######################################################################################### # MICROSOFT LEGAL STATEMENT FOR SAMPLE SCRIPTS/CODE ######################################################################################### # This Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not # intended to be used in a production environment. # # THIS SAMPLE CODE AND ANY RELATED INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY # OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # We grant You a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the Sample Code # and to reproduce and distribute the object code form of the Sample Code, provided # that You agree: # (i) to not use Our name, logo, or trademarks to market Your software product # in which the Sample Code is embedded; # (ii) to include a valid copyright notice on Your software product in which # the Sample Code is embedded; and # (iii) to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Us and Our suppliers from and # against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, that arise # or result from the use or distribution of the Sample Code. ######################################################################################### # //*************************************************************************** # // =============================== # // Elevation PowerToys for Windows # // =============================== # // # // Sysinternals Suite INF Installer Creation Script # // # // File: New-SysinternalsSuiteInstaller.ps1 # // # // Purpose: PowerShell Script to generate an INF file that installs the # // Sysinternals Suite. # // # // Version: 1.0.0 # // # // Revisions: # // ---------- # // 1.0.0 10/27/2010 Created script. # // # //*************************************************************************** $scriptVersion = "1.0.0" function Extract-Zip { param([string]$zipfilename, [string] $destination) if(test-path($zipfilename)) { $shellApplication = new-object -com shell.application $zipPackage = $shellApplication.NameSpace($zipfilename) $destinationFolder = $shellApplication.NameSpace($destination) $destinationFolder.CopyHere($zipPackage.Items()) } } $invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 0).Value $scriptPath = Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path $uriZipFile = "https://download.sysinternals.com/files/SysinternalsSuite.zip" $uriWebPage = "http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb842062.aspx" $regexPattern = "

Updated: (.+?)<\/p>" $userAgent = "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.2; .NET CLR 1.0.3705;)" # Template content of INF file $infContent = @' ; ######################################################################################### ; # MICROSOFT LEGAL STATEMENT FOR SAMPLE SCRIPTS/CODE ; ######################################################################################### ; # This Sample Code is provided for the purpose of illustration only and is not ; # intended to be used in a production environment. ; # ; # THIS SAMPLE CODE AND ANY RELATED INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY ; # OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE IMPLIED ; # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND/OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. ; # ; # We grant You a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to use and modify the Sample Code ; # and to reproduce and distribute the object code form of the Sample Code, provided ; # that You agree: ; # (i) to not use Our name, logo, or trademarks to market Your software product ; # in which the Sample Code is embedded; ; # (ii) to include a valid copyright notice on Your software product in which ; # the Sample Code is embedded; and ; # (iii) to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend Us and Our suppliers from and ; # against any claims or lawsuits, including attorneys’ fees, that arise ; # or result from the use or distribution of the Sample Code. ; ######################################################################################### ; //*************************************************************************** ; // =============================== ; // Elevation PowerToys for Windows ; // =============================== ; // ; // Sysinternals Suite INF Installer ; // ; // File: Install_SysinternalsSuite.inf ; // ; // Purpose: Installs the Sysinternals Suite ; // ; // Updated: ; // ; // INF File Generation Script version: ; // ; //*************************************************************************** [Version] Signature="$Windows NT$" [SysinternalsSuiteInstall] CopyFiles = SysinternalsSuite.Files.Inf CopyFiles = SysinternalsSuite.Files.ProgramFiles AddReg = SysinternalsSuite.AddReg UpdateInis = SysinternalsSuite.Links [DefaultInstall] CopyFiles = SysinternalsSuite.Files.Inf CopyFiles = SysinternalsSuite.Files.ProgramFiles AddReg = SysinternalsSuite.AddReg UpdateInis = SysinternalsSuite.Links [DefaultUnInstall] DelFiles = SysinternalsSuite.Files.Inf DelFiles = SysinternalsSuite.Files.ProgramFiles DelReg = SysinternalsSuite.DelReg AddReg = SysinternalsSuite.Once.UnInst.Reg UpdateInis = SysinternalsSuite.Links.Remove [SourceDisksNames] 55="Windows Sysinternals Suite","",1 [SourceDisksFiles] Install_SysinternalsSuite.inf=55 [DestinationDirs] SysinternalsSuite.Files.Inf = 17 SysinternalsSuite.Files.ProgramFiles = 16422,Sysinternals Suite SysinternalsSuite.Files.ProgramFiles.ShellRunas = 16422,Sysinternals Suite [SysinternalsSuite.Files.Inf] Install_SysinternalsSuite.inf [SysinternalsSuite.Files.ProgramFiles] [SysinternalsSuite.Once.UnInst.Reg] HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunOnce\Setup,SysinternalsSuite,,"%11%\cmd.exe /c rd /s /q ""%16422%\Sysinternals Suite""" [SysinternalsSuite.AddReg] HKLM,%UDHERE%,DisplayName,,"%DisplayName%" HKLM,%UDHERE%,DisplayVersion,,"%DisplayVersion%" HKLM,%UDHERE%,UninstallString,,"rundll32.exe syssetup.dll,SetupInfObjectInstallAction DefaultUninstall 132 %17%\Install_SysinternalsSuite.inf" [SysinternalsSuite.DelReg] HKLM,%UDHERE% [SysinternalsSuite.Links] setup.ini, progman.groups,,""group1="%16407%\%SysinternalsSuiteGroup%\""" setup.ini, group1,,"""%SysinternalsSuiteCmdPrompt%"",""""""%11%\cmd.exe"""" /k cd /d """"%16422%\%SysinternalsSuiteGroup%"""""",,,,""%16422%\%SysinternalsSuiteGroup%"",""%SysinternalsSuiteCmdPrompt%""" setup.ini, group1,,"""%SysinternalsSuiteURL%"",""""""%16422%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"""" """"http://www.microsoft.com/technet/sysinternals/utilities/sysinternalssuite.mspx"""""",""%16422%\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe"",1,,""%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%"",""%SysinternalsSuiteURL%""" setup.ini, progman.groups,,""group2="%16407%\%SysinternalsSuiteGroup%\%SysinternalsSuiteDocs%\""" [SysinternalsSuite.Links.Remove] setup.ini, progman.groups,,""group1="%16407%\%SysinternalsSuiteGroup%""" setup.ini, group1,,"""%SysinternalsSuiteCmdPrompt%""" setup.ini, group1,,"""%SysinternalsSuiteURL%"" setup.ini, progman.groups,,""group2="%16407%\%SysinternalsSuiteGroup%\%SysinternalsSuiteDocs%\""" [Strings] DisplayName = "Sysinternals Suite (Uninstall only)" DisplayVersion = "" SysinternalsSuiteGroup = "Sysinternals Suite" SysinternalsSuiteCmdPrompt = "Sysinternals Suite Command Prompt" SysinternalsSuiteURL = "Sysinternals Suite Web Page" SysinternalsSuiteDocs = "Documentation" UDHERE = "Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\SysinternalsSuite" '@ # Hash table for graphical programs that should have a Start Menu shortcut # Entries are "" = "" $hashStartMenuPrograms = @{ "AccessEnum.exe" = "AccessEnum"; "AdExplorer.exe" = "Active Directory Explorer"; "Autologon.exe" = "Autologon for Windows"; "ADInsight.exe" = "Insight for Active Directory"; "Autoruns.exe" = "AutoRuns for Windows"; "Bginfo.exe" = "Bginfo"; "Dbgview.exe" = "DebugView for Windows"; "Diskmon.exe" = "DiskMon for Windows"; "DiskView.exe" = "DiskView"; "LoadOrd.exe" = "LoadOrder"; "procexp.exe" = "Process Explorer"; "Procmon.exe" = "Process Monitor"; "RamMap.exe" = "RamMap"; "RootkitRevealer.exe" = "RootkitRevealer"; "Tcpview.exe" = "TCPView for Windows"; "VMMap.exe" = "VMMap"; "Winobj.exe" = "WinObj"; "ZoomIt.exe" = "ZoomIt" } # Hash table for help files that should have a Start Menu shortcut # Entries are "" = "" $hashStartMenuHelp = @{ "PsTools.chm" = "PsTools Help"; "AdExplorer.chm" = "Active Directory Explorer Help"; "ADInsight.chm" = "Insight for Active Directory Help"; "Autoruns.chm" = "AutoRuns for Windows Help"; "Dbgview.chm" = "DebugView for Windows Help"; "Disk2vhd.chm" = "Disk2vhd Help"; "Diskmon.hlp" = "DiskMon for Windows Help"; "Procexp.chm" = "Process Explorer Help"; "procmon.chm" = "Process Monitor Help"; "RootkitRevealer.chm" = "RootkitRevealer Help"; "Tcpview.chm" = "TCPView for Windows Help"; "VMMap.chm" = "VMMap Help"; "Winobj.hlp" = "WinObj Help"; } $wc = new-object System.Net.WebClient $wc.Headers.Add("user-agent", $userAgent) write-host "Downloading web page `"$($uriWebPage)`"" $webPage = $wc.DownloadString($uriWebPage) $updatedDateString = (select-string -pattern $regexPattern -InputObject $webPage | Select -Expand Matches | Foreach { $_.Groups[1] }).Value write-host "Suite Updated: $($updatedDateString)" $downloadFolder = "$($scriptPath)\$($updatedDateString)" $extractFolder = "$($downloadFolder)\Extracted" $filename = "$($downloadFolder)\SysinternalsSuite.zip" if ((Test-Path $downloadFolder) -eq $false) { write-host "Creating download folder `"$($downloadFolder)`"" New-Item -path "$($scriptPath)\" -name $updatedDateString -type directory > $null } if ((Test-Path $extractFolder) -eq $false) { write-host "Creating zip extraction folder `"$($extractFolder)`"" New-Item -path "$($downloadFolder)\" -name "Extracted" -type directory > $null } else { write-host "Deleting and recreating zip extraction folder `"$($extractFolder)`"" Remove-Item -path $extractFolder -recurse New-Item -path "$($downloadFolder)\" -name "Extracted" -type directory > $null } write-host "Downloading Sysinternal Suite Zip file `"$($uriZipFile)`"" $wc.DownloadFile($uriZipFile, $filename) write-host "Extracting Sysinternal Suite Zip file content" extract-zip $filename $extractFolder write-host "Creating INF installer `"$($extractFolder)\Install_SysinternalsSuite.inf`"" $infContent = $infContent | %{$_.replace("", $updatedDateString)} $extractedFiles = Get-ChildItem "$($extractFolder)\*.*" write-host " -- Update script version" $infContent = $infContent | %{$_.replace("", $scriptVersion)} write-host " -- Update file list" [string] $fileList = "" foreach ($file in $extractedFiles) { $fileList = $fileList + $file.Name + "`r`n" } $infContent = $infContent | %{$_.replace("", $fileList)} write-host " -- Update entries related to program shortcuts" [string] $AddProgramShortcuts = "" [string] $RemoveProgramShortcuts = "" [string] $ProgramStrings = "" foreach ($programName in $hashStartMenuPrograms.Keys) { if (Test-Path "$($extractFolder)\$($programName)") { [string]$fileExt = (Get-Item "$($extractFolder)\$($programName)").extension [string]$fileBaseName = $programName -replace($fileExt ,"") $AddLine = 'setup.ini, group1,,"""' + "%$($fileBaseName)Desc%" + '"",""""""%16422%\%SysinternalsSuiteGroup%\' + $programName + '"""""",,,,""""%16422%\%SysinternalsSuiteGroup%"""",""' + "%$($fileBaseName)Desc%" + '"""' $AddProgramShortcuts = $AddProgramShortcuts + $AddLine + "`r`n" $RemoveLine = 'setup.ini, group1,,"""' + "%$($fileBaseName)Desc%" + '""' $RemoveProgramShortcuts = $RemoveProgramShortcuts + $RemoveLine + "`r`n" $StringsLine = "$($fileBaseName)Desc = " + '"' + "$($hashStartMenuPrograms[$programName])" + '"' $ProgramStrings = $ProgramStrings + $StringsLine + "`r`n" } else { write-host "$($programName) not found" } } $infContent = $infContent | %{$_.replace("", $AddProgramShortcuts)} $infContent = $infContent | %{$_.replace("", $RemoveProgramShortcuts)} $infContent = $infContent | %{$_.replace("", $ProgramStrings)} write-host " -- Update entries related to help file shortcuts" [string] $AddHelpShortcuts = "" [string] $RemoveHelpShortcuts = "" [string] $HelpStrings = "" foreach ($helpName in $hashStartMenuHelp.Keys) { if (Test-Path "$($extractFolder)\$($helpName)") { [string]$fileExt = (Get-Item "$($extractFolder)\$($helpName)").extension [string]$fileBaseName = $helpName -replace($fileExt ,"") #$fileBaseName $AddLine = 'setup.ini, group2,,"""' + "%$($fileBaseName)Desc%" + '"",""""""%16422%\%SysinternalsSuiteGroup%\' + $helpName + '"""""""' $AddHelpShortcuts = $AddHelpShortcuts + $AddLine + "`r`n" $RemoveLine = 'setup.ini, group2,,"""' + "%$($fileBaseName)Desc%" + '""' $RemoveHelpShortcuts = $RemoveHelpShortcuts + $RemoveLine + "`r`n" $StringsLine = "$($fileBaseName)Desc = " + '"' + "$($hashStartMenuHelp[$helpName])" + '"' $HelpStrings = $HelpStrings + $StringsLine + "`r`n" } else { write-host "$($helpName) not found" } } $infContent = $infContent | %{$_.replace("", $AddHelpShortcuts)} $infContent = $infContent | %{$_.replace("", $RemoveHelpShortcuts)} $infContent = $infContent | %{$_.replace("", $HelpStrings)} write-host " -- Saving file to disk" $infContent | Set-Content "$($extractFolder)\Install_SysinternalsSuite.inf" write-host ""