Exchange 5.5 Autentication Settings

To configure MailZu to authenticate users against Exchange 5.5,
edit the config/config.php and tailor the variables mentioned here for your

  // Set an authentication method: 'ldap','ad', 'sql' or 'exchange' (Exchange 5.5)
  $conf['auth']['serverType'] = 'exchange';

These three attributes are enough to be authenticated to the MailZu interface:

  // Exchange 5.5 server host and IMAP port
  $conf['auth']['exch_host'] = '';

  // Exchange's LDAP server, it usually has the same IP as the Exchange server
  $conf['auth']['exch_ldap'] = '';

  // Exchange default NT domain
  $conf['auth']['exch_domain'] = 'mycorp';

At the MailZu login, enter the user NT login as username.
This code may not work if the user's Exchange alias is different from the NT login.

Thanks to Bogdan Baliuci <> for his code contribution.