/****************************************************************************** %name: nwdsmisc.h % %version: 1 % %date_modified: Mon Aug 08 13:08:05 2005 % $Copyright: Copyright (c) 1989-1998 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. THIS WORK IS SUBJECT TO U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAWS AND TREATIES. NO PART OF THIS WORK MAY BE USED, PRACTICED, PERFORMED COPIED, DISTRIBUTED, REVISED, MODIFIED, TRANSLATED, ABRIDGED, CONDENSED, EXPANDED, COLLECTED, COMPILED, LINKED, RECAST, TRANSFORMED OR ADAPTED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF NOVELL, INC. ANY USE OR EXPLOITATION OF THIS WORK WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION COULD SUBJECT THE PERPETRATOR TO CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LIABILITY.$ *****************************************************************************/ #if ! defined ( NWDSMISC_H ) #define NWDSMISC_H #if ! defined ( NTYPES_H ) #include "ntypes.h" #endif #if ! defined ( NWCALDEF_H ) #include "nwcaldef.h" #endif #if ! defined ( NWDSBUFT_H ) #include "nwdsbuft.h" #endif #if ! defined ( NUNICODE_H ) #include "nunicode.h" #endif #include "npackon.h" #define DS_SYNTAX_NAMES 0 #define DS_SYNTAX_DEFS 1 #define DS_STRING 0x0001 /* string, can be used in names */ #define DS_SINGLE_VALUED 0x0002 #define DS_SUPPORTS_ORDER 0x0004 #define DS_SUPPORTS_EQUAL 0x0008 #define DS_IGNORE_CASE 0x0010 /* Ignore case */ #define DS_IGNORE_SPACE 0x0020 /* Ignore white space */ #define DS_IGNORE_DASH 0x0040 /* Ignore dashes */ #define DS_ONLY_DIGITS 0x0080 #define DS_ONLY_PRINTABLE 0x0100 #define DS_SIZEABLE 0x0200 #define DS_BITWISE_EQUAL 0x0400 typedef struct { nuint32 statsVersion; nuint32 noSuchEntry; nuint32 localEntry; nuint32 typeReferral; nuint32 aliasReferral; nuint32 requestCount; nuint32 requestDataSize; nuint32 replyDataSize; nuint32 resetTime; nuint32 transportReferral; nuint32 upReferral; nuint32 downReferral; } NDSStatsInfo_T, N_FAR *pNDSStatsInfo_T; /* the following structure is used by NWDSGetNDSInfo() */ typedef struct { nuint32 major; nuint32 minor; nuint32 revision; } NDSOSVersion_T, N_FAR *pNDSOSVersion_T; #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSCloseIteration ( NWDSContextHandle context, nint32 iterationHandle, nuint32 operation ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSGetSyntaxID ( NWDSContextHandle context, pnstr8 attrName, pnuint32 syntaxID ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSReadSyntaxes ( NWDSContextHandle context, nuint32 infoType, nbool8 allSyntaxes, pBuf_T syntaxNames, pnint32 iterationHandle, pBuf_T syntaxDefs ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSReadSyntaxDef ( NWDSContextHandle context, nuint32 syntaxID, pSyntax_Info_T syntaxDef ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSReplaceAttrNameAbbrev ( NWDSContextHandle context, pnstr8 inStr, pnstr8 outStr ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSGetObjectHostServerAddress ( NWDSContextHandle context, pnstr8 objectName, pnstr8 serverName, pBuf_T netAddresses ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (void) NWGetNWNetVersion ( nuint8 N_FAR *majorVersion, nuint8 N_FAR *minorVersion, nuint8 N_FAR *revisionLevel, nuint8 N_FAR *betaReleaseLevel ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWIsDSServer ( NWCONN_HANDLE conn, pnstr8 treeName ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSGetBinderyContext ( NWDSContextHandle context, NWCONN_HANDLE connHandle, pnuint8 BinderyEmulationContext ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSRepairTimeStamps ( NWDSContextHandle context, pnstr8 partitionRoot ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWGetFileServerUTCTime ( NWCONN_HANDLE conn, pnuint32 time ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSGetDSVerInfo ( NWCONN_HANDLE conn, pnuint32 dsVersion, pnuint32 rootMostEntryDepth, pnstr8 sapName, pnuint32 flags, punicode treeName ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY( NWDSCCODE ) NWDSGetNDSInfo ( NWDSContextHandle context, pBuf_T resultBuffer, nflag32 requestedField, nptr data ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY( NWDSCCODE ) NWDSReadNDSInfo ( NWCONN_HANDLE connHandle, nflag32 requestedFields, pBuf_T resultBuffer ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSSyncReplicaToServer ( NWDSContextHandle context, pnstr8 serverName, pnstr8 partitionRootName, pnstr8 destServerName, nuint32 actionFlags, nuint32 delaySeconds ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSReloadDS ( NWDSContextHandle context, pnstr8 serverName ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWNetInit ( nptr reserved1, nptr reserved2 ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWNetTerm ( nptr reserved ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSGetNDSStatistics ( NWDSContextHandle context, pnstr8 serverName, nuint statsInfoLen, pNDSStatsInfo_T statsInfo ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSResetNDSStatistics ( NWDSContextHandle context, pnstr8 serverName ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSGetNDSIntervals ( NWCONN_HANDLE connHandle, /* IN */ nflag32 reqIntervalFlags, /* IN */ pnflag32 repIntervalFlags, /* OUT */ pnuint32 intervals /* OUT */ ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY (NWDSCCODE) NWDSSetNDSIntervals ( NWCONN_HANDLE connHandle, /* IN */ nflag32 intervalFlags, /* IN */ nuint numIntervals, /* IN */ pnuint32 intervals /* IN */ ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include "npackoff.h" #endif