# When this file is sourced, a server process is automatically
# started that can be used for for testing purposes.  If the
# server is already running (i.e., some other test sources this file)
# then no new server is started.
# The following global variables are defined as a side effect of
# sourcing this file:
#	hostname -- the name of the host on which the server is running
#	S_PORT -- the port of the server

# Check to see if we haven't sourced already
if {![info exists S_PORT]} {

    # Determine a port number 
    set S_PORT 8259
    set hostname localhost

    # Setup: Start a server as another process, and use it to connect.
    set cmd [info nameofexecutable]
    puts stdout "Executing \"$cmd server $win $S_PORT\""
    set serv_pid [exec $cmd server $win $S_PORT &]

    # This loop keeps trying to connect until it succeeds.
    # Important since the exec may take a while on some machines...

    after 2000
    set itry 0
    while {[catch "dp_MakeRPCClient $hostname $S_PORT" rhost]} {
	puts stdout "Trying to connect to server..."
	incr itry
	if { $itry > 5 } {
	    puts stdout "Unable to connect to server"
	after 2000
    catch {close $rhost}