#!/usr/bin/ruby -w # Licensed under GPL-2 or later # Author: Petteri Räty <betelgeuse@gentoo.org> $: << File.dirname(__FILE__) require "@LIBDIR@/@PACKAGE@/go-pkgutil.rb" $verbose = false $quiet = false pkgs_to_check=[] def print_help(exit_value) puts 'Info: @PACKAGE_STRING@' puts 'Usage: go-checkdeps opts|pkgs' puts puts 'Options:' puts '-q, --quiet' puts '-v, --verbose' puts '-h, --help' puts '-d, --debug' puts puts 'Everything else is passed to qfile as it is' exit(exit_value) end ARGV.each do | arg | if arg =~ /^(-v|--verbose)$/ $verbose = true elsif arg =~ /^(-h|--help)$/ print_help(0) elsif arg =~ /^(-q|--quiet)$/ $quiet = true elsif arg =~ /^(-d|--debug)$/ $DEBUG = true $verbose = true else pkgs_to_check << arg end end pkgs_to_check.length == 0 && print_help(1) class ElfObj attr_reader :path, :pkgs def initialize(path) @path = path @pkgs = [] end def <<(pkg) if ! @pkgs.index(pkg) @pkgs << pkg else nil end end def <=>(r) return @path <=> r.path end def to_s() puts 'ElfObj to_s:' if $DEBUG s = "\t" + @path s+="\t" + @path + "\n\t\t" + @pkgs.sort.join("\n\t\t") if $DEBUG s end end def handle_new_lib(obj,lib) puts 'library: ' + lib if $DEBUG $lib_hash[lib]=nil pkg = get_pkg_of_lib(lib) if ! pkg return end if obj_table = $pkg_hash[pkg] obj_table << obj else $pkg_hash[pkg]=[obj] obj << pkg end end $lib_hash ={} $pkg_hash ={} qlist = IO.popen("qlist #{pkgs_to_check.join(' ')}") scan_elf = ScanElf.instance while obj = qlist.gets obj.rstrip! if is_elf(obj) puts 'obj: ' + obj if $DEBUG elf_obj = ElfObj.new(obj) scan_elf.each(obj) do | lib | handle_new_lib(elf_obj,lib) unless $lib_hash.key?(lib) end else puts "#{file} is not executable or a normal file" if $verbose end end qlist.close if $? != 0 $stderr.puts('qlist did not run succesfully.') $stderr.puts('Please emerge portage-utils if you don\'t already have it.') end $pkg_hash.sort.each do | pair | puts 'Key: ' if $DEBUG puts pair[0] puts 'Value: ' if $DEBUG puts pair[1].uniq.sort unless $quiet puts 'end Hash.' if $DEBUG end if $verbose puts $lib_hash.keys end