<?php /** * MailEngine class * @author Brian Wong <bwsource@users.sourceforge.net> * @version 04-12-05 * @package MailEngine * * Copyright (C) 2003 - 2007 MailZu * License: GPL, see LICENSE */ /** * Base directory of application */ @define('BASE_DIR', dirname(__FILE__) . '/..'); /** * CmnFns class */ include_once('CmnFns.class.php'); /** * Pear::DB */ if ($GLOBALS['conf']['app']['safeMode']) { ini_set('include_path', ( dirname(__FILE__) . '/pear/' . PATH_SEPARATOR . ini_get('include_path') )); include_once('pear/Mail/mimeDecode.php'); } else { include_once('Mail/mimeDecode.php'); } /** * Include htmlfilter class */ include_once('lib/htmlfilter.php'); /** * Provide all MIME functionality */ /** * Get full MIME type * $param The mime structure object */ function GetCtype($struct) { $ctype_p = strtolower(trim($struct->ctype_primary)); $ctype_s = strtolower(trim($struct->ctype_secondary)); $type = $ctype_p . '/' . $ctype_s; return $type; } /** * Recursively parse MIME structure * $param The mime structure object */ $filelist = array (); $errors = array (); function MsgParseBody($struct) { global $filelist; global $errors; $ctype_p = strtolower(trim($struct->ctype_primary)); $ctype_s = strtolower(trim($struct->ctype_secondary)); switch ($ctype_p) { case "multipart": switch ($ctype_s) { case "alternative": // Handle multipart/alternative parts $alt_entity = FindMultiAlt($struct->parts); // Ignore if we return false NEEDS WORK if ($alt_entity) MsgParseBody($alt_entity); break; case "related": // Handle multipart/related parts $rel_entities = FindMultiRel($struct); foreach ($rel_entities as $ent) { MsgParseBody($ent); } break; default: // Probably multipart/mixed here // Recursively process nested mime entities if ( is_array($struct->parts) || is_object($struct->parts) ) { foreach ($struct->parts as $cur_part) { MsgParseBody($cur_part); } } else { $errors['Invalid or Corrupt MIME Detected.'] = true; } break; } break; case "text": // Do not display attached text types if ($attachment = $struct->d_parameters['filename'] or $attachment = $struct->d_parameters['name']) { array_push($filelist, $attachment); break; } switch ($ctype_s) { // Plain text case "plain": MsgBodyPlainText($struct->body); break; // HTML text case "html": MsgBodyHtmlText($struct->body); break; // Text type we do not support default: $errors['Portions of text could not be displayed'] = true; } break; default: // Save the listed filename or notify the // reader that this mail is not displayed completely $attachment = $struct->d_parameters['filename']; $attachment ? array_push($filelist, $attachment) : $errors['Unsupported MIME objects present'] = true; } } /** * Get the best MIME entity for multipart/alternative * Adapted from SqurrelMail * $param Array of MIME entities * $return Single MIME entity */ function FindMultiAlt($parts) { $alt_pref = array ('text/plain', 'text/html'); $best_view = 0; // Bad Headers sometimes have invalid MIME.... if ( is_array($parts) || is_object($parts) ) { foreach ($parts as $cur_part) { $type = GetCtype($cur_part); if ($type == 'multipart/related') { $type = $cur_part->d_parameters['type']; // Mozilla bug. Mozilla does not provide the parameter type. if (!$type) $type = 'text/html'; } $altCount = count($alt_pref); for ($j = $best_view; $j < $altCount; ++$j) { if (($alt_pref[$j] == $type) && ($j >= $best_view)) { $best_view = $j; $struct = $cur_part; } } } return $struct; } else { $errors['Invalid or Corrupt MIME Detected.'] = true; } } /** * Get the list of related entities for multipart/related * Adapted from SqurrelMail * $param multipart/alternative structure * @return List of MIME entities */ function FindMultiRel($struct) { $entities = array(); $type = $struct->d_parameters['type']; // Mozilla bug. Mozilla does not provide the parameter type. if (!$type) $type = 'text/html'; // Bad Headers sometimes have invalid MIME.... if ( is_array($struct->parts) || is_object($struct->parts) ) { foreach ($struct->parts as $part) { if (GetCtype($part) == $type || GetCtype($part) == "multipart/alternative") { array_push($entities,$part); } } } else { $errors['Invalid or Corrupt MIME Detected.'] = true; } return $entities; } // Wrapper script for htmlfilter. Settings taken // from SquirrelMail function sanitizeHTML($body) { if (isset($_COOKIE['lang']) && file_exists("img/".substr($_COOKIE['lang'],0,2).".blocked_img.png")) { $secremoveimg = "img/".substr($_COOKIE['lang'],0,2).".blocked_img.png"; } else { $secremoveimg = "img/blocked_img.png"; } $tag_list = Array( false, "object", "meta", "html", "head", "base", "link", "frame", "iframe", "plaintext", "marquee" ); $rm_tags_with_content = Array( "script", "applet", "embed", "title", "frameset", "xml", "style" ); $self_closing_tags = Array( "img", "br", "hr", "input" ); $force_tag_closing = true; $rm_attnames = Array( "/.*/" => Array( "/target/i", "/^on.*/i", "/^dynsrc/i", "/^data.*/i", "/^lowsrc.*/i" ) ); $bad_attvals = Array( "/.*/" => Array( "/^src|background/i" => Array( Array( "/^([\'\"])\s*\S+script\s*:.*([\'\"])/si", "/^([\'\"])\s*mocha\s*:*.*([\'\"])/si", "/^([\'\"])\s*about\s*:.*([\'\"])/si", "/^([\'\"])\s*https*:.*([\'\"])/si", "/^([\'\"])\s*cid*:.*([\'\"])/si" ), Array( "\\1$secremoveimg\\2", "\\1$secremoveimg\\2", "\\1$secremoveimg\\2", "\\1$secremoveimg\\2", "\\1$secremoveimg\\2" ) ), "/^href|action/i" => Array( Array( "/^([\'\"])\s*\S+script\s*:.*([\'\"])/si", "/^([\'\"])\s*mocha\s*:*.*([\'\"])/si", "/^([\'\"])\s*about\s*:.*([\'\"])/si" ), Array( "\\1#\\1", "\\1#\\1", "\\1#\\1", "\\1#\\1" ) ), "/^style/i" => Array( Array( "/expression/i", "/binding/i", "/behaviou*r/i", "/include-source/i", "/url\s*\(\s*([\'\"])\s*\S+script\s*:.*([\'\"])\s*\)/si", "/url\s*\(\s*([\'\"])\s*mocha\s*:.*([\'\"])\s*\)/si", "/url\s*\(\s*([\'\"])\s*about\s*:.*([\'\"])\s*\)/si", "/(.*)\s*:\s*url\s*\(\s*([\'\"]*)\s*\S+script\s*:.*([\'\"]*)\s*\)/si", "/url\(([\'\"])\s*https*:.*([\'\"])\)/si" ), Array( "idiocy", "idiocy", "idiocy", "idiocy", "url(\\1#\\1)", "url(\\1#\\1)", "url(\\1#\\1)", "url(\\1#\\1)", "url(\\1#\\1)", "\\1:url(\\2#\\3)", "url(\\1$secremoveimg\\1)" ) ) ) ); $add_attr_to_tag = Array( "/^a$/i" => Array('target'=>'"_new"' ) ); $trusted_html = sanitize($body, $tag_list, $rm_tags_with_content, $self_closing_tags, $force_tag_closing, $rm_attnames, $bad_attvals, $add_attr_to_tag ); return $trusted_html; }