2005-10-11 19:51:00 +00:00

706 lines
34 KiB

Source module name: nwdsevnt.h
Release Version:
%name: nwdsevnt.h %
%version: 1 %
%date_modified: Mon Aug 08 13:08:00 2005 %
Copyright (c) 1989-1998 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
* definitions and functions required to receive event reports
typedef enum DSEventPriority {EP_INLINE, EP_JOURNAL, EP_WORK} DSEventPriority;
* event types
#define DSE_INLINE_ONLY 0x80000000
/* First 19 events in 4.10 release; events 20-25 added to IW2 */
#define DSE_INVALID 0
#define DSE_CREATE_ENTRY 1 /* data is DSEEntryInfo */
#define DSE_DELETE_ENTRY 2 /* data is DSEEntryInfo */
#define DSE_RENAME_ENTRY 3 /* data is DSEEntryInfo */
#define DSE_MOVE_SOURCE_ENTRY 4 /* data is DSEEntryInfo */
#define DSE_ADD_VALUE 5 /* data is DSEValueInfo */
#define DSE_DELETE_VALUE 6 /* data is DSEValueInfo */
#define DSE_CLOSE_STREAM 7 /* data is DSEValueInfo */
#define DSE_DELETE_ATTRIBUTE 8 /* data is DSEValueInfo */
#define DSE_SET_BINDERY_CONTEXT 9 /* no data */
#define DSE_CREATE_BINDERY_OBJECT 10 /* data is DSEBinderyObjectInfo */
#define DSE_DELETE_BINDERY_OBJECT 11 /* data is DSEBinderyObjectInfo */
#define DSE_CHECK_SEV 12 /* data is DSESEVInfo */
#define DSE_UPDATE_SEV 13 /* no data */
#define DSE_MOVE_DEST_ENTRY 14 /* data is DSEEntryInfo */
#define DSE_DELETE_UNUSED_EXTREF 15 /* data is DSEEntryInfo */
#define DSE_REMOTE_SERVER_DOWN 17 /* data is DSENetAddress */
#define DSE_NCP_RETRY_EXPENDED 18 /* data is DSENetAddress */
#define DSE_REMOTE_CONN_CLEARED 19 /* data is DSENetAddress */
#define DSE_PARTITION_OPERATION_EVENT 20 /* data is DSEEventData; used by SCALE */
#define DSE_CHANGE_MODULE_STATE 21 /* data is DSEModuleState */
#define DSE_RESERVED_2 22 /* reserved */
#define DSE_RESERVED_3 23 /* reserved */
#define DSE_RESERVED_4 24 /* reserved */
#define DSE_RESERVED_5 25 /* reserved */
/* Events added post 4.10 */
/* All the DSE_DB_... events are "debug" trace events, each event
* corresponds to one old DSTrace type TV_..., most have many messages
* using the same event ID. No attempt has been made to make these calls
* outside the NDS locks, so you must presume that all these calls come
* inside the locks. These all use the DSEDebugInfo data structure,
* and the result (error) field is always 0 for these events
#define DSE_DB_AUTHEN 26 /* authentication */
#define DSE_DB_BACKLINK 27 /* backlink */
#define DSE_DB_BUFFERS 28 /* request buffer display */
#define DSE_DB_COLL 29 /* collisions */
#define DSE_DB_DSAGENT 30 /* low level DSA tracing */
#define DSE_DB_EMU 31 /* bindery emulator */
#define DSE_DB_FRAGGER 32 /* fragger */
#define DSE_DB_INIT 33 /* initialization */
#define DSE_DB_INSPECTOR 34 /* inspector */
#define DSE_DB_JANITOR 35 /* janitor */
#define DSE_DB_LIMBER 36 /* limber */
#define DSE_DB_LOCKING 37 /* locking */
#define DSE_DB_MOVE 38 /* move */
#define DSE_DB_MIN 39 /* default dstrace messages (equivalent to ON) */
#define DSE_DB_MISC 40 /* miscellaneous */
#define DSE_DB_PART 41 /* partition operations */
#define DSE_DB_RECMAN 42 /* record manager */
#define DSE_DB_RESNAME 44 /* resolve name */
#define DSE_DB_SAP 45 /* SAP */
#define DSE_DB_SCHEMA 46 /* schema */
#define DSE_DB_SKULKER 47 /* skulker */
#define DSE_DB_STREAMS 48 /* streams */
#define DSE_DB_SYNC_IN 49 /* incoming sync traffic */
#define DSE_DB_THREADS 50 /* DS thread scheduling */
#define DSE_DB_TIMEVECTOR 51 /* time vectors */
#define DSE_DB_VCLIENT 52 /* virtual client */
/* Nearly all the following events use the same DSEEventData structure.
* Not all fields are filled in for each event. The data in the
* structure is shown for each event. Any unused fields are set to -1
* for the ids or values, or set to 0 for the pointers.
#define DSE_AGENT_OPEN_LOCAL 53 /* d1-state(2-Audit, 1-start, 0-end), result-valid for end state only, not in locks */
#define DSE_AGENT_CLOSE_LOCAL 54 /* d1-state(1-start, 0-end), not in locks */
#define DSE_DS_ERR_VIA_BINDERY 55 /* d1-error code being returned via the bindery, not in locks */
#define DSE_DSA_BAD_VERB 56 /* d1-bad verb number given to DSA Request (NCP 104, 2), not in locks */
#define DSE_DSA_REQUEST_START 57 /* d1-verb number (NCP 104, 2), not in locks */
#define DSE_DSA_REQUEST_END 58 /* d1-verb number, d2-primaryID, d3-request size, d4-reply size, not in locks */
#define DSE_MOVE_SUBTREE 59 /* d1-source ID, d1-Dest ID, not in locks */
#define DSE_NO_REPLICA_PTR 60 /* d1-partitionID of partition, inside locks */
#define DSE_SYNC_IN_END 61 /* d1-ID of server sending changes, d2 - partition Root ID, p3-Number entries sent(if no error), not in locks */
#define DSE_BKLINK_SEV 62 /* d1-ID of object being updated, not in locks */
#define DSE_BKLINK_OPERATOR 63 /* d1-ID of object whose console operator privilegs were changes, d2-ID of server privileges changed on, not in locks */
#define DSE_DELETE_SUBTREE 64 /* d1-ID of subtree root, d2-count of objects deleted, inside locks & transaction */
#define DSE_SET_NEW_MASTER 65 /* d1-ID of partition being changed, not in locks */
#define DSE_PART_STATE_CHG_REQ 66 /* d1-ID of partition, d2-partnerPartID, d3-(function<<16)|type, d4-state */
#define DSE_REFERRAL 67 /* d1-ID of local entry, d2-ID of partition, d3-referral type */
#define DSE_UPDATE_CLASS_DEF 68 /* uname-name of schema class updated (added), inside locks & transaction */
#define DSE_UPDATE_ATTR_DEF 69 /* uname-name of schema attribute updated (added), inside locks & transaction */
#define DSE_LOST_ENTRY 70 /* d1-parent ID of entry, d2-timestamp.seconds of entry, d3-timestamp.replicaNumber, d4-timestamp.event, uname-unicode name of entry, inside locks & transaction */
#define DSE_PURGE_ENTRY_FAIL 71 /* d1-ID of entry that failed, inside lock & transaction */
#define DSE_PURGE_START 72 /* d1-ID of partition being purged, d2-replica type, inside lock */
#define DSE_PURGE_END 73 /* d1-ID of partition purged, d2-number entries purged, d3-number values purged, not in locks */
#define DSE_FLAT_CLEANER_END 74 /* d1-number entries purged, d2-number values purged, not in locks */
#define DSE_ONE_REPLICA 75 /* d1-ID of partition with only one replica, inside lock */
#define DSE_LIMBER_DONE 76 /* d1-all initialized (boolean value), d2-found new RDN (boolean), not in lock */
#define DSE_SPLIT_DONE 77 /* d1-ID of parent partition root, d2-ID of child partition root, not in lock */
#define DSE_SYNC_SVR_OUT_START 78 /* d1-ID of server, d2-rootID, d3-replica number, d4-replica state&type&flags, not in locks */
#define DSE_SYNC_SVR_OUT_END 79 /* d1-ID of server, d2-partition rootID, d3-objects sent, d4-values sent, not in locks */
#define DSE_SYNC_PART_START 80 /* d1-partition ID, d2-partition state, d3-replica type, inside lock */
#define DSE_SYNC_PART_END 81 /* d1-partition ID, d2-(boolean value=)AllProcessed, not in lock */
#define DSE_MOVE_TREE_START 82 /* d1-ID of subtree root being moved, d2-destination (parent) ID, d3-server ID starting from, not in lock */
#define DSE_MOVE_TREE_END 83 /* d1-ID of subtree root being moved, d2-server ID starting from, not in lock */
#define DSE_RECERT_PUB_KEY 84 /* d1-ID of entry whose keys are being certified, inside locks & transaction */
#define DSE_GEN_CA_KEYS 85 /* d1-ID of entry having CA Keys generated, inside locks & transaction */
#define DSE_JOIN_DONE 86 /* d1-ID of parent partition root, d2-ID of child partition root, inside lock */
#define DSE_PARTITION_LOCKED 87 /* d1-ID of partition being locked, not in locks */
#define DSE_PARTITION_UNLOCKED 88 /* d1-ID of partition being unlocked, not in locks */
#define DSE_SCHEMA_SYNC 89 /* d1-(boolean value=)allProcessed, not in locks */
#define DSE_NAME_COLLISION 90 /* d1-ID of original entry, d2-ID of duplicate entry, inside locks & transaction */
#define DSE_NLM_LOADED 91 /* d1-module handle of NLM that was loaded, not in locks */
#define DSE_PARTITION_EVENT 92 /* ** Uses DSEPartitionData structure */
#define DSE_SKULKER_EVENT 93 /* ** Uses DSESkulkData structure */
#define DSE_LUMBER_DONE 94 /* no parameters, not in lock */
#define DSE_BACKLINK_PROC_DONE 95 /* no parameters, not in lock */
#define DSE_SERVER_RENAME 96 /* name-ascii new server name, inside locks */
#define DSE_SYNTHETIC_TIME 97 /* d1-root entry ID of partition issuing timestamp, d2-partition id, d3-count of timestamps requested, inside locks & transaction */
#define DSE_SERVER_ADDRESS_CHANGE 98 /* no parameters, in locks */
#define DSE_DSA_READ 99 /* d1-ID of entry being read, not in locks */
/* The following section of events are primarily for auditing, and thus
* whenever possible, the event is inside a transaction, so they can
* return an error and abort the transaction if necessary
#define DSE_LOGIN 100 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id, d3-usedNullPassword(boolean), d4-bindery login(0) or NDS login (-1) */
#define DSE_CHGPASS 101 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id */
#define DSE_LOGOUT 102 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id */
#define DSE_ADD_REPLICA 103 /* d1-partition root id, d2-server ID, d3-replicaType, uname-servername */
#define DSE_REMOVE_REPLICA 104 /* d1-partition root id, d2-server ID, uname-servername */
#define DSE_SPLIT_PARTITION 105 /* d1-parent partition root id, d2-new partition root id, uname-new partition entry name */
#define DSE_JOIN_PARTITIONS 106 /* d1-parent partition root id, d2-child partition root id */
#define DSE_CHANGE_REPLICA_TYPE 107 /* d1-partition root id, d2-target server ID, d3-old type, d4-new type*/
#define DSE_REMOVE_ENTRY 108 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id, uname-entry name */
#define DSE_ABORT_PARTITION_OP 109 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id */
#define DSE_RECV_REPLICA_UPDATES 110 /* d1-replica root id */
#define DSE_REPAIR_TIME_STAMPS 111 /* d1-replica root id */
#define DSE_SEND_REPLICA_UPDATES 112 /* d1-replica root id */
#define DSE_VERIFY_PASS 113 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id */
#define DSE_BACKUP_ENTRY 114 /* d1-entry id */
#define DSE_RESTORE_ENTRY 115 /* d1-parent id, name-entry rdn */
#define DSE_DEFINE_ATTR_DEF 116 /* uname-attribute name*/
#define DSE_REMOVE_ATTR_DEF 117 /* d1-attr id, d2-schema root ID, uname-attribute name */
#define DSE_REMOVE_CLASS_DEF 118 /* d1-class id, d2-schema root ID, uname-class name */
#define DSE_DEFINE_CLASS_DEF 119 /* uname-class name*/
#define DSE_MODIFY_CLASS_DEF 120 /* d1-class id, d2-schema root ID, uname-class name */
#define DSE_RESET_DS_COUNTERS 121 /* d2-server ID */
#define DSE_REMOVE_ENTRY_DIR 122 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id, uname-entry name*/
#define DSE_COMPARE_ATTR_VALUE 123 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id, uname-attribute name*/
#define DSE_STREAM 124 /* d1-DSE_ST_OPEN, d2-entry id, d3-attr id, d4-requested rights */
/* d1-DSE_ST_CLOSE, d2-entry id, d3-attr id */
#define DSE_LIST_SUBORDINATES 125 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id, uname-entry name */
#define DSE_LIST_CONT_CLASSES 126 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id, uname-entry name */
#define DSE_INSPECT_ENTRY 127 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id */
#define DSE_RESEND_ENTRY 128 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id */
#define DSE_MUTATE_ENTRY 129 /* d1-entry id, d2-new class id, uname-new class name */
#define DSE_MERGE_ENTRIES 130 /* d1-winner parent id, d2-winner entry id, uname-loser entry name*/
#define DSE_MERGE_TREE 131 /* d1-root entry id */
#define DSE_CREATE_SUBREF 132 /* d1-sub ref id */
#define DSE_LIST_PARTITIONS 133 /* d1-partition root entry id */
#define DSE_READ_ATTR 134 /* d1-entry id, d2-attribute id */
#define DSE_READ_REFERENCES 135 /* d1-entry id */
#define DSE_UPDATE_REPLICA 136 /* d1-partition root id, d2-entry id, uname-entry name */
#define DSE_START_UPDATE_REPLICA 137 /* d1-partition root id */
#define DSE_END_UPDATE_REPLICA 138 /* d1-parititon root id */
#define DSE_SYNC_PARTITION 139 /* d1-partition root id */
#define DSE_SYNC_SCHEMA 140 /* d1-tree root id */
#define DSE_CREATE_BACKLINK 141 /* d1-tree root id, d2-server ID request came from, d3-local entry ID, d4-remote entry ID */
#define DSE_CHECK_CONSOLE_OPERATOR 142 /* d1-tree root id, d2-server ID, d3-isOperator boolean, d4-object ID being checked */
#define DSE_CHANGE_TREE_NAME 143 /* d1-tree root id, uname-new tree name */
#define DSE_START_JOIN 144 /* d1-parent partition root id, d2-child partition root id */
#define DSE_ABORT_JOIN 145 /* d1-parent partition root id, d2-child partition root id */
#define DSE_UPDATE_SCHEMA 146 /* d1-tree root id, d2-server id, inside locks & transaction */
#define DSE_START_UPDATE_SCHEMA 147 /* d1-tree root id, d2-server id */
#define DSE_END_UPDATE_SCHEMA 148 /* d1-tree root id, d2-server id */
#define DSE_MOVE_TREE 149 /* d1-source parent id, d2-dest. parent id, d3-type (0|1), uname-(0=source DN)|(1=newName) */
#define DSE_RELOAD_DS 150 /* d1-tree root id */
#define DSE_ADD_PROPERTY 151 /* d1-object id, d3-security, d4-flags, name-object name */
#define DSE_DELETE_PROPERTY 152 /* d1-object id, name-object name */
#define DSE_ADD_MEMBER 153 /* d1-object id, d3-member id, name-property name */
#define DSE_DELETE_MEMBER 154 /* d1-object id, d3-member id, name-property name */
#define DSE_CHANGE_PROP_SECURITY 155 /* d1-object id, d3-new security, name-property name */
#define DSE_CHANGE_OBJ_SECURITY 156 /* d1-object parent id, d2-object id, d3-new security */
#define DSE_READ_OBJ_INFO 157 /* d1-parent id, d2-entry id */
#define DSE_CONNECT_TO_ADDRESS 158 /* d1-task id, d3-address type, d4-address size, name-address data */
#define DSE_SEARCH 159 /* d1-base object id, d2-scope, d3-nodes to search (not used currently) d4-infoType */
#define DSE_PARTITION_STATE_CHG 160 /* d1-partitionRootID, d2-partnerPartID, d3-(function<<16)|type, d4-state */
#define DSE_REMOVE_BACKLINK 161 /* d1-object ID affected, d2-serverID of removed backlink, d3-remoteID of removed backlink */
#define DSE_LOW_LEVEL_JOIN 162 /* d1-parent partition Root ID, d2-child partition Root ID, not in lock */
#define DSE_CREATE_NAMEBASE 163 /* no data, not in lock */
#define DSE_CHANGE_SECURITY_EQUALS 164 /* d1-object ID, d2-equiv ID, d3-0=delete,1=add equivalence, inside locks & transaction */
#define DSE_DB_NCPENG 166
#define DSE_CRC_FAILURE 167 /* d1-CRC failure type (0=server | 1=client) d2-server | client CRC error count */
#define DSE_ADD_ENTRY 168 /* d1-parent id, d2-object id, (success DSE_DATATYPE_STRUCT1) */
#define DSE_MODIFY_ENTRY 169 /* d1-parent id, d2-object id, (success DSE_DATATYPE_STRUCT1) */
#define DSE_OPEN_BINDERY 171 /* d1-tree root id */
#define DSE_CLOSE_BINDERY 172 /* d1-tree root id */
#define DSE_CHANGE_CONN_STATE 173 /* data is DSEChangeConnState */
#define DSE_NEW_SCHEMA_EPOCH 174 /* d1-tree root id */
#define DSE_DB_AUDIT 175 /* auditing debug messages */
#define DSE_DB_AUDIT_NCP 176 /* audit ncp debug messages */
#define DSE_DB_AUDIT_SKULK 177 /* audit skulking debug messages */
#define DSE_MODIFY_RDN 178 /* d1-parentID, d2-entry ID, uname-oldRDN */
#define DSE_DB_LDAP 179 /* ldap trace messages */
#define DSE_ORPHAN_PARTITION 180 /* d1-DSE_OP_CREATE, d2-newPartitionID, d3-targetPartitionID */
/* d1-DSE_OP_REMOVE, d2-partitionID */
/* d1-DSE_OP_LINK, d2-partitionID, d3-targetPartitionID, d4-targetServerID */
/* d1-DSE_OP_UNLINK, d2-partitionID, d3-targetPartitionID */
#define DSE_ENTRYID_SWAP 181 /* d1-srcID, d2-destID */
#define DSE_DB_NCP_REQUEST 182 /* no data - used by lock check */
#define DSE_DB_LOST_ENTRY 183 /* uses DSEDebugInfo */
#define DSE_DB_CHANGE_CACHE 184 /* uses DSEDebugInfo */
#define DSE_LOW_LEVEL_SPLIT 185 /* d1-parent partition Root ID, d2-child partition Root ID, not in lock */
#define DSE_DB_PURGE 186 /* uses DSEDebugInfo */
#define DSE_END_NAMEBASE_TRANSACTION 187 /* no data */
#define DSE_ALLOW_LOGIN 188 /* d1-entryID, d2-flags */
#define DSE_DB_CLIENT_BUFFERS 189 /* uses DSEDebugInfo, request buffer display */
/* The following section of events are primarily for WAN Traffic Manager,
* and thus are expected to be used as inline events so that the policy
* results can be returned to DS.
#define DSE_DB_WANMAN 190 /* uses DSEDebugInfo */
#define DSE_WTM_NDS_BACKLINKS 191 /* DSEWtmInfo */
#define DSE_WTM_NDS_SCHEMA_SYNC 192 /* DSEWtmInfo */
#define DSE_WTM_NDS_LIMBER 193 /* DSEWtmInfo */
#define DSE_WTM_NDS_JANITOR 195 /* DSEWtmInfo */
#define DSE_WTM_NDS_OPEN_CONNECTION 196 /* DSEWtmOpenInfo */
#define DSE_LOCAL_REPLICA_CHANGE 197 /* d1-DSE_LRC_* opcode, d2-replicaRootID */
#define DSE_DB_DRL 198 /* reference link debug messages */
#define DSE_MOVE_ENTRY_SOURCE 199 /* d1-parentID, d2-dest parentID, d3-sourceID, uname-name */
#define DSE_MOVE_ENTRY_DEST 200 /* d1-parentID, d2-dest parentID, d3-sourceID, uname-newName */
#define DSE_NOTIFY_REF_CHANGE 201 /* d1-entryID used by obituary added to */
#define DSE_DB_ALLOC 202 /* uses DSEDebugInfo */
#define DSE_CONSOLE_OPERATION 203 /* d1-opCode - DSC_* flag */
#define DSE_DB_SERVER_PACKET 204 /* uses DSEDebugInfo */
#define DSE_START_DIB_CHECK 205 /* RecMan DIB validation */
#define DSE_END_DIB_CHECK 206 /* RecMan DIB validation, d1-error status */
#define DSE_DB_OBIT 207 /* uses DSEDebugInfo */
#define DSE_REPLICA_IN_TRANSITION 208 /* d1-partition root ID, d2-last ID */
#define DSE_DB_SYNC_DETAIL 209 /* uses DSEDebugInfo */
#define DSE_DB_CONN_TRACE 210 /* uses DSEDebugInfo */
#define DSE_BEGIN_NAMEBASE_TRANSACTION 211 /* no data */
#define DSE_DB_VIRTUAL_REPLICA 212 /* uses DSEDebugInfo */
#define DSE_VR_DRIVER_STATE_CHANGE 213 /* used DSEEntryInfo */
#define DSE_CHANGE_CONFIG_PARM 214 /* uses DSEChangeConfigParm */
#define DSE_MAX_EVENTS 215
* data structures used for the data associated with events
/* DSE_STREAM operation definitions */
#define DSE_ST_OPEN 0x0001
#define DSE_ST_CLOSE 0x0002
/* DSE_ORPHAN_PARTITION operation definitions */
#define DSE_OP_CREATE 0x0001
#define DSE_OP_REMOVE 0x0002
#define DSE_OP_LINK 0x0003
#define DSE_OP_UNLINK 0x0004
typedef struct
nuint32 seconds;
nuint16 replicaNumber;
nuint16 event;
} DSETimeStamp;
typedef struct
nuint8 data[16];
* otherwise it is 0
/* NetWare 4.x returns DSEntryInfo structure, NetWare 5.x returns
* DSEntryInfo2 structure
typedef struct
nuint32 perpetratorID;
nuint32 verb;
nuint32 entryID;
nuint32 parentID;
nuint32 classID;
nuint32 flags;
DSETimeStamp creationTime;
const unicode *dn;
const unicode *newDN;
char data[1]; /* used to store data for dn and newDN fields */
} DSEEntryInfo;
typedef struct
nuint32 perpetratorID;
nuint32 verb;
nuint32 entryID;
nuint32 parentID;
nuint32 classID;
nuint32 flags;
DSETimeStamp creationTime;
const unicode *dn;
const unicode *newDN;
nuint32 connID;
char data[1]; /* used to store data for dn and newDN fields */
} DSEEntryInfo2;
/* DSEEntryInfo flag definitions */
#define DSEF_PARTITION_ROOT 0x0001
#define DSEF_EXTREF 0x0002
#define DSEF_ALIAS 0x0004
typedef struct
nuint32 perpetratorID;
nuint32 verb;
nuint32 entryID;
nuint32 attrID;
nuint32 syntaxID;
nuint32 classID;
DSETimeStamp timeStamp;
nuint size;
char data[1]; /* see DSEVal... structures for meanings of this field */
} DSEValueInfo;
typedef struct
nuint32 entryID;
nuint32 parentID;
nuint32 type;
nuint32 emuObjFlags;
nuint32 security;
char name[48];
} DSEBinderyObjectInfo;
typedef struct
nuint32 entryID;
nuint32 retryCount;
nuint32 valueID;
unicode valueDN[MAX_DN_CHARS + 1];
char referral[1];
typedef struct
nuint32 type;
nuint32 length;
nuint8 data[1];
} DSENetAddress;
typedef struct
nuint32 entryID;
nuint32 attrID[2];
} DSESkulkData;
/* DSE_LOCAL_REPLICA_CHANGE flag definitions */
#define DSE_LRC_ADD 0x0001
#define DSE_LRC_REMOVE 0x0002
#define DSE_LRC_MODIFY 0x0003
/* DSE_PARTITION_OPERATION_EVENT flag definitions */
#define DSE_PF_STATE_CHANGE 0x0001
#define DSE_PF_ADD 0x0002
#define DSE_PF_PURGE 0x0004
#define DSE_PF_JOIN 0x0008
#define DSE_PF_SPLIT 0x0010
/* DSE_CHANGE_CONN_STATE flag definitions */
#define DSE_CONN_VALID 0x0001
#define DSE_CONN_AUTHENTIC 0x0002
#define DSE_CONN_SUPERVISOR 0x0004
#define DSE_CONN_OPERATOR 0x0008
#define DSE_CONN_LICENSED 0x0010
#define DSE_CONN_SEV_IS_STALE 0x0020
#define DSE_CONN_IS_NCP 0x0040
#define DSE_CONN_SIGNATURES 0x0100
#define DSE_CONN_ENCRYPTION 0x0400
typedef struct
nuint32 connID;
nuint32 entryID;
nuint32 oldFlags;
nuint32 newFlags;
} DSEChangeConnState;
/* DSEChangeConfigState parameter values */
typedef struct
nuint32 configParm;
} DSEChangeConfigParm;
/* DSEModuleState flags, the CHANGING flag is combined with LOADED
* to show starting to load or starting to unload.
#define DSE_MOD_CHANGING 0x01
#define DSE_MOD_LOADED 0x02
#define DSE_MOD_AUTOLOAD 0x04
#define DSE_MOD_HIDDEN 0x08
#define DSE_MOD_ENGINE 0x10
#define DSE_MOD_AUTOMATIC 0x20
#define DSE_MOD_DISABLED 0x40
#define DSE_MOD_MANUAL 0x80
#define DSE_MOD_SYSTEM 0x100 /* This is entries with PRELOAD_MODULE */
#define DSE_MOD_WAITING 0x200 /* state change is queued */
typedef struct DSEModuleState
nuint32 connID;
nuint32 flags;
long handle;
} DSEModuleState;
* data structures used for contents of the data member of the
* DSEValueInfo structure.
typedef struct
nuint32 nameSpaceType;
nuint32 volumeEntryID;
nuint32 length;
unicode data[1];
} DSEPath;
typedef struct
nuint32 serverID;
nuint32 type;
nuint32 number;
nuint32 replicaRootID; /* partition root ID on server where replica resides */
char referral[1]; /* transport address data in wire format */
} DSEReplicaPointer;
typedef struct
nuint32 serverID;
nuint32 remoteID;
} DSEBackLink;
typedef struct
nuint32 entryID;
nuint32 attrID;
nuint32 privileges;
typedef struct
nuint32 entryID;
nuint32 level;
nuint32 interval;
} DSETypedName;
typedef struct
nuint32 entryID;
nuint32 amount;
} DSEHold;
typedef struct
nuint32 type; /* SMF70, SMF71, SMTP, X400, SNADS, PROFS */
nuint32 length; /* length of address unicode string */
unicode address[1/*or more*/]; /* null terminated unicode string */
} DSEEmailAddress;
typedef struct
nuint32 numOfBits;
nuint32 numOfBytes;
char data;
} DSEBitString;
typedef struct
nuint32 length; /* length of telephone number unicode string */
unicode telephoneNumber[1/*or more*/]; /* null terminated unicode string */
/* The following field is dword aligned after unicode NULL:
DSEBitString parameters;
} DSEFaxNumber;
typedef struct
nuint32 numOfStrings; /* number of uint32 length proceeded, null terminated,
dword aligned unicode strings to follow */
nuint32 length1; /* length of first unicode string */
unicode string1[1]; /* 1st unicode string */
} DSECIList;
typedef struct
nuint32 numOfStrings; /* number of null terminated, dword aligned byte
strings to follow */
nuint8 string1[1]; /* 1st octet string */
} DSEOctetList;
typedef union
unicode string[1/*or more*/]; /* null terminated unicode string */
nuint32 num; /* used for SYN_INTEGER, SYN_COUNTER, SYN_TIME, SYN_INTERVAL */
nuint32 entryID; /* used for SYN_DIST_NAME */
nuint32 classID; /* used for SYN_CLASS_NAME */
nuint8 boolean; /* used for SYN_BOOLEAN */
DSENetAddress netAddress; /* used for SYN_NET_ADDRESS */
DSEPath path; /* used for SYN_PATH */
DSEReplicaPointer replica; /* used for SYN_REPLICA_POINTER */
DSEACL acl; /* used for SYN_OBJECT_ACL */
DSETimeStamp timeStamp; /* used for SYN_TIMESTAMP */
DSEBackLink backLink; /* used for SYN_BACK_LINK */
DSETypedName typedName; /* used for SYN_TYPED_NAME */
DSEHold hold; /* used for SYN_HOLD */
DSEEmailAddress emailAddress; /* used for SYN_EMAIL_ADDRESS */
DSEFaxNumber faxNumber; /* used for SYN_FAX_NUMBER */
DSECIList ciList; /* used for SYN_CI_LIST, SYN_PO_ADDRESS */
nuint8 octetString[1]; /* used for SYN_OCTET_STRING, SYN_STREAM */
DSEOctetList octetList; /* used for SYN_OCTET_LIST */
} DSEValData;
#define MAX_EVENT_PARMS 32
typedef struct
nuint32 dstime; /* time event occurred */
nuint32 milliseconds;
nuint32 curThread; /* thread running when event occurs */
nuint32 connID; /* connection number that caused this event */
nuint32 perpetratorID; /* "user" id that owns the connection */
char *fmtStr; /* sprintf type format string describing parms */
char *parms[MAX_EVENT_PARMS];/* pseudo stack of parameters for va_list */
char data[1]; /* variable size, holds fmtStr & non-integer parm data */
} DSEDebugInfo;
typedef struct
nuint32 attrID;
nuint32 flags;
nint len;
void *data;
} DSES1data;
typedef struct
nuint32 count;
DSES1data value[1];
} DSEStruct1;
typedef struct
nuint32 dstime; /* time event occurred */
nuint32 milliseconds;
nuint32 curProcess; /* process running when event occurred */
nuint32 connID; /* connection number that caused this event */
nuint32 verb; /* verb */
nuint32 perpetratorID; /* "user" id that owns the connection */
nuint32 d1; /* remaining fields vary depending on event number */
nuint32 d2;
nuint32 d3;
nuint32 d4;
nuint32 dataType;
const void *dataPtr;
char data[1]; /* variable size, holds either name or uname data */
} DSEEventData;
typedef struct /* use for WAN Traffic Manager Events */
nuint32 lastTime;
nint32 version;
nint checkEachNewOpen;
nint checkEachAlreadyOpen;
nuint32 expirationInterval;
nuint32 nextTime;
nuint32 result;
nint send;
nuint32 trafficTypeSubClass;
} DSEWtmInfo;
typedef struct /* used for WAN Traffic Manager Open Events */
nint32 version;
nuint32 expirationInterval;
nint connIsAlreadyOpen;
nuint32 lastAccessTime;
nuint32 trafficType;
char *trafficTypeName;
nint send;
nint dstAdrType;
nuint dstAdrSize;
void *dstAdrData;
char *localReferral;
nuint32 lastSyncTime;
nuint32 trafficTypeSubClass;
} DSEWtmOpenInfo;
* End data structures used for contents of the data member of the
* DSEValueInfo structure.
/* define trace vector category numbers */
#define TV_ON 0x00000001L /* if set, tracing is enabled */
#define TV_AUDIT 0x00000002L /* auditing */
#define TV_INIT 0x00000004L /* initialization */
#define TV_FRAGGER 0x00000008L /* fragger */
#define TV_MISC 0x00000010L /* miscellaneous */
#define TV_RESNAME 0x00000020L /* resolve name */
#define TV_STREAMS 0x00000040L /* streams */
#define TV_LIMBER 0x00000080L /* limber */
#define TV_JANITOR 0x00000100L /* janitor */
#define TV_BACKLINK 0x00000200L /* backlink */
#define TV_MERGE 0x00000400L /* merge */
#define TV_SKULKER 0x00000800L /* skulker */
#define TV_LOCKING 0x00001000L /* locking */
#define TV_SAP 0x00002000L /* SAP */
#define TV_SCHEMA 0x00004000L /* schema */
#define TV_COLL 0x00008000L /* collisions */
#define TV_INSPECTOR 0x00010000L /* inspector */
#define TV_ERRORS 0x00020000L /* errors */
#define TV_PART 0x00040000L /* partition operations */
#define TV_EMU 0x00080000L /* bindery emulator */
#define TV_VCLIENT 0x00100000L /* virtual client */
#define TV_AUTHEN 0x00200000L /* authentication */
#define TV_RECMAN 0x00400000L /* record manager */
#define TV_TIMEVECTOR 0x00800000L /* time vectors */
#define TV_REPAIR 0x01000000L /* ds_repair */
#define TV_DSAGENT 0x02000000L /* low level DSA tracing */
#define TV_ERRET 0x04000000L /* ERRET and ERRTRACE */
#define TV_SYNC_IN 0x08000000L /* incoming sync traffic */
#define TV_THREADS 0x10000000L /* DS thread scheduling */
#define TV_MIN 0x20000000L /* default dstrace messages */
#define TV_CHECK_BIT 0x80000000L /* all TV_ values must have this bit */
#define TV_ALL 0xBFFFFFFEL /* All vectors--default for DSTrace */
/* Event handler flags - for NWDSERegisterForEventWithResult.
#define HF_ALL 0x0000 /* Invoke handler regardless of event status */
#define HF_SUCCESS_ONLY 0x0004 /* Invoke handler if event is successful */
#define HF_FAIL_ONLY 0x0008 /* Invoke handler if event fails */