Subject: Archie indexes your Web server

  Dear Web Administrator,

    Archie has started indexing your site for the collective use of
    all Archie servers around the world.  Indexing your site and all
    other web sites is merely for archieving purposes.  If you wish
    at any time to stop having Archie index your web site then
    please reply to this email or send email stating so at

    Archie complies to the ``robots.txt'' exclusion standard and
    performs partial retrievals of only new material.

    If you have any questions regarding the procedure or any
    inquiries about Archie, then please feel free to contact the Archie
    team at the email address (
    You can also browse our web site at

    We also would like to remind you that this message will only be
    sent out once. So please save it for future references.

          Archie Group
	  Bunyip Information Systems Inc