* These functions common to most pages
* @author Samuel Tran <stran2005@users.sourceforge.net>
* @author Brian Wong <bwsource@users.sourceforge.net>
* @author Jeremy Fowler <jfowler06@users.sourceforge.net>
* @package MailZu
* Following functions taken from PhpScheduleIt,
* @author Nick Korbel <lqqkout13@users.sourceforge.net>
* @version 04-03-07:
*	formatTime(), formatDate(), formatDateTime(), minutes_to_hours(), getScriptURL(),
*	do_error_box(), do_message_box(), getNewLink(), getNewPager(), cleanPostVals(),
*	get_vert_order(), get_value_order(), write_log(), get_day_name(), redirect(),
*	print_language_pulldown(), html_activate_links() 
* Copyright (C) 2005 - 2007 MailZu
* License: GPL, see LICENSE
* Base directory of application
@define('BASE_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..');
* Include configuration file
include_once(BASE_DIR . '/config/config.php');
* Include Link class
* Include Pager class

// Define constants for method getGlobalVar()

* Provides functions common to most pages
class CmnFns {
	* Convert minutes to hours
	* @param double $time time to convert in minutes
	* @return string time in 12 hour time
	function formatTime($time) {
		global $conf;
		// Set up time array with $timeArray[0]=hour, $timeArray[1]=minute
		// If time does not contain decimal point
		// then set time array manually
		// else explode on the decimal point
		$hour = intval($time / 60);
		$min = $time % 60;
		if ($conf['app']['timeFormat'] == 24) {			
			$a = '';									// AM/PM does not exist
			if ($hour < 10) $hour = '0' . $hour;
		else {		
			$a = ($hour < 12 || $hour == 24) ? translate('am') : translate('pm');			// Set am/pm		
			if ($hour > 12) $hour = $hour - 12;			// Take out of 24hr clock
			if ($hour == 0) $hour = 12;					// Don't show 0hr, show 12 am	
		// Set proper minutes (the same for 12/24 format)
		if ($min < 10) $min = 0 . $min;
		// Put into a string and return
		return $hour . ':' . $min . $a;
	* Convert ISO8601 date to date format
	* @param string $date string (yyyy-mm-dd)
	* @return int timestamp
	function formatDateISO($date) {

		$time = strtotime($date);
		return $time;
	* Convert timestamp to date format
	* @param string $date timestamp
	* @param string $format format to put datestamp into
	* @return string date as $format or as default format
	function formatDate($date, $format = '') {
		global $dates;
		if (empty($format)) $format = $dates['general_date'];
		return strftime($format, $date);
	* Convert UNIX timestamp to datetime format
	* @param string $ts MySQL timestamp
	* @param string $format format to put datestamp into
	* @return string date/time as $format or as default format
	function formatDateTime($ts, $format = '') {
		global $conf;
		global $dates;
		if (empty($format))
			$format = $dates['general_datetime'] . ' ' . (($conf['app']['timeFormat'] ==24) ? '%H' : '%I') . ':%M:%S' . (($conf['app']['timeFormat'] == 24) ? '' : ' %p');
		return strftime($format, $ts);
	* Convert minutes to hours/minutes
	* @param int $minutes minutes to convert
	* @return string version of hours and minutes
	function minutes_to_hours($minutes) {
		if ($minutes == 0)
			return '0 ' . translate('hours');
		$hours = (intval($minutes / 60) != 0) ? intval($minutes / 60) . ' ' . translate('hours') : '';
		$min = (intval($minutes % 60) != 0) ? intval($minutes % 60) . ' ' . translate('minutes') : '';
		return ($hours . ' ' . $min);
	* Return the current script URL directory
	* @param none
	* @return url url of curent script directory
	function getScriptURL() {
		global $conf;
		$uri = $conf['app']['weburi'];
		return (strrpos($uri, '/') === false) ? $uri : substr($uri, 0, strlen($uri));
	* Prints an error message box and kills the app
	* @param string $msg error message to print
	* @param string $style inline CSS style definition to apply to box
	* @param boolean $die whether to kill the app or not
	function do_error_box($msg, $style='', $die = true) {
		global $conf;
		echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" class="alert" style="' . $style . '"><tr><td>' . $msg . '</td></tr></table>';

		if ($die) {
			echo '</td></tr></table>';		// endMain() in Template
			echo '<p align="center"><a href="http://www.mailzu.net">' . $conf['app']['title'] .' v' . $conf['app']['version'] . '</a></p></body></html>';	// printHTMLFooter() in Template
			//$t = new Template();
	* Prints out a box with notification message
	* @param string $msg message to print out
	* @param string $style inline CSS style definition to apply to box
	function do_message_box($msg, $style='') {
		echo '<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="center" class="message" style="' . $style . '"><tr><td>' . $msg . '</td></tr></table>';
	* Returns a reference to a new Link object
	* Used to make HTML links
	* @param none
	* @return Link object
	function getNewLink() {
		return new Link();
	* Returns a reference to a new Pager object
	* Used to iterate over limited recordesets
	* @param none
	* @return Pager object
	function getNewPager() {
		return new Pager();
	* Strip out slahses from POST values
	* @param none
	* @return array of cleaned up POST values
	function cleanPostVals() {
		$return = array();
		foreach ($_POST as $key => $val)
			$return[$key] = stripslashes(trim($val));
		return $return;
	* Strip out slahses from an array of data
	* @param none
	* @return array of cleaned up data
	function cleanVals($data) {
		$return = array();
		foreach ($data as $key => $val)
			$return[$key] = stripslashes($val);
		return $return;
	* Verifies vertical order and returns value
	* @param string $vert value of vertical order
	* @return string vertical order
	function get_vert_order($get_name = 'vert') {
		// If no vertical value is specified, use DESC
		$vert = isset($_GET[$get_name]) ? $_GET[$get_name] : 'DESC';
		// Validate vert value, default to DESC if invalid
		switch($vert) {
			case 'DESC';
			case 'ASC';
			default :
				$vert = 'DESC';
		return $vert;
	* Verifies and returns the order to list recordset results by
	* If none of the values are valid, it will return the 1st element in the array
	* @param array $orders all valid order names
	* @return string order of recorset
	function get_value_order($orders = array(), $get_name = 'order') {
		if (empty($orders))		// Return null if the order array is empty
			return NULL;
		// Set default order value
		// If a value is specifed in GET, use that.  Else use the first element in the array
		$order = isset($_GET[$get_name]) ? $_GET[$get_name] : $orders[0];
		if (in_array($order, $orders))
			$order = $order;
			$order = $orders[0];
		return $order;
	* Opposite of php's nl2br function.
	* Subs in a newline for all brs
	* @param string $subject line to make subs on
	* @return reformatted line
	function br2nl($subject) {
		return str_replace('<br />', "\n", $subject);
	* Writes a log string to the log file specified in config.php
	* @param string $string log entry to write to file
	* @param string $userid memeber id of user performing the action
	* @param string $ip ip address of user performing the action
	function write_log($string, $userid = NULL, $ip = NULL) {
		global $conf;
		$delim = "\t";
		$file = $conf['app']['logfile'];
		$values = '';

		if (!$conf['app']['use_log'])	// Return if we aren't going to log
		if (empty($ip))
			$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
		clearstatcache();				// Clear cached results
		if (!is_dir(dirname($file)))
			mkdir(dirname($file), 0777);		// Create the directory
		if (!touch($file))
			return;					// Return if we cant touch the file
		if (!$fp = fopen($file, 'a'))
			return;					// Return if the fopen fails
		flock($fp, LOCK_EX);		// Lock file for writing
		if (!fwrite($fp, '[' . date('D, d M Y H:i:s') . ']' . $delim . $ip . $delim . $userid . $delim . $string . "\r\n"))	// Write log entry
        	return;					// Return if we cant write to the file
		flock($fp, LOCK_UN);		// Unlock file
	* Returns the day name
	* @param int $day_of_week day of the week
	* @param int $type how to return the day name (0 = full, 1 = one letter, 2 = two letter, 3 = three letter)
	function get_day_name($day_of_week, $type = 0) {
		global $days_full;
		global $days_abbr;
		global $days_letter;
		global $days_two;

		$names = array (
			$days_full, $days_letter, $days_two, $days_letter
			array ('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'),
			array ('S', 'M', 'T', 'W', 'T', 'F', 'S'),
			array ('Su', 'Mo', 'Tu', 'We', 'Th', 'Fr', 'Sa'),
			array ('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat')
		return $names[$type][$day_of_week];

	* Redirects a user to a new location
	* @param string $location new http location
	* @param int $time time in seconds to wait before redirect
	function redirect($location, $time = 0, $die = true) {
		header("Refresh: $time; URL=$location");
		if ($die) exit;
	* Prints out the HTML to choose a language
	* @param none
	function print_language_pulldown() {
		global $conf;
		<select name="language" class="textbox" onchange="changeLanguage(this);">
			$languages = get_language_list();
			foreach ($languages as $lang => $settings) {
				echo '<option value="' . $lang . '"'
					. ((determine_language() == $lang) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' )
					. '>' . $settings[3] . ($lang == $conf['app']['defaultLanguage'] ? ' ' . translate('(Default)') : '') . "</option>\n";
	* Searches the input string and creates links out of any properly formatted 'URL-like' text
	* Written by Fredrik Kristiansen (russlndr at online.no)
	* and Albrecht Guenther (ag at phprojekt.de).
	* @param string $str string to search for links to create
	* @return string with 'URL-like' text changed into clickable links
	function html_activate_links($str) {
		$str = eregi_replace('(((f|ht){1}tp://)[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+)', '<a href="\1" target="_blank">\1</a>', $str);
		$str = eregi_replace('([[:space:]()[{}])(www.[-a-zA-Z0-9@:%_+.~#?&//=]+)', '\1<a href="http://\2" target="_blank">\2</a>', $str);
		$str = eregi_replace('([_.0-9a-z-]+@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]+.)+[a-z]{2,3})','<a href="mailto:\1">\1</a>', $str);
		return $str;

	* Verifies current page number and returns value
	* @param integer $page value of current page number
	* @return integer current page number
	function get_current_page_number($get_name = 'page') {
		// If no page number is specified, use 0
		$page = ( isset($_GET[$get_name]) && is_numeric($_GET[$get_name]) )  ? $_GET[$get_name] : 0;
		return $page;
        * Gets the requested mail_id
        * @param none
        * @return string mail_id
        function get_mail_id($get_name = 'mail_id') {
                // If there isnt one set, return NULL
                $mail_id = (isset($_GET[$get_name])) ? $_GET[$get_name] : NULL;
                return $mail_id;
	* Verifies and returns the order to list recordset results by
	* Convert an array to a query string
	* @param array $array
	* @param array $exclude_vars to be excluded from the resulting string
	* @param boolean $url_encode_ampersands
	function array_to_query_string( $array, $exclude_vars=array(), $url_encode_ampersands=true )
		if( ! is_array( $array ) )
			return '';
		if( ! $array )
			return '';
		$str = '';
		foreach( $array as $name => $val ) {
			if( ! in_array( $name, $exclude_vars ) ) {
				if( $i>0 )
					if( $url_encode_ampersands )
						$str .= '&amp;';
						$str .= '&';
				$str .= urlencode( $name ) . '=' . urlencode( $val );
		return $str;

	* Generate HTML for multipage links
	* @param integer $page current page
	* @param integer $sizeLimit maximum number of messages per page
	* @param integer $count total number of messages
	function genMultiPagesLinks( $page, $sizeLimit, $count) {
		global $link;

		$total_pages = $count / $sizeLimit;

		$php_self = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];

        	if( $page != 0 )  {
               		$query_string = CmnFns::array_to_query_string( $_GET, array( 'page' ) );
			$query_string_first = $query_string . '&page=0';
               		$query_string_previous = $query_string . '&page=' . ($page-1);
               		$pager_html .= $link->getLink($php_self . '?' . $query_string_first, translate('first'), '', '', translate('Go to first page')) . " | ";
               		$pager_html .= $link->getLink($php_self . '?' . $query_string_previous, translate('previous'), '', '', translate('Go to previous page')) . " | ";
       		} else {
               		$pager_html .= translate('first') . " | " . translate('previous') ." | ";

       		$pager_html .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';

       		// for large search results where we page beyone the first 20 pages,
       		// print elipsis instead of making the pager be super wide.
       		$elipsis_printed = false;

		for( $i=0; $i<$count; $i+=$sizeLimit ) {
               		$page_num = $i/$sizeLimit;
               		if( $count > $size_limit * 20 && abs( $page_num - $page ) > 10 ) {
                       		if( ! $elipsis_printed ) {
                               		$pager_html .= '...&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                               		$elipsis_printed = true;
               		} else if( $page == $page_num ) {
                       		$pager_html .= '<b>' . ($page_num + 1) . '</b>';
                       		$pager_html .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                       		$elipsis_printed = false;
               		} else {
                       		$query_string = CmnFns::array_to_query_string( $_GET, array( 'page' ) );
                       		$query_string .= '&page=' . $page_num;
               			$pager_html .= $link->getLink($php_self . '?' . $query_string, ($page_num+1), '', '', translate('Go to page') . ' ' . ($page_num+1));
                       		$pager_html .= '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                       		$elipsis_printed = false;

		if( $page+1 < $total_pages )  {
               		$query_string = CmnFns::array_to_query_string( $_GET, array( 'page' ) );
               		$query_string_next .= $query_string . '&page=' . ($page+1);
               		$query_string_last .= $query_string . '&page=' . (ceil($total_pages)-1);
               		$pager_html .= ' | ' . $link->getLink($php_self . '?' . $query_string_next, strtolower(translate('Next')), '', '', translate('Go to next page'));
               		$pager_html .= ' | ' . $link->getLink($php_self . '?' . $query_string_last, translate('last'), '', '', translate('Go to last page'));
       		} else {
               		$pager_html .= " | " . strtolower(translate('Next')) . " | " . translate('last');

		return $pager_html;

	* Generate HTML for search engine
	* @param $content_type: 'B' (attachment) or 'S' (spam)
	function searchEngine($content_type, $submit_page, $full_search = false) {
		global $conf;

		$fields_array = array("f" => translate('From'), 
				      "s" => translate('Subject')
		if ((Auth::isMailAdmin() || Auth::isDomainAdmin()) || $conf['app']['allowMailid']) {
			$fields_array = array_merge(array("m" => "Mail ID"), $fields_array);
		if ($full_search) $fields_array = array_merge(array("t" => translate('To')), $fields_array);

		<table border=0 width="100%">
		<form action="<? echo $submit_page ?>" method="get" name="quarantine">

			<tr><td colspan=2 align="center"><? echo translate('Search for messages whose:'); ?>&nbsp;</td></tr>
			<tr><td align="right">&nbsp;
			$i = 1;
			$array_size = count($fields_array);
			foreach ($fields_array as $k => $name) {
				echo "\t\t\t$name: \n";
				echo "\t\t\t<select name='" . $k . "_criterion' class='button'>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t<option value='contains'";
				echo "contains" == CmnFns::getGlobalVar($k . '_criterion', GET) ? " selected='true'>" : ">";
				echo translate('contains') . "</option>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t<option value='not_contain'";
				echo "not_contain" == CmnFns::getGlobalVar($k . '_criterion', GET) ? " selected='true'>" : ">";
				echo translate('doesn\'t contain') . "</option>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t<option value='equals'";
				echo "equals" == CmnFns::getGlobalVar($k . '_criterion', GET) ? " selected='true'>" : ">";
				echo translate('equals') . "</option>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t<option value='not_equal'";
				echo "not_equal" == CmnFns::getGlobalVar($k . '_criterion', GET) ? " selected='true'>" : ">";
				echo translate('doesn\'t equal') . "</option>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t</select>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t<input type='text' name='" . $k . "_string' size='20' value='"
					. CmnFns::getGlobalVar($k . '_string', GET) . "' />\n";
				echo ($i % 2) ? "\t\t\t&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t<td align='left'>&nbsp\n" : "\t\t\t&nbsp;</td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td align='right'>&nbsp\n";
				$i ++;
			<? echo translate('Content Type'); ?>:
			<select name="ctype" class="button">
					<option value="A" <? echo ($content_type == 'A' ?  ' selected="true"':''); ?>>
					<? echo translate('All'); ?></option>
					<option value="S" <? echo ($content_type == 'S' ?  ' selected="true"':''); ?>>
					<? echo translate('Spam'); ?></option>
					<option value="B" <? echo ($content_type == 'B' ?  ' selected="true"':''); ?>>
					<? echo translate('Banned'); ?></option>
			<? if ((Auth::isMailAdmin() || Auth::isDomainAdmin()) || $conf['app']['allowViruses']) { ?>
					<option value="V" <? echo ($content_type == 'V' ?  ' selected="true"':''); ?>>
					<? echo translate('Virus'); ?></option>
			<? } 
				 if ((Auth::isMailAdmin() || Auth::isDomainAdmin()) || $conf['app']['allowBadHeaders']) { ?>
					<option value="H" <? echo ($content_type == 'H' ?  ' selected="true"':''); ?>>
					<? echo translate('Bad Header'); ?></option>				
			<? }
			echo "</select>";
			$i ++;
			echo ($i % 2) ? "&nbsp;</td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td colspan='2' align='center'>&nbsp\n" : "&nbsp;</td><td align='left'>&nbsp";
			<input type="submit" class="button" name="search_action" value="<? echo translate('Search'); ?>" />
			<? if (CmnFns::didSearch()) 
				echo "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" name=\"search_action\" value=\"" . translate('Clear search results') . "\" />";


        * Did we do a search?
        * @param none
        * @return value boolean
        function didSearch() {
		$return = false;
		$strings = array('f_string','s_string','t_string','m_string');
		foreach ($strings as $string) {
		  if ( CmnFns::getGlobalVar($string, GET) != '') $return = true;
                return $return;

	* Function that convert $_GET into query string and exclude array
        * @param array of variables to exclude
	* @return query string
	function querystring_exclude_vars( $excl_array = array() ) {
		return CmnFns::array_to_query_string( $_GET, $excl_array );

        * Gets the 'ctype' value
        * @param none
        * @return value
        function get_ctype($get_name = 'ctype') {
                // If there isnt one set, return NULL
                $result = NULL;
		if ( isset($_GET[$get_name]) )
			$result = $_GET[$get_name];
		elseif ( isset($_POST[$get_name]) )
			$result = $_POST[$get_name];
                return $result;

        * Gets the 'action' value
        * @param none
        * @return value
        function get_action($get_name = 'action') {
                // If there isnt one set, return NULL
                $result = (isset($_POST[$get_name])) ? $_POST[$get_name] : NULL;
                return $result;

        * Gets the 'wb_action' value
        * @param none
        * @return value
        function get_wb_action($get_name = 'wb_action') {
                // If there isnt one set, return NULL
                $result = (isset($_POST[$get_name])) ? $_POST[$get_name] : NULL;
                return $result;
        * Gets the 'query_string' value
        * @param none
        * @return value
        function get_query_string($get_name = 'query_string') {
                // If there isnt one set, return NULL
                $result = (isset($_POST[$get_name])) ? $_POST[$get_name] : NULL;
                return $result;

 	* Search for the var $name in $_SESSION, $_POST, $_GET,
 	* $_SERVER and set it in provided var.
 	* If $search is not provided,  or == INORDER, it will search
 	* $_SESSION, then $_POST, then $_GET. Otherwise,
 	* use one of the defined constants to look for
 	* a var in one place specifically.
 	* Note: $search is an int value equal to one of the
 	* constants defined above.
 	* example:
 	*    getGlobalVar('page', GET);
 	*  -- no quotes around last param!
 	* @param string $name the name of the var to search
 	* @param int search constant defining where to look:
 	* @return value of var
        function getGlobalVar($name, $search = INORDER) {

		switch ($search) {
			/* we want the default case to be first here,
           		so that if a valid value isn't specified,
           		all four arrays will be searched. */

			case INORDER: // check session, post, get

			case SESSION:
				if( isset($_SESSION[$name]) )
					return $_SESSION[$name];
				elseif ( $search == SESSION ) 

			case FORM: // check post, get

			case POST:
				if( isset($_POST[$name]) ) 
					return $_POST[$name];
				elseif ( $search == POST ) 

			case GET:
				if( isset($_GET[$name]) )
					return $_GET[$name];
				/* For INORDER case, exit after GET */

			case SERVER:
				if( isset($_SERVER[$name]) )
					return $_SERVER[$name];
		return NULL;

	* Redirect using javascript
	* @param $location string
	function redirect_js($location) {
		        echo "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\">";
                       	echo "parent.location.href = '" . $location . "';";
        		echo "</SCRIPT>";
	* Generate HTML for search engine
	* @param $content_type: 'B' (attachment) or 'S' (spam)
	function rulesSearchEngine($content_type, $submit_page) {
		global $conf;

		$fields_array = array("f" => translate('From'), "t" => translate('To'));

		<table border=0 width="100%">
		<form action="<? echo $submit_page ?>" method="get" name="wblist">

			<tr><td colspan=2 align="center"><? echo translate('Search for rules whose:'); ?>&nbsp;</td></tr>
			<tr><td align="right">&nbsp;
			$i = 1;
			$array_size = count($fields_array);
			foreach ($fields_array as $k => $name) {
				echo "\t\t\t$name: \n";
				echo "\t\t\t<select name='" . $k . "_criterion' class='button'>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t<option value='contains'";
				echo "contains" == CmnFns::getGlobalVar($k . '_criterion', GET) ? " selected='true'>" : ">";
				echo translate('contains') . "</option>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t<option value='not_contain'";
				echo "not_contain" == CmnFns::getGlobalVar($k . '_criterion', GET) ? " selected='true'>" : ">";
				echo translate('doesn\'t contain') . "</option>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t<option value='equals'";
				echo "equals" == CmnFns::getGlobalVar($k . '_criterion', GET) ? " selected='true'>" : ">";
				echo translate('equals') . "</option>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t<option value='not_equal'";
				echo "not_equal" == CmnFns::getGlobalVar($k . '_criterion', GET) ? " selected='true'>" : ">";
				echo translate('doesn\'t equal') . "</option>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t</select>\n";
				echo "\t\t\t<input type='text' name='" . $k . "_string' size='20' value='"
					. CmnFns::getGlobalVar($k . '_string', GET) . "' />\n";
				echo ($i % 2) ? "\t\t\t&nbsp;</td>\n\t\t\t<td align='left'>&nbsp\n" : "\t\t\t&nbsp;</td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td align='right'>&nbsp\n";
				$i ++;
			$i ++;
			echo ($i % 2) ? "&nbsp;</td></tr>\n\t\t\t<tr><td colspan='2' align='center'>&nbsp\n" : "&nbsp;</td><td align='left'>&nbsp";
			<input type="submit" class="button" name="search_action" value="<? echo translate('Search'); ?>" />
			<? if (CmnFns::didSearch()) 
				echo "<input type=\"submit\" class=\"button\" name=\"search_action\" value=\"" . translate('Clear search results') . "\" />";
