2013-04-05 11:03:03 +02:00

98 lines
5.0 KiB

# This optional file "" will be called by
# The targets will be called from thde opsi-builder using the following
# order: config, prepare, retrieve, create, package, publish, commit, cleanup
# You can overwrite the target functions in
# You can define callback functions. The functions are called from
# opsi-builder within processing a target
# cb_package_makeproductfile
# You can use every variable defined in any configuration file or by
# the defined builder script itself. Also, calling the predefined
# targets builder_<targetname> is possible.
# Abstract:
# target order: config, prepare, retrieve, create, package, publish, commit, cleanup
# callbacks: <none>
function cleanup() {
echo "Cleanup"
function retrieve() {
echo "Retrieve"
# work around big file download for verison change
local olddir=`echo $DIST_CACHE_DIR | sed -e "s/\/[^\/]*$//"`
echo $olddir
mv $olddir/${PN}-* tempsereby
mv tempsereby $DIST_CACHE_DIR
function create() {
echo "Create"
# create directories and extract the runtime packages
mkdir -p $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/{Install,Config,X86/Dimpel}
mkdir -p $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/UnInstall/Packages/{Flash,Shockwave}
7z x -o$INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/svcpack/aio-runtimes.exe
7z x -o$INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/Dimpel $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/dimpel/svcpack/aio-runtimes.exe
# update parts of the sereby with the Dimple package (Dimpel just updates everything exept dotnet)
# rsync -a $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/Dimpel/Packages/JRE/* $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/Packages/JRE
#rsync -a $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/Dimpel/Packages/Flash/* $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/Packages/Flash
# rsync -a $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/Dimpel/Packages/Shockwave/* $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/Packages/Shockwave
#rsync -a $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/Dimpel/Packages/Silverlight/* $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/Packages/Silverlight
# move the Windows 8 dotnet 2 - 3.5 in place
mv -v $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/win8dotnet35/sources/sxs $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET8
# Serby and its hacks workaround (sereby pack wants to copy a file on install but thats not possible on a readonly device in opsi
# move the combined x86/x64 to a common name
# recreate the new dir
mkdir -p $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5
# move the common dir to the x86 name under the new dir
# remove the copy from the install.bat
sed -e '/^copy/d' -i $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x86/_Install.bat
# move the package.xml un dir up
mv $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x86/package.xml $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5
# now link copy the x86 dir to x64
cp -al $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x86 $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x64
# do the copy for x86 (seded away erlyer)
mv $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x86/vs_setup_x86.msi $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x86/vs_setup.msi
mv $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x86/setup_x86.sdb $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x86/setup.sdb
# do the copy for x64 (seded away erlyer)
mv $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x64/vs_setup_x64.msi $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x64/vs_setup.msi
mv $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x64/setup_x64.sdb $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/x64/setup.sdb
# create a new install.bat that calls the right setup from the right dir
echo "@echo off" >> $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/_Install.bat
echo "set arch=%1" >> $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/_Install.bat
echo "call %~dp0\%arch%\_Install.bat" >> $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/NET/3.5/_Install.bat
# sed everything to disabled
sed -e "s!\"1\"!\"0\"!g" -e "s!maximized=\"0\"!maximized=\"1\"!" $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/WinPKG.xml > $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Config/WinPKG.xml
# sed force update on flash
sed -e "s!-install!-force -install!" -i $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/Install/Packages/Flash/package.xml
# move the uninstallers in place (directory layout like the sereby package)
mv -v $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/JavaUninstallScript.vbs $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/UnInstall/Packages/JRE
mv -v $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/uninstall_flash_player.exe $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/UnInstall/Packages/Flash
mv -v $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/X86/uninstall_shock_player.exe $INST_DIR/CLIENT_DATA/UnInstall/Packages/Shockwave
# delete the temp directory