.. _install: Installation ************ If packages for your distribution are available use them. If not use the manual installation described below. Depencies ========= fail2ban-p2p depends on the following packages: * python * python-m2crypt * python-argparse Installation from svn ===================== To checkout the source code with svn use: * trunk: svn co https://svn.physik.uni-augsburg.de/svn/fail2ban-p2p/trunk or * tagged versions: https://svn.physik.uni-augsburg.de/svn/fail2ban-p2p/tags/$version After the checkout change into the fail2ban directory and install fail2ban-p2p with # python setup.py install Installation from tarball ================================ Download the latest release tarball from https://svn.physik.uni-augsburg.de/projects/fail2ban-p2p/wiki/releases and extract it. After changing into the fail2ban-p2p directory execute # python setup.py install This will install fail2ban-p2p.py and fail2ban-p2p-client.py to /usr/local/bin. Modules will be installed to /usr/share/fail2ban-p2p/fail2ban-p2p. Installation on Debian based systems ==================================== * Download the latest deb package from https://svn.physik.uni-augsburg.de/projects/fail2ban-p2p/wiki/releases * install depencies: apt-get install python-m2crypt python-argparse * install fail2ban-p2p: dpkg -i fail2ban-p2p-.deb