/****************************************************************************** %name: nwredir.h % %version: 3 % %date_modified: Wed Dec 18 12:09:08 1996 % $Copyright: Copyright (c) 1989-1995 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. THIS WORK IS SUBJECT TO U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT LAWS AND TREATIES. NO PART OF THIS WORK MAY BE USED, PRACTICED, PERFORMED COPIED, DISTRIBUTED, REVISED, MODIFIED, TRANSLATED, ABRIDGED, CONDENSED, EXPANDED, COLLECTED, COMPILED, LINKED, RECAST, TRANSFORMED OR ADAPTED WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN CONSENT OF NOVELL, INC. ANY USE OR EXPLOITATION OF THIS WORK WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION COULD SUBJECT THE PERPETRATOR TO CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LIABILITY.$ *****************************************************************************/ #if ! defined ( NWREDIR_H ) #define NWREDIR_H #if ! defined ( NTYPES_H ) #include "ntypes.h" #endif #if ! defined ( NWCALDEF_H ) # include "nwcaldef.h" #endif #include "npackon.h" #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #if !defined(NWOS2) || !defined(WIN32) #ifndef REDIR_SIGNATURE #define REDIR_SIGNATURE 'WN' typedef struct tNW_REDIR_ENTRY { nuint16 index; nuint8 deviceStatus; nuint8 deviceType; nuint16 storedValue; nstr8 localName[16]; nstr8 networkName[128]; } NW_REDIR_ENTRY; #endif /* obsolete NWCCODE N_API NWRedirLogin ( pnstr8 pbstrServerName, pnstr8 pbstrUserName, pnstr8 pbstrPassword ); */ N_EXTERN_LIBRARY( NWCCODE ) NWRedirLogout ( pnstr8 pbstrServerName ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY( NWCCODE ) NWRedirectDevice ( pnstr8 pbstrUNCPath, nuint8 buDevice ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY( NWCCODE ) NWCancelRedirection ( nuint8 buDevice ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY( NWCCODE ) NWGetRedirectionEntry ( NW_REDIR_ENTRY N_FAR * entry ); #endif N_EXTERN_LIBRARY( NWCCODE ) NWParseUNCPath ( pnstr8 pbstrUNCPath, NWCONN_HANDLE N_FAR * conn, pnstr8 pbstrServerName, pnstr8 pbstrVolName, pnstr8 pbstrPath, pnstr8 pbstrNWPath ); N_EXTERN_LIBRARY( NWCCODE ) NWParseUNCPathConnRef ( pnstr8 pbstrUNCPath, pnuint32 pluConnRef, pnstr8 pbstrServerName, pnstr8 pbstrVolName, pnstr8 pbstrPath, pnstr8 pbstrNWPath ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #include "npackoff.h" #endif /* NWREDIR_H */