""" Copyright 2013 Johannes Fuermann Copyright 2013 Manuel Munz This file is part of fail2ban-p2p. Licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. For details see the file COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html. """ """ This script can be used to send a ban message to the own node. To do this it will use the ip address and port given in the configfile for this node. """ from distutils.core import setup from os.path import isfile, join, isdir import sys from sys import argv from glob import glob sys.path.insert(1, "./fail2ban-p2p") from version import version longdesc = ''' Fail2Ban-P2P can be used to exchange information about attackers between different hosts that are running fail2ban in a P2P/F2F network. ''' setup( name = "fail2ban-p2p", #version = version, description = "exchange fail2ban attacker info between hosts using P2P", long_description = longdesc, version = version, author = "Johannes Fuermann, Manuel Munz", author_email = "foo@bar.xyz", url = "https://svn.physik.uni-augsburg.de/projects/fail2ban-p2p", license = "GPL", platforms = "Posix", scripts = [ 'fail2ban-p2p.py', 'fail2ban-p2p-client.py' ], packages = [ 'fail2ban-p2p' ], data_files = [ ('/etc/fail2ban-p2p', glob("config/*.conf")), ('/etc/fail2ban-p2p/friends', glob('config/friends/*')) ] ) # Update config file if argv[1] == "install": print print "Please do not forget to update your configuration files." print "They are in /etc/fail2ban-p2p/." print