<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <meta name="Author" content> <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Microsoft FrontPage 2.0"> <title>UDP Channel</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#C0C0C0" text="#000000" link="#0000EE" vlink="#551A8B" alink="#FF0000"> <h3>UDP Channel</h3> <p><b>Syntax</b></p> <p><tt>dp_connect udp -host </tt><em><tt>hostname</tt></em><tt> -port </tt><em><tt>thePort</tt></em><tt> -myaddr </tt><em><tt>addr</tt></em><tt> -myport </tt><em><tt>port</tt></em></p> <p><b>Comments</b></p> <p>UDP is a stripped down version of TCP. UDP does the bare necessities and nothing more: it does not do error checking, reliabilitiy or packet sequencing. It is, however, much faster than TCP and allows dynamic configuration of the destination IP address and port.</p> <dl> <dt><i>hostname</i> is the IP address or DNS hostname of the destination machine and is optional.</dt> <dt><i>thePort</i> is the destination port address and is optional.</dt> <dt><i>addr</i> is the local IP address and is optional.</dt> <dt><i>port</i> is the local port and is optional.</dt> <dt> </dt> <dt>Note that if no arguments are given, "dp_connect udp" will open a UDP socket but <b>fconfigure</b> will need to be run on the channel before data can be sent through it since the socket does not have a configured destination.</dt> </dl> <p><b>Examples</b></p> <dl> <dt><tt>dp_connect udp</tt></dt> <dt><tt>dp_connect udp -host foo.com -port 1025<br> dp_connect udp -myaddr foo.bar.com -myport 5150<br> dp_connect udp -host foo.bar.com -port 5150 -myaddr foo.org -myport 1066</tt></dt> </dl> </body> </html>