Mario Fetka d21230a2ed add languages to the list
add sql init script
2011-02-11 17:26:05 +01:00

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* All functions for determining and loading language files and for
* translating the text
* A few ideas and techniques were taken from the phpMyAdmin project
* @author Nick Korbel <>
* @version 03-14-05
* @package Languages
* Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 phpScheduleIt
* License: GPL, see LICENSE
* You must add the language infomation for the language that you are including to the
* $languages array below.
* Please keep the language keys in alphabetical order. The basic logic for this array
* is from the phpMyAdmin project.
* 1) The first 2 letters are the official language code.
* 2) The array must follow this order:
* The first element is a regular expression that validates against possible
* ways to identify the language and is in this format:
* + The official language code and the dialect code (country code) if it is needed.
* For example for all English translations: en([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?, for Bulgarian: 'bu'
* In any case where there is more than one dialect, it should follow the English format
* In any case where there is only one dialect, it should follow the Bulgarian format
* + the '|' character
* + the full language name (lowercase)
* The second element is the full file name of this translation. This file name should
* always be in the format: 2 letter language code, the word 'lang', the '.php' extension
* For example for all English translatinos: en.lang.php
* The third element is the official two letter language code
* The final element is the full language name. This will appear in the language
* pull down selection menu on the login page. Please capatalize the first letter
* If you are unsure of your language/dialect codes, please use the following resources -
* + Standard language codes:
* + Standard country codes:
$languages = array (
'en_US' => array('en([-_]us)?|english', 'en_US.lang.php', 'en', 'English US'),
'en_GB' => array('en([-_]gb)?|english', 'en_GB.lang.php', 'en', 'English GB'),
'es' => array('es([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|spanish', 'es.lang.php', 'es', 'Espa<70>ol'),
'cs' => array('cs([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|czech', 'cs.lang.php', 'cs', '&#268;esky'),
'fr' => array('fr([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|french', 'fr.lang.php', 'fr', 'Fran&ccedil;ais'),
'it' => array('it([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|italian', 'it.lang.php', 'it', 'Italiano'),
'sv' => array('sv([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|swedish', 'sv.lang.php', 'sv', 'Svenska'),
'de' => array('de([-_][[:alpha:]]{2})?|german', 'de.lang.php', 'de', 'Deutsch'),
'pt_BR' => array('pt([-_]br)?|portuguese', 'pt_BR.lang.php', 'pt', 'Portuguese Brazilian'),
'tr_TR' => array('tr([-_]tr)?|turkey', 'tr_TR.lang.php', 'tr', 'Turkey')
// Language files directory
@define('LANG_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../lang/');
* Tries to determine the langauge for this user by
* going though all options.
* @param none
* @return mixed language if it can be determined, or false if it cannot
function determine_language() {
global $conf;
$lang = false;
// Set the language
if (isset($_GET['lang']) && !empty($_GET['lang'])) {
$lang = $_GET['lang'];
else if (isset($_COOKIE['lang']) && !empty($_COOKIE['lang'])) {
$lang = $_COOKIE['lang'];
else if (isset($_SESSION['lang']) && !empty($_SESSION['lang'])) {
$lang = $_SESSION['lang'];
else if ($lang = get_browser_lang()) {
// Do nothing, it's done in the if
else {
$lang = $conf['app']['defaultLanguage'];
return $lang;
* Loads the language file
* @param none
function load_language_file() {
global $languages;
global $lang;
// Load the language file
if (isset($languages[$lang]) && file_exists(LANG_DIR . $languages[$lang][1])) {
include_once(LANG_DIR . "en_US.lang.php");
include_once(LANG_DIR . $languages[$lang][1]);
global $charset;
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=$charset");
header("Content-Language: {$languages[$lang][2]}");
else {
die('Could not load language file: ' . $languages[$lang][1]);
setcookie('lang', '', time() - 2592000, '/');
* Tries to detect the language based on the current browser settings
* @param none
* @return mixed language value if it can be found, false if it cannot be found
function get_browser_lang() {
global $languages;
$http_accepted = split(',',$_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE']);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($http_accepted); $i++) {
foreach ($languages as $lang => $vals) {
if (eregi($vals[0], $http_accepted[$i]))
return $lang;
return false; // If we get here, it wasnt found
* Sets the session variable for $lang so we do not need to go
* through the determining process each time
* @param string $lang language of current user
function set_language($lang) {
global $languages;
global $conf;
if (!isset($languages[$lang])) {
$lang = $conf['app']['defaultLanguage'];
setlocale(LC_ALL, $lang);
setcookie('lang', $lang, time() + 2592000, '/');
* Translate the given string into the current language
* If the translation does not exist, returns the default
* lanaguage translation
* @param string $str string to translate
* @param array $vars optional array of variables to pass to a sprintf translation string
function translate($str, $args = array()) {
global $strings;
$return = '';
if (!isset($strings[$str]) || empty($strings[$str])) {
return '?';
if (empty($args)) {
return $strings[$str];
else {
$sprintf_args = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < count($args); $i++) {
$sprintf_args .= "'" . addslashes($args[$i]) . "',";
$sprintf_args = substr($sprintf_args, 0, strlen($sprintf_args) - 1);
$string = addslashes($strings[$str]);
$return = eval("return sprintf('$string',$sprintf_args);");
return $return;
* Translates an email message to the proper language
* @param string $email_index index of the email to translate from the lang.php file
* @param mixed unlimited number of arguments to be placed inline into the email
* @return translated email message
function translate_email($email_index) {
global $email;
$return = '';
$args = func_get_args();
if (!isset($email[$email_index]) || empty($email[$email_index])) {
return '?';
if (func_num_args() <= 1) {
return $email[$email_index];
else {
$sprintf_args = '';
for ($i = 1; $i < count($args); $i++) {
$sprintf_args .= "'" . addslashes($args[$i]) . "',";
$sprintf_args = substr($sprintf_args, 0, strlen($sprintf_args) - 1);
$return = eval('return sprintf("' . str_replace('"','\"',$email[$email_index]) . "\",$sprintf_args);");
return $return;
* Returns a formatted date for current section
* @param string $date_index index of date to get
* @return formatted date for that index
function translate_date($date_index, $date) {
global $dates;
global $days_full;
global $days_abbr;
global $months_abbr;
global $months_full;
if (!isset($dates[$date_index]) || empty($dates[$date_index])) {
return '?';
$date_format = $dates[$date_index];
// This takes care of when day/month names are not translated by PHP
if (strpos($date_format, '%a') !== false) {
$date_format = str_replace('%a', '+d', $date_format);
$day_name = $days_abbr[date('w', $date)];
if (strpos($date_format, '%A') !== false) {
$date_format = str_replace('%A', '+d', $date_format);
$day_name = $days_full[date('w', $date)];
if (strpos($date_format, '%b') !== false) {
$date_format = str_replace('%b', '+m', $date_format);
$month_name = $months_abbr[date('n', $date)-1];
if (strpos($date_format, '%B') !== false) {
$date_format = str_replace('%B', '+m', $date_format);
$month_name = $months_full[date('n', $date)-1];
$return = strftime($date_format, $date);
if (isset($day_name)) {
$return = str_replace('+d', $day_name, $return);
if (isset($month_name)) {
$return = str_replace('+m', $month_name, $return);
return $return;
* Returns the array of lanugages
* @param none
* @return array of languages
function get_language_list() {
global $languages;
return $languages;