import threading from contextlib import ExitStack from unittest.mock import patch import pytest from click.testing import CliRunner from afancontrol import daemon from afancontrol.daemon import PidFile, Signals, daemon as main def test_main_smoke(temp_path): pwm_path = temp_path / "pwm" / "pwm2" pwm_enable_path = temp_path / "pwm" / "pwm2_enable" pwm_faninput_path = temp_path / "pwm" / "fan2_input" pwm_path.parents[0].mkdir(parents=True) pwm_path.write_text("100") pwm_enable_path.write_text("0") pwm_faninput_path.write_text("999") config_path = temp_path / "afancontrol.conf" config_path.write_text( """ [daemon] hddtemp = true [actions] [temp:mobo] type = file path = /fake/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/device/temp1_input [fan: case] pwm = %(pwm_path)s fan_input = %(pwm_faninput_path)s [mapping:1] fans = case*0.6, temps = mobo """ % dict(pwm_path=pwm_path, pwm_faninput_path=pwm_faninput_path) ) with ExitStack() as stack: mocked_tick = stack.enter_context(patch.object(daemon.Manager, "tick")) stack.enter_context(patch.object(daemon, "signal")) stack.enter_context( patch.object(daemon.Signals, "wait_for_term_queued", return_value=True) ) runner = CliRunner() result = runner.invoke( main, [ "--verbose", "--config", str(config_path), "--pidfile", str(temp_path / ""), "--logfile", str(temp_path / "afancontrol.log"), ], ) assert result.exit_code == 0 assert mocked_tick.call_count == 1 def test_pidfile_not_existing(temp_path): pidpath = temp_path / "" pidfile = PidFile(str(pidpath)) with pidfile: pidfile.save_pid(42) assert "42" == pidpath.read_text() assert not pidpath.exists() def test_pidfile_existing_raises(temp_path): pidpath = temp_path / "" pidfile = PidFile(str(pidpath)) pidpath.write_text("42") with pytest.raises(RuntimeError): with pidfile:"Should not be reached") assert pidpath.exists() def test_signals(): s = Signals() assert False is s.wait_for_term_queued(0.001) threading.Timer(0.01, lambda: s.sigterm(None, None)).start() assert True is s.wait_for_term_queued(1e6)