262 lines
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262 lines
6.8 KiB
* DBAuth class
* @author Samuel Tran
* @version 04-26-2005
* @package DBAuth
* Following functions taken from PhpScheduleIt,
* Nick Korbel <lqqkout13@users.sourceforge.net>:
* db_connect(), cleanRow(), get_err()
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 MailZu
* License: GPL, see LICENSE
* Base directory of application
@define('BASE_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..');
* CmnFns class
* Pear::DB
if ($GLOBALS['conf']['app']['safeMode']) {
ini_set('include_path', ( dirname(__FILE__) . '/pear/' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path') ));
else {
* Provide all database access/manipulation functionality for SQL Auth
class DBAuth {
// Reference to the database object
var $db;
// The database hostname with port (hostname[:port])
var $dbHost;
// Database type
var $dbType;
// Database name
var $dbName;
// Database user
var $dbUser;
// Password for database user
var $dbPass;
// Name for auth table that contains usernames and passwords
var $dbTable;
// Name of the Username field of the MySQL table
var $dbTableUsername;
// Name of the password field of the MySQL table
var $dbTablePassword;
// Name of the 'first name' or 'full name' field of the MySQL table
var $dbTableName;
// Name of the email address field of the MySQL table
var $dbTableMail;
// Hash configuration
// 1 = passwords will be stored md5 encrypted on database
// other number = passwords will be stored as is on database
var $isMd5;
// The user's logon name
var $logonName;
// The user's first name
var $firstName;
// The user's mail address
var $emailAddress;
var $err_msg = '';
* DBEngine constructor to initialize object
* @param none
function DBAuth() {
global $conf;
$this->dbType = $conf['auth']['dbType'];
$this->dbHost = $conf['auth']['dbHostSpec'];
$this->dbName = $conf['auth']['dbName'];
$this->dbUser = $conf['auth']['dbUser'];
$this->dbPass = $conf['auth']['dbPass'];
$this->isMd5 = $conf['auth']['dbIsMd5'];
$this->isCrypt = $conf['auth']['dbIsCrypt'];
$this->dbTable = $conf['auth']['dbTable'];
$this->dbTableUsername = $conf['auth']['dbTableUsername'];
$this->dbTablePassword = $conf['auth']['dbTablePassword'];
$this->dbTableName = $conf['auth']['dbTableName'];
$this->dbTableMail = $conf['auth']['dbTableMail'];
// Connection handling methods -------------------------------------------
* Create a persistent connection to the database
* @param none
function db_connect() {
/ This uses PEAR::DB
/ See http://www.pear.php.net/manual/en/package.database.php#package.database.db
/ for more information and syntax on PEAR::DB
// Data Source Name: This is the universal connection string
// See http://www.pear.php.net/manual/en/package.database.php#package.database.db
// for more information on DSN
$dsn = $this->dbType . '://' . $this->dbUser . ':' . $this->dbPass
. '@' . $this->dbHost . '/' . $this->dbName;
// Make persistant connection to database
$db = DB::connect($dsn, true);
// If there is an error, print to browser, print to logfile and kill app
if (DB::isError($db)) {
die ('Error connecting to database: ' . $db->getMessage() );
// Set fetch mode to return associatve array
$this->db = $db;
// User methods -------------------------------------------
* Authenticates user
* @param string $username
* @param string $password
* @return boolean
function authUser($username, $password) {
if ( $this->isMd5 )
$password = md5( $password );
if ( $this->isCrypt )
$password = $this->mysql_crypt( $password );
$query = "SELECT $this->dbTableUsername, $this->dbTableMail"
. (! empty($this->dbTableName) ? ", $this->dbTableName" : '')
. " FROM $this->dbTable"
. " WHERE $this->dbTableUsername=?"
. " AND $this->dbTablePassword=?";
$values = array($username, $password);
// Prepare query
$q = $this->db->prepare($query);
// Execute query
$result = $this->db->execute($q, $values);
// Check if error
if ($result->numRows() <= 0) {
$this->err_msg = translate('There are no records in the table.');
return false;
} else {
// Fetch the first row of data
$rs = $this->cleanRow($result->fetchRow());
$this->logonName = $rs[$this->dbTableUsername];
$this->firstName = ( !empty($rs[$this->dbTableName]) ?
$rs[$this->dbTableName] : $rs[$this->dbTableUsername] );
$this->emailAddress = array( $rs[$this->dbTableMail] );
return true;
* Checks to see if there was a database error and die if there was
* @param object $result result object of query
function check_for_error($result) {
if (DB::isError($result))
CmnFns::do_error_box(translate('There was an error executing your query') . '<br />'
. $result->getMessage()
. '<br />' . '<a href="javascript: history.back();">' . translate('Back') . '</a>');
return false;
* Strips out slashes for all data in the return row
* @param array $data array of data to clean up
* @return array with same key => value pairs (except slashes)
function cleanRow($data) {
$return = array();
foreach ($data as $key => $val)
$return[$key] = stripslashes($val);
return $return;
* Returns the last database error message
* @param none
* @return last error message generated
function get_err() {
return $this->err_msg;
// Helper methods -------------------------------------------
* Returns user information
* @return array containing user information
function getUserData() {
$return = array(
'logonName' => $this->logonName,
'firstName' => $this->firstName,
'emailAddress' => $this->emailAddress
return $return;
//mysql_crypt - shamelessly stolen from php.net docs
function mysql_crypt($passStr) {
$charArr = preg_split("//", $passStr);
foreach ($charArr as $char) {
if (($char == '') || ($char == ' ') || ($char == '\t')) continue;
$charVal = ord($char);
$nr ^= ((($nr & 63) + $add) * $charVal) + ($nr << 8);
$nr2 += ($nr2 << 8) ^ $nr;
$add += $charVal;
return sprintf("%08x%08x", ($nr & 0x7fffffff), ($nr2 & 0x7fffffff));