2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00

377 lines
11 KiB

* Copyright (c) 1991 by the University of Washington
* Copyright (c) 1993 by the University of Southern California
* For copying and distribution information, please see the files
* <uw-copyright.h> and <usc-copyr.h>.
#include <uw-copyright.h>
#include <usc-copyr.h>
#define ABSOLUTE_MAX_HITS 2500
#define ABSOLUTE_MAX_GIF 100
#include <sys/param.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/dir.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sgtty.h>
#include <string_with_strcasecmp.h>
/* Archie defines */
#include <defines.h>
#include <structs.h>
#include <error.h>
#include <database.h>
#include "prarch.h"
#include <pserver.h>
#include <pfs.h>
#include <ardp.h>
#include <psrv.h>
#include <plog.h>
#include <pprot.h>
#include <perrno.h>
#include <pmachine.h>
int archie_supported_version = 2;
extern char hostname[];
extern char hostwport[];
char archie_prefix[] = "ARCHIE";
static int num_slashes(char *s);
static int tkllength(TOKEN tkl);
* dsdb - Make a database query as if it were a directory lookup
arch_dsdb(RREQ req, /* Request pointer */
char *name, /* Name of the directory */
char **componentsp, /* Next component of name */
TOKEN *rcompp, /* Additional components */
VDIR dir, /* Directory to be filled in */
int options, /* Options to list command */
const char *rattrib, /* Requested attributes */
FILTER filters) /* Filters to be applied */
/* Note that componentspp and rcompp are pointers to */
/* pointers. This is necessary because */
/* this routine must be able to update these values */
/* if more than one component of the name is */
/* resolved. */
char *components = NULL;
int num_unresolvedcomps = 0;
VLINK cur_link = NULL;
char newdirname[MAXPATHLEN];
static int dbopen = 0;
char fullquery[MAXPATHLEN];
char *dbpart;
char dbquery[MAXPATHLEN];
char dbargs[MAXPATHLEN];
char dbarg1[MAXPATHLEN];
char dbarg2[MAXPATHLEN];
char dbarg3[MAXPATHLEN];
char dirlinkname[MAXPATHLEN];
char sep;
char *firstsep;
int tmp;
VLINK dirlink = NULL;
TOKEN tkl_tmp;
/* Make sure NAME, COMPONENTSP, and RCOMPP arguments are correct. */
/* Name components with slashes in them are malformed inputs to the
ARCHIE database. */
if(componentsp && (components = *componentsp)) {
if(index(components, '/'))
for (tkl_tmp = *rcompp; tkl_tmp; tkl_tmp = tkl_tmp->next)
if (index(tkl_tmp->token, '/'))
} else {
if (*rcompp) RETURNPFAILURE; /* ridiculous to specify additional comps
and no initial comps.*/
/* Directory already initialized, but note that this */
/* is not a real directory */
dir->version = -1;
dir->inc_native = 3; /* Not really a directory */
/* Note that if we are resolving multiple components */
/* (rcomp!=NULL) the directory will already be empty */
/* since had anything been in it dirsrv would have */
/* already cleared it and moved on to the next comp */
/* Do only once */
if(!dbopen++) {
if((tmp = open_db_files(DB_RDONLY)) != A_OK) {
dbopen = 0;
plog(L_DB_ERROR,NOREQ,"Can't open archie database",0);
/* For now, if only verifying, indicate success */
/* We don't want to do a DB search. Eventually */
/* we might actually check that the directory */
/* is valid. */
if(options&DSDB_VERIFY) return(PSUCCESS);
/* Construct the full query from the pieces passed to us */
tmp = -1 + qsprintf(fullquery,sizeof fullquery, "%s%s%s",name,
((components && *components) ? "/" : ""),
((components && *components) ? components : ""));
for (tkl_tmp = *rcompp; tkl_tmp; tkl_tmp = tkl_tmp->next)
tmp += -1 + qsprintf(fullquery + tmp, sizeof fullquery - tmp,
"/%s", (*rcompp)->token);
if (tmp + 1 > sizeof fullquery) return DSRDIR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY;
/* The format for the queries is */
/* Strip off the database prefix */
dbpart = fullquery + strlen(archie_prefix);
/* And we want to skip the next slash */
/* Find the query (up to the next /), determine if the */
/* / exists and then read the args */
tmp = sscanf(dbpart,"%[^/]%c%s",dbquery,&sep,dbargs);
/* If no separator, for now return nothing */
/* Eventually, we might return a list of the query */
/* types supported */
if(tmp < 2) return(PSUCCESS);
/* Check query type */
if(strncmp(dbquery,"MATCH",5)==0) {
char stype = 'R'; /* search type */
int maxthit = 100; /* max entries to return */
int maxmatch = 100; /* max strings to match */
int maxhitpm = 100; /* max hits per match */
int offset = 0; /* entries to skip */
search_sel method; /* Search method */
int onlystr = 0; /* Just return strings */
/* In the MATCH querytype, the directory part of the query (the
argument named NAME) may have no more than 3 components.
There are 3 possible formats:
1) DATABASE_PREFIX (one component)
2) (1)/MATCH(...)
3) (2)/query-term (3 total components)
if (num_slashes(name) > 2) return DSRDIR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY;
/* if no strings to match, return nothing */
if(tmp < 3) return(PSUCCESS);
/* Get arguments */
tmp = sscanf(dbquery,"MATCH(%d,%d,%d,%d,%c",&maxthit,
if(tmp < 3) {
maxmatch = maxthit;
maxhitpm = maxthit;
/* Note: in maxhits, 0 means use default, -1 means use max */
/* Don't let the user request more than ABSOLUTE_MAX_HITS */
if((maxthit > ABSOLUTE_MAX_HITS) || (maxthit < 1)) {
p_err_string = qsprintf_stcopyr(p_err_string,
"Legal values for max hits are between 1 and %d ",
if(maxthit == 0) maxthit = ABSOLUTE_MAX_HITS;
switch(stype) {
case '=':
onlystr = 0;
method = S_EXACT ;
case 'C':
onlystr = 0;
method = S_SUB_CASE_STR ;
case 'c':
onlystr = 0;
method = S_E_SUB_CASE_STR ;
case 'K':
onlystr = 1;
method = S_SUB_CASE_STR ;
case 'k':
onlystr = 1;
method = S_E_SUB_CASE_STR ;
case 'R':
onlystr = 0;
method = S_FULL_REGEX ;
case 'r':
onlystr = 0;
method = S_E_FULL_REGEX ;
case 'X':
onlystr = 1;
method = S_FULL_REGEX ;
case 'x':
onlystr = 1;
method = S_E_FULL_REGEX ;
case 'z':
onlystr = 1;
method = S_E_SUB_NCASE_STR ;
case 'Z':
onlystr = 1;
method = S_SUB_NCASE_STR ;
case 's':
onlystr = 0;
method = S_E_SUB_NCASE_STR ;
case 'S':
onlystr = 0;
method = S_SUB_NCASE_STR ;
*dbarg1 = *dbarg2 = *dbarg3 = '\0';
tmp = sscanf(dbargs,"%[^/]%c%[^/]%c%s",dbarg1,&sep,dbarg2,
if(tmp < 2) {
/* This specifies a directory, but not a link within it */
/* create a pseudo directory and return a pointer */
/* In other words, listing a MATCH directory by itself yields
an empty directory. */
if(*dbarg1 && (strcmp(dbarg1,"*")!= 0)) {
dirlink = vlalloc();
dirlink->target = stcopyr("DIRECTORY",dirlink->target);
dirlink->name = stcopyr(dbarg1,dirlink->name);
dirlink->host = stcopyr(hostwport,dirlink->host);
dirlink->hsoname = stcopyr(dirlinkname,dirlink->hsoname);
else {
if(tmp > 4) {
/* There are remaining components */
num_unresolvedcomps = num_slashes(dbarg3);
/* If looking for GIF files (arrgh) don't allow them */
/* to set an unreasonable number of hits, this is */
/* promted by someone who set max hits to 10,000 */
if((maxthit+offset > ABSOLUTE_MAX_GIF)&&(((strlen(dbarg1) >= 4)&&
(strcasecmp(dbarg1+strlen(dbarg1)-4,".gif") == 0)) ||
(strcasecmp(dbarg1,"gif") == 0))) {
p_err_string = qsprintf_stcopyr(p_err_string,
"Max hits for GIF searches is %d - See archie/doc/giflist.Z on \
archie.mcgill.ca for full gif list",ABSOLUTE_MAX_GIF);
tmp = prarch_match(dbarg1,maxthit,maxmatch,maxhitpm,
else if (strncmp(dbquery,"HOST",4)==0) {
/* First component of args is the site name */
/* remaining components are the directory name */
*dbarg1 = *dbarg2 = '\0';
tmp = sscanf(dbargs,"%[^/]%c%s",dbarg1,&sep,dbarg2);
/* If first component is null, return an empty directory */
if(tmp < 1) return(PSUCCESS);
/* if first component exists, but is last component, */
/* then it is the name of the subdirectory for the */
/* host, create a pseudo directory and return a */
/* pointer, If first component is a wildcard, and no */
/* additional components, then return matching list */
/* of sites. */
if(tmp == 1) {
tmp = prarch_host(dbarg1,NULL,dir,A2PL_ARDIR);
if(tmp) return(tmp);
/* More than one component, Look up the requested directory */
/* Note that the since the full query is passed to us, it */
/* includes the component name, thus the directory name is */
/* what you get when you strip off the last component of the */
/* name */
else {
char *lastsep = rindex(dbarg2,'/');
if(lastsep) *lastsep++ = '\0';
else *dbarg2 = '\0';
tmp = prarch_host(dbarg1,dbarg2,dir,A2PL_ARDIR);
else {
/* Query type not supported */
/* We are done, but we need to figure out if we resolved multiple
components and reset *componentsp and *rcompp appropriately. */
if (num_unresolvedcomps) {
int skip = tkllength(*rcompp) - num_unresolvedcomps;
if (skip < 0) return DSRDIR_NOT_A_DIRECTORY; /* shouldn't happen. */
while(skip-- > 0) {
*componentsp = (*rcompp)->token;
*rcompp = (*rcompp)->next;
} else {
while (*rcompp) {
*componentsp = (*rcompp)->token;
*rcompp = (*rcompp)->next;
static int
tkllength(TOKEN tkl)
int retval = 0;
for (;tkl; tkl = tkl->next)
return retval;
num_slashes(char *s)
int retval = 0;
for (; *s; ++s) {
if (*s == '/')
return retval;