/* * Copyright (C) 2011 Andrea Mazzoleni * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . */ #ifndef __STATE_H #define __STATE_H #include "elem.h" struct snapraid_handle; struct snapraid_io; /****************************************************************************/ /* parity level */ /** * Max level of parity supported. */ #define LEV_MAX 6 /** * Return the parity name: Parity, 2-Parity, 3-Parity, 4-Parity, 5-Parity, 6-Parity. */ const char* lev_name(unsigned level); /** * Return the parity name used in the config file: parity, 2-parity, 3-parity, 4-parity, 5-parity, 6-parity. */ const char* lev_config_name(unsigned level); /****************************************************************************/ /* state */ /** * Units for disk space. */ #define KILO (1000) #define MEGA (1000 * 1000) #define GIGA (1000 * 1000 * 1000) #define TERA (1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 1000LL) #define KIBI (1024) #define MEBI (1024 * 1024) #define GIBI (1024 * 1024 * 1024) #define TEBI (1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024LL) /** * Global variable to identify if Ctrl+C is pressed. */ extern volatile int global_interrupt; #define SORT_PHYSICAL 1 /**< Sort by physical order. */ #define SORT_INODE 2 /**< Sort by inode. */ #define SORT_ALPHA 3 /**< Sort by alphabetic order. */ #define SORT_DIR 4 /**< Sort by directory order. */ /** * Options set only at startup. * For all these options a value of 0 means nothing set, and to use the default. */ struct snapraid_option { int gui; /**< Gui output. */ int auditonly; /**< In check, checks only the hash and not the parity. */ int badfileonly; /**< In fix, fixes only files marked as bad. */ int badblockonly; /**< In fix, fixes only the blocks marked as bad. */ int syncedonly; /**< In fix, fixes only files that are synced. */ int prehash; /**< Enables the prehash mode for sync. */ unsigned io_error_limit; /**< Max number of input/output errors before aborting. */ int force_zero; /**< Forced dangerous operations of syncing files now with zero size. */ int force_empty; /**< Forced dangerous operations of syncing disks now empty. */ int force_uuid; /**< Forced dangerous operations of syncing disks with uuid changed. */ int force_device; /**< Forced dangerous operations of using disks with save device id. */ int force_nocopy; /**< Force dangerous operations of syncing files without using copy detection. */ int force_full; /**< Force a full parity update. */ int force_realloc; /**< Force a full reallocation and parity update. */ int expect_unrecoverable; /**< Expect presence of unrecoverable error in checking or fixing. */ int expect_recoverable; /**< Expect presence of recoverable error in checking. */ int skip_device; /**< Skip devices matching checks. */ int skip_sign; /**< Skip the sign check for content files. */ int skip_fallocate; /**< Skip the use of fallocate(). */ int skip_space_holder; /**< Skip the use of spaceholder file. */ int file_mode; /**< File mode. Mask of ADVISE_* flags. */ int skip_lock; /**< Skip the lock file protection. */ int skip_self; /**< Skip the self-test. */ int skip_content_check; /**< Relax some content file checks. */ int skip_parity_access; /**< Skip the parity access for commands that don't need it. */ int skip_disk_access; /**< Skip the data disk access for commands that don't need it. */ int skip_content_access; /**< Skip the content access for commands that don't need it. */ int kill_after_sync; /**< Kill the process after sync without saving the final state. */ int force_murmur3; /**< Force Murmur3 choice. */ int force_spooky2; /**< Force Spooky2 choice. */ int force_order; /**< Force sorting order. One of the SORT_* defines. */ unsigned force_scrub_at; /**< Force scrub for the specified number of blocks. */ int force_scrub_even; /**< Force scrub of all the even blocks. */ int force_content_write; /**< Force the update of the content file. */ int skip_content_write; /**< Skip the update of the content file. */ int force_scan_winfind; /**< Force the use of FindFirst/Next in Windows to list directories. */ int force_progress; /**< Force the use of the progress status. */ unsigned force_autosave_at; /**< Force autosave at the specified block. */ int fake_device; /**< Fake device data. */ int no_warnings; /**< Remove some warning messages. */ int expected_missing; /**< If missing files are expected and should not be reported. */ int fake_uuid; /**< Set fakes UUID for testing. */ int match_first_uuid; /**< Force the matching of the first UUID. */ int force_parity_update; /**< Force parity update even if data is not changed. */ unsigned io_cache; /**< Number of IO buffers to use. 0 for default. */ int auto_conf; /**< Allow to run without configuration file. */ int force_stats; /**< Force stats print during process. */ uint64_t parity_limit_size; /**< Test limit for parity files. */ }; struct snapraid_state { struct snapraid_option opt; /**< Setup options. */ int filter_hidden; /**< Filter out hidden files. */ uint64_t autosave; /**< Autosave after the specified amount of data. 0 to disable. */ int need_write; /**< If the state is changed. */ int checked_read; /**< If the state was read and checked. */ uint32_t block_size; /**< Block size in bytes. */ unsigned raid_mode; /**< Raid mode to use. RAID_MODE_DEFAULT or RAID_MODE_ALTERNATE. */ int file_mode; /**< File access mode. Combination of ADVISE_* flags. */ struct snapraid_parity parity[LEV_MAX]; /**< Parity vector. */ char share[PATH_MAX]; /**< Path of the share tree. If !=0 pool links are created in a different way. */ char pool[PATH_MAX]; /**< Path of the pool tree. */ uint64_t pool_device; /**< Device identifier of the pool. */ unsigned char hashseed[HASH_MAX]; /**< Hash seed. Just after a uint64 to provide a minimal alignment. */ unsigned char prevhashseed[HASH_MAX]; /**< Previous hash seed. In case of rehash. */ char lockfile[PATH_MAX]; /**< Path of the lock file to use. */ unsigned level; /**< Number of parity levels. 1 for PAR1, 2 for PAR2. */ unsigned hash; /**< Hash kind used. */ unsigned prevhash; /**< Previous hash kind used. In case of rehash. */ unsigned besthash; /**< Best hash suggested. */ const char* command; /**< Command running. */ tommy_list contentlist; /**< List of content files. */ tommy_list disklist; /**< List of all the disks. */ tommy_list maplist; /**< List of all the disk mappings. */ tommy_list filterlist; /**< List of inclusion/exclusion. */ tommy_list importlist; /**< List of import file. */ tommy_hashdyn importset; /**< Hashtable by hash of all the import blocks. */ tommy_hashdyn previmportset; /**< Hashtable by prevhash of all the import blocks. Valid only if we are in a rehash state. */ tommy_hashdyn searchset; /**< Hashtable by timestamp of all the search files. */ tommy_arrayblkof infoarr; /**< Block information array. */ /** * Cumulative time used for computations. */ uint64_t tick_misc; uint64_t tick_sched; uint64_t tick_raid; uint64_t tick_hash; /** * Cumulative time used for all io operations of disks. */ uint64_t tick_io; /** * Last time used for time measure. */ uint64_t tick_last; int clear_past_hash; /**< Clear all the hash from CHG and DELETED blocks when reading the state from an incomplete sync. */ time_t progress_whole_start; /**< Initial start of the whole process. */ time_t progress_interruption; /**< Time of the start of the progress interruption. */ time_t progress_wasted; /**< Time wasted in interruptions. */ time_t progress_time[PROGRESS_MAX]; /**< Last times of progress. */ block_off_t progress_pos[PROGRESS_MAX]; /**< Last positions of progress. */ data_off_t progress_size[PROGRESS_MAX]; /**< Last sizes of progress. */ uint64_t progress_tick_misc[PROGRESS_MAX]; /**< Last cpu ticks of progress. */ uint64_t progress_tick_sched[PROGRESS_MAX]; /**< Last scheduling ticks of progress. */ uint64_t progress_tick_raid[PROGRESS_MAX]; /**< Last raid ticks of progress. */ uint64_t progress_tick_hash[PROGRESS_MAX]; /**< Last hash ticks of progress. */ uint64_t progress_tick_io[PROGRESS_MAX]; /**< Last io ticks of progress. */ int progress_ptr; /**< Pointer to the next position to fill. Rolling over. */ int progress_tick; /**< Number of measures done. */ int no_conf; /**< Automatically add missing info. Used to load content without a configuration file. */ }; /** * Initialize the state. */ void state_init(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Deinitialize the state. */ void state_done(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Read the configuration file. */ void state_config(struct snapraid_state* state, const char* path, const char* command, struct snapraid_option* opt, tommy_list* filterlist_disk); /** * Read the state. */ void state_read(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Write the new state. */ void state_write(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Diff all the disks. */ int state_diff(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Scan all the disks to update the state. */ void state_scan(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Set the nanosecond timestamp of all files that have a zero value. */ void state_touch(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Devices operations. */ void state_device(struct snapraid_state* state, int operation, tommy_list* filterlist_disk); /** * Sync the parity data. */ int state_sync(struct snapraid_state* state, block_off_t blockstart, block_off_t blockcount); /** * Check (and fixes) all the files and parity data. * \param fix If we have to fix, after checking. */ int state_check(struct snapraid_state* state, int fix, block_off_t blockstart, block_off_t blockcount); /** * Dry the files. */ void state_dry(struct snapraid_state* state, block_off_t blockstart, block_off_t blockcount); /** * Rehash the files. */ void state_rehash(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Scrub levels. */ #define SCRUB_AUTO -1 /**< Automatic selection. */ #define SCRUB_BAD -2 /**< Scrub only the bad blocks. */ #define SCRUB_NEW -3 /**< Scrub the new blocks. */ #define SCRUB_FULL -4 /**< Scrub everything. */ #define SCRUB_EVEN -5 /**< Even blocks. */ /** * Scrub the files. */ int state_scrub(struct snapraid_state* state, int plan, int olderthan); /** * Print the status. */ int state_status(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Find duplicates. */ void state_dup(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * List content. */ void state_list(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Create pool tree. */ void state_pool(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Refresh the free space info. * * Note that it requires disks access. */ void state_refresh(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Skip files, symlinks and dirs. * Apply any skip access disk. */ void state_skip(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Filter files, symlinks and dirs. * Apply an additional filter to the list currently loaded. */ void state_filter(struct snapraid_state* state, tommy_list* filterlist_file, tommy_list* filterlist_disk, int filter_missing, int filter_error); /** * Begin the progress visualization. */ int state_progress_begin(struct snapraid_state* state, block_off_t blockstart, block_off_t blockmax, block_off_t countmax); /** * End the progress visualization. */ void state_progress_end(struct snapraid_state* state, block_off_t countpos, block_off_t countmax, data_off_t countsize); /** * Write the progress. */ int state_progress(struct snapraid_state* state, struct snapraid_io* io, block_off_t blockpos, block_off_t countpos, block_off_t countmax, data_off_t countsize); /** * Stop temporarily the progress. */ void state_progress_stop(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Restart the progress. */ void state_progress_restart(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Set the usage time as wasted one not counted. */ void state_usage_waste(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Set the usage time for CPU. */ void state_usage_misc(struct snapraid_state* state); void state_usage_sched(struct snapraid_state* state); void state_usage_raid(struct snapraid_state* state); void state_usage_hash(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Set the last file used */ void state_usage_file(struct snapraid_state* state, struct snapraid_disk* disk, struct snapraid_file* file); /** * Set the usage time for a set of data disks. */ void state_usage_disk(struct snapraid_state* state, struct snapraid_handle* handle_map, unsigned* waiting_map, unsigned waiting_mac); /** * Set the usage time for a set of parity disk. */ void state_usage_parity(struct snapraid_state* state, unsigned* waiting_map, unsigned waiting_mac); /** * Print the stats of the usage time. */ void state_usage_print(struct snapraid_state* state); /** * Check the file-system on all disks. * On error it aborts. */ void state_fscheck(struct snapraid_state* state, const char* ope); /****************************************************************************/ /* misc */ /** * Generate a dummy configuration file from a content file. */ void generate_configuration(const char* content); #endif