upstream changelog ] * Added pooling support with the new 'pool' command. It creates a virtual view of the array using symbolic links pointing to the original files. * Added a new -m, --filter-missing option that allow to undelete files, without checking/fixing the others. * Added a new -i, --import option to automatically import deleted files when fixing. * Added a new -l, --log option to save to disk the detailed log. * Added support also for hardlinks and empty directories. * Added support to save symlinks to files in Windows. Note that only the symlink is saved and not the linked file. Symlinks to dirs and junctions are still not supported in Windows. * Files without read permission generate an error instead of a warning. You now must explicitely exclude them in the configuration file with exclusion rules. * In 'check' and 'fix', if verbose is enabled, prints the result for each processed file. * Added an UUID check to detect when a disk is replaced, and to prevent unwanted disk swaps. -- Maxim Tikhonov Wed, 03 Apr 2013 13:01:53 +0400 snapraid (2.1-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low * New upstream release. [ Upstream changelog ] * Checks for wrong empty fields in the configuration file. * Filter rules for files are not anymore applied to directories. -- Maxim Tikhonov Mon, 28 Jan 2013 02:10:28 +0400 snapraid (2.0-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low * New upstream release. [ Upstream changelog ] * Added a new -a option to make the 'check' command to only check file hashes without checking the parity data. * Added a new -d option to filter by disk name. * The file modification time is now saved using nanosecond precision. This allows to restore the exact modification time in 'fix'. The new 'content' files written with this version are not backward compatible, but it's still possible to read the old 'content' format. * Fixed hard-links automatic exclusion. All the hardlinks after the first one are now correctly ignored. * If it isn't possible to grow a parity file, prints the list of files outside the maximum size allocated. * Autosave isn't triggered if we are near the end of the 'sync' process. * Before starting a 'sync', we wait for two seconds, to workaround the FAT limitation of having two seconds modification time precision. This a safe measure to be 100% sure to always detect file changes. * Always fill the memory after allocating it to avoid the OOM (Out Of Memory) killer in Linux. * Fixed compilation in Solaris/OpenIndiana for lacking both futimes() and futimens(). * Now 'sync' ensures that the parity files are not too small to contain the just loaded data. * Removed the '-H,--filter-nohidden' option. It doesn't make sense to have it as command line option. You must use the 'nohidden' option in the configuration file. * When opening files in read-only mode, also specify the noatime flag, to avoid to update the file access time. * Exclude rules for files are now also applied to directories. This allows to excludes some file/directory without the need to call the stat() function on them. * The -N, --find-by-name option also ignores the nanosecond part of timestamps to work with copy programs not supporting nanoseconds. * Fixed deduplicated files handling in Windows Server 2012. * Removed MD5 support. -- Maxim Tikhonov Thu, 06 Dec 2012 00:38:20 +0400 snapraid (1.13-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low * New upstream release. [ Upstream changelog ] * Fixed a Segmentation Fault when checking/fixing if there are three or more errors in a specific block. -- Maxim Tikhonov Mon, 05 Nov 2012 16:31:22 +0400 snapraid (1.12-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low * New upstream release 1.12. [ Upstream changelog ] * Fixed file renaming in Windows during a 'fix' command. This is only a Windows issue, no reason to upgrade for other platforms. -- Maxim Tikhonov Thu, 20 Sep 2012 13:13:40 +0400 snapraid (1.11-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=high * New upstream release 1.11. [ Upstream changelog ] * Fixed again directories inclusion. Exclusion rules for directories were ignored. -- Maxim Tikhonov Mon, 09 Jul 2012 19:06:01 +0400 snapraid (1.10-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low * New upstream release 1.10. [ Upstream changelog ] * Fixed directory inclusion, in case the last rule is an "include" one. * Fixed very long paths in Windows. We now always use the special '\\?' prefix to remove the 260 chars limitation. * If a file is excluded, it prints explicitely which attribute caused the exclusion. * Automatically excludes also the temporary copy of content file, the one with the ".tmp" extension. * Avoid the Windows system to go in automatic sleep mode when running. -- Maxim Tikhonov Sun, 01 Jul 2012 21:43:16 +0400 snapraid (1.9-0tikhonov1~precise) precise; urgency=low * New upstream release 1.9. [ Upstream changelog ] * Implemented a more sophisticated recovering in case a harddisk failure happens during a 'sync' command. When using RAID6 it improves the chances of recovering data after an aborted 'sync'. * Fixed the count of new files. * Added a new 'autosave' configuration option to save the intermediate 'sync' state. * Supported filesystems with read requests returning less data than requested. * In Windows ensures that the disk serial number is not zero. -- Maxim Tikhonov Tue, 10 Apr 2012 17:31:51 +0400 snapraid (1.8-0tikhonov1~oneiric) oneiric; urgency=low * New upstream release 1.8. Upstream changelog: * Added a new "dup" command to find all the duplicate files. * Added a new option "--filter-nohidden" to exclude hidden files. * Faster and parallel writing of content files. * The example configuration files now put the content files in the data disks instead than in the parity disks. * Added a checksum at the content file to ensure its integrity. * Using fallocate() instead posix_fallocate() to avoid the very slow posix_fallocate() fallback of writing the whole file. -- Maxim Tikhonov Sat, 17 Mar 2012 19:15:07 +0400 snapraid (1.7-0tikhonov2~oneiric) oneiric; urgency=low * Fixed example snapraid.conf. -- Maxim Tikhonov Sat, 24 Dec 2011 01:28:39 +0400 snapraid (1.7-0tikhonov1~oneiric) oneiric; urgency=low * Initial release. -- Maxim Tikhonov Thu, 22 Dec 2011 19:46:17 +0400