using System; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Collections; using System.Threading; using Gtk; using GLib; namespace Novell.CASA.DataEngines.GK { [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public class KeyringInfo { public int lockOnIdle; public uint lockTimeout; public uint mTime; public uint cTime; public int isLocked; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public class NativeItemInfo { public int itemType; public IntPtr displayName; public IntPtr secret; public int mTime; public int cTime; public NativeItemInfo() { displayName = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(128); secret = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(128); } ~NativeItemInfo() { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(displayName); Marshal.FreeHGlobal(secret); } } public class ItemInfo { public string itemType; public string displayName; public string secret; public int mTime; public int cTime; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public class NativeAttribute { public uint type; public IntPtr key; public IntPtr value; } [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Ansi)] public class Attribute { public uint type; public string key; public string value; } public class GnomeKeyring { [DllImport("")] public static extern int GetKeyrings(out IntPtr list); [DllImport("")] public static extern int GetKeyringInfo(string name,KeyringInfo info); [DllImport("")] public static extern int GetItems(string keyring,out IntPtr list); [DllImport("")] public static extern int GetItemInfo(string keyring,int itemId, NativeItemInfo info); [DllImport("")] public static extern int GetAttributeList(string keyring,int itemId, out IntPtr attrList); [DllImport("")] public static extern int FreeAttributeList(IntPtr attrList); [DllImport("")] public static extern int SetPassword (string keyring, int itemid, string password); [DllImport("")] public static extern int RemoveItem (string keyring, int itemid); [DllImport("")] public static extern int SetItemAttributes (string keyring, int itemid, IntPtr[] attrs, int length); [DllImport("")] public static extern int CreateItem(string keyringName, int itemType, string displayName, string password, IntPtr[] arrptr, int attrCount); [DllImport("")] public static extern int UnlockRing(string sKeyringName, string sPassword); public static void AttemptGKUnlock(string sPassword) { ArrayList alKeyRings = GKGetKeyrings(); IEnumerator kEtor = alKeyRings.GetEnumerator(); while (kEtor.MoveNext()) { string sKeyring = (string)(kEtor.Current); try { UnlockGnomeKeyring(sKeyring, sPassword); } catch {} } } public static int UnlockGnomeKeyring(string sKeyringName, string sPassword) { int rcode = UnlockRing(sKeyringName, sPassword); return rcode; } public static KeyringInfo GKGetKeyringInfo(string name) { KeyringInfo info = null; try { info = new KeyringInfo(); int retVal = GetKeyringInfo(name,info); if( 0 != retVal ) info = null; } catch(Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); info = null; } return info; } public static void PrintKeyringInfo(KeyringInfo info) { if( null == info ) return; try { //Console.WriteLine("lockOnIdle = " + info.lockOnIdle); //Console.WriteLine("lockTimeout = " + info.lockTimeout); //Console.WriteLine("mTime = " + info.mTime); //Console.WriteLine("cTime = " + info.cTime); //Console.WriteLine("isLocked = " + info.isLocked); } catch(Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public static ItemInfo GKGetItemInfo(string keyring, int itemId) { ItemInfo info = null; try { NativeItemInfo nativeItemInfo = new NativeItemInfo(); int retVal = GetItemInfo(keyring, itemId, nativeItemInfo); if( 0 != retVal ) info = null; else { info = new ItemInfo(); if(nativeItemInfo.itemType == 0) info.itemType = "Generic Secret"; else if(nativeItemInfo.itemType == 1) info.itemType = "Network Password"; else if(nativeItemInfo.itemType == 2) info.itemType = "Note"; else info.itemType = "No Type"; // need to have a better name info.displayName = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(nativeItemInfo.displayName); info.secret = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(nativeItemInfo.secret); info.mTime = nativeItemInfo.mTime; info.cTime = nativeItemInfo.cTime; } } catch(Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); info = null; } return info; } public static void PrintItemInfo(ItemInfo info) { if( null == info ) return; try { //Console.WriteLine("CS : itemType = " + info.itemType); //Console.WriteLine("CS : displayName = " + info.displayName); //Console.WriteLine("CS : secret = " + info.secret); //Console.WriteLine("CS : mTime = " + info.mTime); //Console.WriteLine("CS : cTime = " + info.cTime); } catch(Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public static ArrayList GKGetKeyrings() { ArrayList retList; try { retList = new ArrayList(); IntPtr list = new IntPtr(); int retVal = GetKeyrings(out list); if ( 0 != retVal ) retList = null; GLib.List keyringList = new List(list,typeof(string)); IEnumerator etor = (IEnumerator)(keyringList.GetEnumerator()); string name; while(etor.MoveNext()) { name = (string)etor.Current; retList.Add(name); } } catch(Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); retList = null; } return retList; } public static ArrayList GKGetItems(string keyring) { ArrayList retList = null; try { retList = new ArrayList(); IntPtr list = new IntPtr(); int retVal = GetItems(keyring,out list); if( 0 != retVal ) retList = null; GLib.List itemList = new List(list,typeof(int)); IEnumerator etor = (IEnumerator)(itemList.GetEnumerator()); int itemId; while(etor.MoveNext()) { itemId = (int)etor.Current; retList.Add(itemId); } } catch(Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); retList = null; } return retList; } public static ArrayList GKGetAttributeList(string keyring, int itemId) { ArrayList retList = null; try { retList = new ArrayList(); IntPtr list = new IntPtr(); int retVal = GetAttributeList(keyring, itemId,out list); if( 0 != retVal ) retList = null; GLib.List attrList = new List(list,typeof(int)); IEnumerator etor = (IEnumerator)(attrList.GetEnumerator()); while(etor.MoveNext()) { int test = (int)etor.Current; IntPtr ptr = new IntPtr(test); NativeAttribute attr = new NativeAttribute(); attr = (NativeAttribute)Marshal.PtrToStructure(ptr,typeof(NativeAttribute)); string key = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(attr.key); string value = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi(attr.value); Attribute retAttr = new Attribute(); retAttr.type = attr.type; retAttr.key = String.Copy(key); retAttr.value = String.Copy(value); retList.Add(retAttr); } if(retList.Count > 0) FreeAttributeList(list); } catch(Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); retList = null; } return retList; } public static void PrintAttrList(ArrayList attrList) { if( null == attrList ) return; Attribute attr; try { IEnumerator etor = (IEnumerator)(attrList.GetEnumerator()); while(etor.MoveNext()) { attr = (Attribute)(etor.Current); //Console.WriteLine("CS : AttrType = " + attr.type); //Console.WriteLine("CS : AttrKey = " + attr.key); //Console.WriteLine("CS : AttrValue = " + attr.value); } } catch(Exception e) { //Console.WriteLine(e.ToString()); } } public static int SetAttributes(String keyringName, int itemId, NameValueCollection nvc) { IntPtr[] arrptr = new IntPtr[nvc.Count]; for(int i=0; i < nvc.Count; i++) { string key = nvc.GetKey(i); string value = nvc.Get(key); Attribute attr = new Attribute(); attr.type=0; attr.key=key; attr.value=value; IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(attr)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(attr,ptr,false); arrptr[i] = ptr; } int ret = SetItemAttributes( keyringName,itemId,arrptr,nvc.Count); FreeIntPtrArray(arrptr); return ret; } public static int RemoveSecret(string keyringname, int itemid) { return(RemoveItem(keyringname,itemid)); } public static int CreateSecret(String keyringName, string strItemType, string displayName, string password, NameValueCollection nvc) { //Console.WriteLine("In CreateSecret "); int itemType = 3; //No Type IntPtr[] arrptr = new IntPtr[nvc.Count]; if(strItemType.CompareTo("Generic Secret") == 0 ) { itemType = 0; } else if(strItemType.CompareTo("Network Password") == 0 ) { itemType = 1; } else if(strItemType.CompareTo("Note") == 0 ) { itemType = 2; } //Console.WriteLine("In CreateSecret ItemType = "+itemType); for(int i=0; i < nvc.Count; i++) { string key = nvc.GetKey(i); //Console.WriteLine("In CreateSecret Key "+i + " = " + key); string value = nvc.Get(key); //Console.WriteLine("In CreateSecret Value "+i + " = " + value); Attribute attr = new Attribute(); attr.type=0; attr.key=key; attr.value=value; IntPtr ptr = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(Marshal.SizeOf(attr)); Marshal.StructureToPtr(attr,ptr,false); arrptr[i] = ptr; } //Console.WriteLine("Calling Create item "); int ret = CreateItem(keyringName, itemType, displayName, password, arrptr, nvc.Count); FreeIntPtrArray(arrptr); return ret; } public static void FreeIntPtrArray(IntPtr[] arrptr) { for(int i=0; i < arrptr.Length; i++) { Marshal.FreeHGlobal(arrptr[i]); } } } }