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2024-05-27 16:13:40 +02:00
# defs --
# This file contains support code for the Tcl test suite. It is
# normally sourced by the individual files in the test suite
# before they run their tests. This improved approach to
# testing was designed and initially implemented by Mary Ann
# May-Pumphrey of Sun Microsystems.
# The environment DP_TEST_VERBOSE can be used to control the verbosity
# of the DP test suite. It must be a valid boolean number. With this
# environment variable, you no longer have to edit the "defs" file
# when you want to change the verbosity settings.
if [info exists env(DP_TEST_VERBOSE)] {
if [catch {
set VERBOSE [expr !(!($env(DP_TEST_VERBOSE)))]
}] {
} else {
set LOG 1
set TESTS {}
if ![string comp [info commands package] ""] {
puts stderr "This version of DP requires the package command."
exit 1
# We require either Tcl 7.6 or Tcl 8.0
if {![info exists dp_version]} {
if [catch {package require Tcl 8.0} err] {
if [catch {package require Tcl 7.6} err] {
puts stderr $err
exit 1
if ![info exists dp_version] {
case $tcl_platform(platform) {
unix {
load ../unix/libdp40[info sharedlibextension] Dp
windows {
load ../win/dp40.dll Dp
default {
puts stderr \
"DP is not supported on the \"$tcl_platform(platform)\" platform"
exit 1
if {[string compare $tcl_platform(platform) "windows"] == 0} {
set win 1
} else {
set win 0
if {! [info exists tcl_msWindows]} {
set tcl_msWindows 0
# If tests are being run as root, issue a warning message and set a
# variable to prevent some tests from running at all.
set user {}
catch {set user [exec whoami]}
if {$user == "root"} {
puts stdout "Warning: you're executing as root. I'll have to"
puts stdout "skip some of the tests, since they'll fail as root."
# Some of the tests don't work on some system configurations due to
# configuration quirks, not due to Tcl problems; in order to prevent
# false alarms, these tests are only run in the master source directory
# at Cornell. The presence of a file "Cornell" in this directory is
# used to indicate that these tests should be run.
set atCornell [file exists Cornell]
# If there is no "memory" command (because memory debugging isn't
# enabled), generate a dummy command that does nothing.
if {[info commands memory] == ""} {
proc memory args {}
proc print_verbose {name description script code answer} {
puts stdout "\n"
puts stdout "==== $name $description"
puts stdout "==== Contents of test case:"
puts stdout "$script"
if {$code != 0} {
if {$code == 1} {
puts stdout "==== Test generated error:"
puts stdout $answer
} elseif {$code == 2} {
puts stdout "==== Test generated return exception; result was:"
puts stdout $answer
} elseif {$code == 3} {
puts stdout "==== Test generated break exception"
} elseif {$code == 4} {
puts stdout "==== Test generated continue exception"
} else {
puts stdout "==== Test generated exception $code; message was:"
puts stdout $answer
} else {
puts stdout "==== Result was:"
puts stdout "$answer"
# test --
# This procedure runs a test and prints an error message if the
# test fails. If VERBOSE has been set, it also prints a message
# even if the test succeeds. The test will be skipped if it
# doesn't match the TESTS variable, or if one of the elements
# of "constraints" turns out not to be true.
# Arguments:
# name - Name of test, in the form foo-1.2.
# description - Short textual description of the test, to
# help humans understand what it does.
# constraints - A list of one or more keywords, each of
# which must be the name of an element in
# the array "testConfig". If any of these
# elements is zero, the test is skipped.
# This argument may be omitted.
# script - Script to run to carry out the test. It must
# return a result that can be checked for
# correctness.
# answer - Expected result from script.
proc test {name description script answer args} {
global VERBOSE TESTS testConfig
if {[string compare $TESTS ""] != 0} then {
set ok 0
foreach test $TESTS {
if [string match $test $name] then {
set ok 1
if !$ok then return
set i [llength $args]
if {$i == 0} {
# Empty body
} elseif {$i == 1} {
# "constraints" argument exists; shuffle arguments down, then
# make sure that the constraints are satisfied.
set constraints $script
set script $answer
set answer [lindex $args 0]
foreach constraint $constraints {
if {![info exists testConfig($constraint)]
|| !$testConfig($constraint)} {
} else {
error "wrong # args: must be \"test name description ?constraints? script answer\""
memory tag $name
set code [catch {uplevel $script} result]
if {$code != 0} {
print_verbose $name $description $script \
$code $result
} elseif {[string compare $result $answer] == 0} then {
if {$VERBOSE > 1} {
print_verbose $name $description $script \
$code $result
} elseif {$VERBOSE == 1} {
puts stdout "++++ $name PASSED"
} else {
print_verbose $name $description $script \
$code $result
puts stdout "---- Result should have been:"
puts stdout "$answer"
puts stdout "---- $name FAILED"
# this is so that the screen updates immediately in wish
update idletasks
proc dotests {file args} {
global TESTS
set savedTests $TESTS
set TESTS $args
source $file
set TESTS $savedTests