#!/usr/bin/python3 # Copyright 2013 Johannes Fuermann # Copyright 2013 Manuel Munz # # This file is part of fail2ban-p2p. # # Licensed under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3. For details # see the file COPYING or http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html. """ This script can be used to send a ban message to the own node. To do this it will use the ip address and port given in the configfile for this node. """ import sys sys.path.insert(1, "./fail2ban-p2p") sys.path.insert(2, "/usr/share/fail2ban-p2p/fail2ban-p2p") import config import hashlib import os import argparse import crypto import socket import M2Crypto from time import time import json import util import version # Parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='fail2ban-p2p-client help.') parser.add_argument('-b', help='IP address to ban', metavar='IP') parser.add_argument('-c', default='/etc/fail2ban-p2p/', help='Read configuration from DIR.', metavar='DIR') parser.add_argument('-d', help='Dump table of blocked hosts in the format (table, json or count).', metavar='FORMAT') parser.add_argument('-t', help='The list of blocked hosts should go back that many seconds.', metavar='SECONDS') parser.add_argument('-q', action='store_true', help='Quiet, no output') parser.add_argument('-v', action='store_true', help='Verbose output') args = parser.parse_args() c = config.Config() c.configPath = args.c or "/etc/fail2ban-p2p" c.privkey = os.path.join(c.configPath, 'private.pem') c.pubkey = os.path.join(c.configPath, 'public.pem') if c.loadConfig() == False: exit() if not args.d and not args.b: print("Please use the -b argument to specify an IP to ban or -d to request information about banned nodes.") exit() dump = False if args.d: dump = True; if not args.d == "table" and not args.d == "json" and not args.d == "count": print("invalid value for -d argument!") exit() timeframe = 3600 if args.t: try: timeframe = int(args.t) except ValueError as e: print("Invalid Timeframe specified, only use integers! Using default value of 3600 instead") timeframe = 3600 quiet = False if args.q: quiet = True if dump: # Generate a message of type 2 (request to dump list of banned hosts) unordered_dict = { "msgType": 2, "parameter": { "TimeFrame": timeframe}, "hops": ['local'] } serializable_dict = util.sort_recursive(unordered_dict) if args.b: # Generate a ban message (Type 1) unordered_dict = { "msgType": 1, "parameter": { "Timestamp": int(time()), "AttackerIP": args.b, "Trustlevel": 100 }, "hops": ['local'] } serializable_dict = util.sort_recursive(unordered_dict) if args.b or dump: signed_message = json.dumps(serializable_dict) SignEVP = M2Crypto.EVP.load_key(c.privkey) SignEVP.sign_init() encoded_signed_message = signed_message.encode('utf-8') SignEVP.sign_update(encoded_signed_message) StringSignature = binascii.hexlify(SignEVP.sign_final()).decode('utf-8') signed_dict = { #"protocolVersion": version.protocol, "msg": serializable_dict, "signature": StringSignature, "protocolVersion": version.protocolVersion } cmdsigned = json.dumps(signed_dict) ret = None # send message try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(10) s.connect((c.addresses[0], int(c.port))) s.send(cmdsigned) ret = s.recv(1048576) # we need about 50 Bytes per banned node if not quiet and args.v: print(("Message sent: " + cmdsigned)) except: if not quiet: print(("could not connect to "+c.name+" ("+c.addresses[0]+":"+str(c.port)+")")) finally: s.close() if ret: if args.d: if "ERROR" in ret: print("An error occured:\n") print(ret) elif args.d == "json": print(ret) elif args.d == "count": print((len(json.loads(ret)))) else: banList = json.loads(ret) if len(banList) > 0: print(("IP".ljust(15, ' ') + "\tTimestamp\t\tBantime\t\tTrustlevel\tStatus")) for ban in banList: status = "PENDING" if int(c.threshold) <= int(ban['Trustlevel']): status = "BANNED" print((ban['AttackerIP'].ljust(15, ' ') + "\t" + str(ban['Timestamp']) + "\t\t" + str(ban['BanTime']) + "\t\t" + str(ban['Trustlevel'])) + "\t\t" + status) else: print("No hosts in banlist") else: print(("Answer: " + ret))