Installation instructions for MailZu

MailZu, a quarantine management interface for amavisd-new. It allows users
and administrators to view quarantined messages and release, request, or
delete them. 

MailZu need not reside on the same host as amavisd-new. MailZu also supports
environments with multiple amavisd-new instances (as long as all instances
report to the same SQL database). MailZu is only suitable for amavisd-new
versions greater than 2.3.0.


MailZu requires that amavisd-new has SQL reporting enabled. If you want
users to be able to view more than just the simple message headers, quarantining
to SQL should be enabled.

The requirements for running MailZu is as follows:

1) Amavisd-new greater than 2.3.0. 
2) A PHP-compatible web server
3) PHP 4.3.x or greater with socket support ( --enable-sockets )
5) PEAR::DB 
6) PEAR::Mail_Mime
7) PEAR::Net_Socket

PHP must also be built with the respective driver for your backend. 
For LDAP or Active Directory PHP must be built with '--with-ldap'. 
For the database backends you can use '--with-pgsql', '--with-mysql', 

For the included and optional database cleanup script

1) Perl 5.6 
2) Perl DBI with respective database driver

MailZu utilizes the recommended values for the SQL field as
stated in the README_FILES/README.sql that comes with the amavisd-new
distribution. The cleanup script performs database purging based on old
records and those messages marked for deletion 'D'. If you already have a
script which performs database maintenance, it is recommeneded to quickly
look through the queries in the provided script and merge them. 


If you are currently using amavisd-new 2.4.0 or later, no changes are necessary.

If using MySQL, please make sure that you use the TIMESTAMP type for the 
database field 'time_iso'. Please refer to the amavisd-new documentation for

If you are using a version of amavisd-new prior to 2.4.0 (with old database
schema), please add the 'quar_loc' column to your 'msgs' table with:

  ALTER TABLE msgs ADD quar_loc varchar(255) DEFAULT '';

This is a mandatory requirement for this version and future versions of MailZu.
In other words, MailZu does not care which version of amavisd-new you are running,
as long as the SQL tables match those that are needed by amavisd-new 2.4.0 or

Unpacking the distribution

Fetch the latest tarball from The file has a format
of mailzu-x.y.tar.gz where 'x' is the version and 'y' is the revision.

Extract the archive with:

	# tar xvfz mailzu-x.y.tar.gz      
	# cd mailzu-x.y

The amavisd, SQL, and MailZu services act together to offer a complete 
quarantine management interface. The relationship is as follows:

-- Amavisd-new populates the SQL database with basic information about every
   message processed and optionally quarantining malware to the database
-- MailZu reads from the basic information from the SQL database to give a
   webmail like view of quarantined items. If the item was quarantined to the
   database, MailZu can also allow viewing of the complete email.
-- MailZu requests the release of email by opening a TCP/IP socket to the 
   responsible amavisd-new instance. Amavisd-new itself then queries the 
   database for the message information and releases the email to the user.

These services may reside on one particular hosts or a seperate host for each 
application. MailZu cannot communicate to Amavisd-new through a unix socket.


In order to use MailZu, amavisd-new must be configured to store message
information in an SQL database. 

Amavisd-new Configuration

All configuration variables mentioned in this subsection are meant for

MailZu is not required to reside on the same host amavisd-new does, but
MailZu must be able to communicate with all instances of amavisd-new in your
environment to release messages.

Since MailZu can support multiple amavisd-new instances it
is important that the mechanism for communication is TCP/IP, not unix

Information about every message processed by amavisd-new can be stored in
SQL by setting the amavisd-new configuration variable @storage_sql_dsn.

  # Example setting:
  @storage_sql_dsn =
    ( ['DBI:mysql:database=mail;host=;port=3306', 'user',


  @storage_sql_dsn = @lookup_sql_dsn; # If you plan to use the same database
				      # as the SQL lookups

Specify the ports that amavisd-new should bind to.

  $inet_socket_bind = undef; 	      # Bind on all interfaces
				      # or check amavisd.conf-sample for
				      # more specific examples

  $inet_socket_port = [10024,9998];   # listen on this local TCP port(s)
     				        (see $protocol)

Specify an arbitrary policy name tied for this port. 'AM.PDP' is recommended
for clarity.

  $interface_policy{'9998'} = 'AM.PDP';

Associate a policy bank to that port where the protocol is 'AM.PDP' and
restrict access to that port to the host that MailZu is configured and any
additional hosts you desire.

  $policy_bank{'AM.PDP'} = {
    protocol => 'AM.PDP',
    inet_acl => [qw( [::1] <IP of MailZu host> )],

The configuration settings above is the minimal setting required by MailZu. 

This allows MailZu to give an index of all messages that were considered spam
or banned. The index displays the To (admins only), From, Subject, Date, and 
spam Score, for each message.

If you want users to be able to view the body of their spam messages via MailZu,
you must configure amavisd-new to quarantine messages to SQL. This can be done

  $banned_files_quarantine_method = 'sql:';
  $spam_quarantine_method         = 'sql:';

This optional setting has no impact on MailZu's capability to release or
request mail.

Reload amavisd-new and try initiating a telnet session from the MailZu host to
the AM.PDP port

  # telnet <Amavisd-new Host> 9998

If a connection is made than configuration of amavisd-new was successful.
Repeat this configuration procedure for every amavisd-new instance.

MailZu Configuration

The configuration file for MailZu resides in config/config.php. The settings in
this file determines the authentication mechanism, the administrators, the
AM.PDP port used in your amavisd-new configuration, and other miscellaneous

The configuration file is populated with helpful comments that explain every
variable and their possible settings. Only the most important settings will be
discussed here.

Amavisd-new related settings

For MailZu to display message indices and perform actions on the message in
question, it must be able to communicate with the amavisd-new instances and the
database which stores message information. MailZu requires the same read/write
credentials as amavisd-new in order to mark mail read or for deletion.

First specify the port where the AM.PDP protocols listens on. This is the same
port we specified earlier in "Amavisd-new Configuration". 

  // Amavisd-new AM.PDP port 
  // Since the port number can not be stored in the database
  // all instances of amavisd-new must use the same AM.PDP port
  $conf['amavisd']['spam_release_port'] = '9998';

All amavisd-new instances must use the same port number, but not necessarily
9998. Now we must configure MailZu to query the same database that amavisd-new
is populating.

  $conf['db']['dbType'] = 'mysql';
  $conf['db']['dbUser'] = 'user';
  $conf['db']['dbPass'] = 'pass';
  $conf['db']['dbName'] = 'dbname';
  $conf['db']['hostSpec'] = '';

These settings should correspond to the credentials entered for the amavisd-new
configuration. The 'dbType' can be any PEAR DB compatible database. Please see
the config/config.php file for more information.

Note: If you are using MySQL database, the preferred version is 4.1.0 or later.
If your version is prior to 4.1.x, you need to apply a patch to make MailZu
compatible with it. The patch is located in contrib/mysql and is called

Authentication settings

You can have a user authenticate to any of the following backends. 

  /* Options are:
        ldap -> Standard LDAP server, e.g. OpenLDAP
        ad   -> MS Active Directory
        sql  -> PHP PEAR compatible database
        exchange  -> MS Exchange 5.5
        imap  -> IMAP protocol
  $conf['auth']['serverType'] = 'ldap';

Each seperate authentication method have related configuration variables that
must be set. Please see the appropriate (MECH)_README for more information.

Regardless of which method you choose, it is important to understand that there
will always be three attributes ( or fields for SQL ) that is critical for a
successful login. 

The first of the three is the user password. For LDAP and AD, this need not be
specified, for the authentication is handled by the binding process. But for
SQL, the field of where the password is stored is required. 

The second attribute is the login format. For LDAP it is usually the 'uid'
attribute, or if you want a fully qualified email address as the login, it
could be 'mail'. Active Directory has similar attributes. 

This setting controls whether the user would use the login 'user', or if the 
configuration variable was set to the 'mail' attribute, the login would be 

These two attributes are enough to be authenticated to the MailZu interface,
but the third attribute is what determines which messages the authenticated
user is permitted to view. This attribute is the final recipient address. It is
the email address that amavisd-new reports as the envelope recipient. 

For example, if the login used was 'user', than there must be an attribute or
field that determines the email address associated with this user. Even if the
login was '' the third attribute may or may not be the same.
The address might have been aliased to an internal address ''.

To get a description on how to set up these critical configuration variables for
your authentication, please see the appropriate (MECH)_README file in docs/.

Miscellaneous Settings

Set this option to display the default MailZu logo or your custom logo:

  // Image to appear at the top of each page ['img/mailzu.png']
  // Leave this string empty if you are not going to use an image
  // Specifiy link as 'directory/filename.gif'
  $conf['ui']['logoImage'] = 'img/mailzu.png';

You can customize the welcome message with the following option:

  // Welcome message show at login page ['Welcome to MailZu!']
  $conf['ui']['welcome'] = 'Welcome to MailZu!';

Set the full URL to the root directory of MailZu:

  // The full url to the root directory of MailZu
  // Please do not include the trailing slash
  $conf['app']['weburi'] = '';

This section deals with how mail is sent from MailZu. Please select one of the four available options.
Then define the necessary variables:

  // How to send email ['mail']
  /* Options are:
          'mail' for PHP default mail
          'smtp' for SMTP
          'sendmail' for sendmail
          'qmail' for qmail MTA
  $conf['app']['emailType'] = 'mail';

  // SMTP email host address []
  // This is only required if emailType is SMTP
  $conf['app']['smtpHost'] = '';

  // SMTP port [25]
  // This is only required if emailType is SMTP
  $conf['app']['smtpPort'] = 25;

  // Path to sendmail ['/usr/sbin/sendmail']
  // This only needs to be set if the emailType is 'sendmail'
  $conf['app']['sendmailPath'] = '/usr/sbin/sendmail';

  // Path to qmail ['/var/qmail/bin/sendmail']
  // This only needs to be set if the emailType is 'qmail'
  $conf['app']['qmailPath'] = '/var/qmail/bin/sendmail';

Set the support/admin email address with this option:

  // The email addresses of the support staff and/or administrator
  // An email is sent to these addresses when a user reports an error
  // or clicks the "Email Administrator" link
  $conf['app']['adminEmail'] = array('', '');

Set this option to 1 if you want to email the admin upon each release request

  // Email admin upon Release Request
  // When users try to release a banned file a request is sent to an
  // admin. Admins can always look at 'Pending Requests' in the MailZu
  // interface regardless.
  // $conf['app']['notifyAdmin'] = 1;
  $conf['app']['notifyAdmin'] = 0;

Set this option to show the "Email Administrator" link

  // Show the "Email Administrator" link for users
  // If you have a large userbase, you may not want users to have the
  // capability to just email the admin
  // Note: The "Report Error" link is still available regardless
  // of this option. This link is only visible if a fatal error occurs
  // with releasing attachments. Default is 1 (show link).
  // $conf['app']['showEmailAdmin'] = 0;
  $conf['app']['showEmailAdmin'] = 1;

Set this option to 1 if you want to view the site quarantine in search only mode.
This option is very useful for large sites.

  // Show Site Quarantine in search only mode if set to 1.
  // No message is displayed when clicking on 'Site quarantine'.
  // Keep the default for for large sites.
  // $conf['app']['searchOnly'] = 1
  $conf['app']['searchOnly'] = 1;

Set the default language code:

  // The default language code.  This must be included in the language list in
  // langs.php
  $conf['app']['defaultLanguage'] = 'en_US';

Set this option if you want to allow the language selection

  // Display the choice for language selection during the login screen if set to 1       
  // Otherwise set it to 0
  // Default is 1
  $conf['app']['selectLanguage'] = '1';

Set this option to 1 if you want to use the Pear DB and Mail_Mime libraries included
with MailZu:

  // If you are running PHP in safe mode, set this value to 1.
  // This toggles if we use the included Pear DB and Mail_Mime libraries included
  // with this distribution
  $conf['app']['safeMode'] = 1;

Set the time format:

  // View time in 12 or 24 hour format [12]
  // Only acceptable values are 12 and 24 (if an invalid number is set, 12 hour
  // time will be used)
  $conf['app']['timeFormat'] = 12;

Set the title of the application:

  // Title of application ['MailZu']
  // Will be used for page titles and in 'From' field of email responses
  $conf['app']['title'] = 'MailZu';

Set this option to 1 if you want to log system activity and errors:

  // If we should log system activity or not [0]
  // Can be 0 (for no) and 1 (for yes)
  $conf['app']['use_log'] = 1;

Set the log file name (full path) using this option. You will need to create that file beforehand
and make it writable by the user running Apache.

  // Directory/file for log ['/var/log/mailzu.log']
  // Specify as /directory/filename.extension
  $conf['app']['logfile'] = '/var/log/mailzu.log';

Set this option to determine the number of messages displayed per page:

  // Maximum number of messages displayed per page
  $conf['app']['displaySizeLimit'] = 50;