[Actions] requiredWinstVersion >= "" setLogLevel=7 DefVar $ProductId$ DefVar $ProductName$ DefVar $OpsiAdminPass$ DefVar $local_user$ DefVar $AdminGroup$ DefVar $SearchResult$ DefVar $flag_active$ DefVar $val_userpasswd$ DefVar $val_username$ DefVar $UserExists$ DefVar $LocalTempPath$ DefStringlist $ResultList2$ ; The token BUILDER_VARIABLES will be replaced by opsi-builder.sh ; and adds the following variables: ; from builder-product.cfg : all variables definded by attribute WINST[index] ; from builder-product.cfg : VENDOR PN VERSION RELEASE PRIORITY ADVICE TYPE ; from opsi-builder.cfg : CREATOR_TAG CREATOR_NAME CREATOR_EMAIL ; auto generated winst-variables ; $IconFile$: path to product picture ; @@BUILDER_VARIABLES@@ sub_get_properties comment "Check if user exists." set $ResultList2$ = getOutStreamFromSection("DosInAnIcon_checkuser") set $UserExists$ = takeString(0,$ResultList2$) set $UserExists$ = takeString(0,splitstring($UserExists$," ")) if $UserExists$ = "yes" DosInAnIcon_deleteuser else LogError "User '" + $local_user$ + "' does not exist!" isFatalError endif [sub_get_properties] comment "val_username" comment "description: username" set $local_user$= GetProductProperty("val_username", "locsupp") [DosInAnIcon_checkuser] @echo off net user $local_user$ >nul 2>&1 && echo yes || echo no [DosInAnIcon_deleteuser] NET USER $local_user$ /DELETE [DosInAnIcon_deleteprofile] rmdir /S /Q "%ProfileDir%\$local_user$"