* This file is the messages index in quarantine for logged in users.
* It provides a listing of all messages corresponding to:
* - attachment ('B')
* - spam ('S')
* @author Samuel Tran
* @author Jeremy Fowler <jfowler06@users.sourceforge.net>
* @version 04-03-07
* @package MailZu
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 MailZu
* License: GPL, see LICENSE
* Include Template class
* Include common output functions
* Include quarantine-specific output functions

if (!Auth::is_logged_in()) {
    Auth::print_login_msg();	// Check if user is logged in

// grab the display size limit set in config.php
$sizeLimit = isset ( $conf['app']['displaySizeLimit'] ) && is_numeric( $conf['app']['displaySizeLimit'] ) ?
	     $conf['app']['displaySizeLimit'] : 50;

// This is not needed?
// Get content type
$content_type = (CmnFns::get_ctype() ? CmnFns::get_ctype() : 'A');

$order = array('sender', 'recipient', 'rule');
// Get current page number
$requestedPage = CmnFns::getGlobalVar('page', GET);

$_SESSION['sessionNav'] = "Site Rules";
$t = new Template(translate('Site Rules'));

$db = new DBEngine();


// Break table into 2 columns, put quick links on left side and all other tables on the right
showQuickLinks();		// Print out My Quick Links

if (! Auth::isMailAdmin()) {
  CmnFns::do_error_box(translate('Access Denied'));

} else {
	// Draw search engine
	printRulesSearchEngine($content_type, $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], 1);
	echo '<br>';

	if ( CmnFns::getGlobalVar('search_action', GET) == translate('Clear search results') ) {
		CmnFns::redirect_js($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . '?searchOnly=' . $conf['app']['searchOnly']);

$search_array1 = $db->convertSearch2SQL( 'mailaddr.email', CmnFns::getGlobalVar('f_criterion', GET), CmnFns::getGlobalVar('f_string', GET) );
$search_array2 = $db->convertSearch2SQL( 'recip.email', CmnFns::getGlobalVar('t_criterion', GET), CmnFns::getGlobalVar('t_string', GET) );
$search_array = array_merge( $search_array1, $search_array2 );

	// Print a loading message until database returns...
	printMessage(translate('Retrieving Messages...'));

	$list_items = $db->get_user_control_list( $_SESSION['sessionMail'], CmnFns::get_value_order($order), CmnFns::get_vert_order(), $search_array, $requestedPage, 1);

	// Compute maximum number of pages
	$maxPage = (ceil($db->numRows/$sizeLimit)-1);

	// If $requestedPage > $maxPage, then redirect to $maxPage instead of $requestedPage
	if ( $requestedPage > $maxPage ) {
		$query_string = CmnFns::array_to_query_string( $_GET, array( 'page' ) );
		$query_string = str_replace ( '&amp;', '&', $query_string );

	showRulesTable($list_items, $requestedPage, CmnFns::get_value_order($order), CmnFns::get_vert_order(), $db->numRows);

	// Hide the message after the table loads.
	hideMessage(translate('Retrieving Messages...'));