# Contributing to afancontrol I started afancontrol in 2013 in an attempt to make my custom PC case quiet. It's been working 24/7 ever since with no issues, and eventually I started using it on my other machines as well. I'm quite happy with how this package serves my needs, and I hope it can be useful for someone else too. Contributions are welcome, however, keep in mind, that: * Complex features and large diffs would probably be rejected, because it would make maintenance more complicated for me, * I don't have any plans for active development and promotion of the package. ## Dev workflow Prepare a virtualenv: mkvirtualenv afancontrol make develop I use [TDD](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Test-driven_development) for development. Run tests: make test Autoformat the code and imports: make format Run linters: make lint So essentially after writing a small part of code and tests I call these three commands and fix the errors until they stop failing. To build docs: make docs