= fail2ban-p2p.conf = Default location is /etc/fail2ban-p2p/fail2ban-p2p.conf. This file holds the information for your node. Following things must be configured: == Node == {{{ [Node] name=mynodename addresses=, port=1337 ownermail=foo@bar.de bantime=7200 threshold=80 }}} * name: Name of your Node, this is only used fpr informational purposes. In the mesh the node is identified by its uid (hash of public key) * addresses: A comma seperated list of listen addresses * port: Listening port * ownermail: Your email address (not used for now) * bantime: how long in seconds fail2ban-p2p keeps banned hosts in its internal database * threshold: Minimum trustlevel a ban for a host needs to take action (block it) == Logging == {{{ [Logging] logfile=/var/log/fail2ban-p2p.log loglevel=INFO }}} * logfile: The file where fail2ban-p2p logs to * loglevel: How verbose log output is, can be: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, BAN