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<title>TCP Channel</title>
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<h3>TCP Channel</h3>
<p><tt>dp_connect tcp -server </tt><em><tt>bool</tt></em><tt>
-host </tt><em><tt>hostname</tt></em><tt> -port </tt><em><tt>thePort</tt></em><tt>
-myport </tt><em><tt>myPort</tt></em><tt> -myaddr </tt><em><tt>addr</tt></em><tt>
-async </tt><em><tt>bAsync</tt></em></p>
<p>A TCP connection logically breaks down into two types: server
and client. For an exchange to take place, there must be one of
each. <i>bool</i> defaults to false.</p>
<li><b>Server</b><p>A server channel must have a minimum of
-server true and -myport myPort specified.<br>
<i>myPort</i> is the port that the server will listen on
while waiting for client connections.<br>
All other options save -myaddr are invalid for servers.</p>
<li><b>Client</b><p>A client must specify the host and port,
at minimum.<br>
<i>hostname</i> is the IP address or hostname of the
server machine.<br>
<i>thePort</i> is the port the server resides on.<br>
If <i>bAsync</i> is true, the socket connection is made
<i>myAddr</i> and <i>myPort</i> are the IP
address/hostname and the port number of the client,
<p><tt>dp_connect tcp -server true -myport 1025<br>
dp_connect tcp -host foo.com -port 1025<br>
dp_connect tcp -server true -myaddr foo.bar.com -myport 5150<br>
dp_connect tcp -host foo.bar.com -port 5150 -async true</tt></p>