/*********************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Novell, Inc. Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 * of the License. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, Novell, Inc. * * To contact Novell about this file by physical or electronic mail, * you may find current contact information at www.novell.com. * ***********************************************************************/ using System; using System.Collections; using System.Xml; using System.IO; using Novell.CASA; using System.Collections.Specialized; using Novell.CASA.DataEngines.Common; namespace Novell.CASA.DataEngines { /* * This class is implementation of Data engine for miCASA. */ //TBD: Generally we need to find out if fault is in parameter or miCASA or not available class miCASAEngine : DataEngine { public SecretStore store = null; public miCASAEngine() { //TBD: What happens here at miCASA end ? store = SecretStore.getInstance(); } public XmlNode Aggregate() { XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); XmlElement key1; XmlAttribute Atr; XmlElement value1; XmlElement mi_secret; XmlAttribute synchAttr; XmlAttribute secidAttr; String sKey, sValue; //Adding miCASA Top Node XmlElement elem = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.miCASA); doc.AppendChild(elem); StringCollection sc = store.enumerateSecretIDs(); if (sc != null) { // Adding Keychain XmlElement keychain = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_KEYCHAIN); XmlAttribute id_attr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_ID); id_attr.Value = ConstStrings.CCF_KEYCHAINNAME; keychain.SetAttributeNode(id_attr); elem.AppendChild(keychain); StringEnumerator se = sc.GetEnumerator(); se.Reset(); while (se.MoveNext()) { Secret secret = store.getSecret(se.Current); NameValueCollection nvc = secret.getKeyValueCollection(); mi_secret = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_SECRET); synchAttr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_SYNCH); //TBD: synchAttr.Value = "Persistent Secret" ; secidAttr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_ID); secidAttr.Value = se.Current; mi_secret.SetAttributeNode(secidAttr); mi_secret.SetAttributeNode(synchAttr); for (int i = 0; i < nvc.Count; i++) { sKey = nvc.GetKey(i); sValue = nvc.Get(sKey); //Key key1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_KEY); Atr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_ID); Atr.Value = sKey; key1.SetAttributeNode(Atr); //Value value1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_VALUE); value1.InnerText = sValue; key1.AppendChild(value1); mi_secret.AppendChild(key1); } /* //Time XmlElement Time1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_TIME); XmlElement zone1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_ZONE); zone1.InnerText = "IST"; XmlElement cr1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_CRTIME); cr1.InnerText = null; XmlElement mod1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_MDTIME); mod1.InnerText = null; XmlElement acc1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_ACTIME); acc1.InnerText = null; Time1.AppendChild(zone1); Time1.AppendChild(cr1); Time1.AppendChild(mod1); Time1.AppendChild(acc1); mi_secret.AppendChild(Time1); */ //Finally Add Secret to Elem keychain.AppendChild(mi_secret); } } return doc.ChildNodes[0]; } internal bool KeyInNewList(NameValueCollection nvc, string key) { if (nvc != null) { for (int i = 0; i < nvc.Count; i++) { string sKey = nvc.GetKey(i); if( key == sKey ) return true; } } return false; } public int SetSecret(XmlNode secret, int opnType) { return SetSecret(secret); } public int SetSecret(XmlNode secret) { XmlAttributeCollection atcol = secret.Attributes; String secretid = atcol["ID"].InnerXml; Secret secretVal = store.getSecret(secretid); NameValueCollection nvc = secretVal.getKeyValueCollection(); ArrayList existingKeyList; if (nvc.Count == 0) { existingKeyList = null; } else { existingKeyList = new ArrayList(); } for(int i = 0; i < nvc.Count; i++ ) { existingKeyList.Add(nvc.GetKey(i)); } XmlNodeList keylist = secret.SelectNodes("descendant::Key"); NameValueCollection newNVC = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection(); foreach (XmlNode tuple in keylist) { //Get the Key XmlAttributeCollection at = tuple.Attributes; String keyname = (at["ID"]).InnerText; newNVC.Add(keyname, tuple.ChildNodes[0].InnerText); } if(null != existingKeyList) { IEnumerator etor = existingKeyList.GetEnumerator(); while( etor.MoveNext() ) { string key = (string)etor.Current; if(KeyInNewList(newNVC,key) == false) { secretVal.removeKey(key,0); } } } for(int i = 0 ; i < newNVC.Count ; i++) { string key = newNVC.GetKey(i); secretVal.setKeyValuePair(key,newNVC.Get(key)); } // TBD: Return Value ?? store.setSecret(0, secretVal, Secret.SS_CREDSET); return ConstStrings.CASA_SUCCESS; } public int GetSecret(XmlNode secret) { XmlDocument doc; XmlElement key1; XmlAttribute Atr; XmlElement value1; XmlElement mi_secret; XmlAttribute synchAttr; XmlAttribute secidAttr; String sKey, sValue; XmlAttributeCollection atcol = secret.Attributes; String secretid = atcol["ID"].InnerXml; Secret secretVal = store.getSecret(secretid); NameValueCollection nvc = secretVal.getKeyValueCollection(); if (nvc.Count == 0) { //Console.WriteLine("Secret got deleted, ID is " + secretid) ; return ConstStrings.CASA_DATA_UNAVAILABLE; } else { //Console.WriteLine("Got the secret from miCASA."); doc = secret.OwnerDocument; XmlNode root = secret.ParentNode; XmlNode keychain = secret.ParentNode; // Delete the Secret Node. root.RemoveChild(secret); mi_secret = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_SECRET); synchAttr = doc.CreateAttribute("Synch"); synchAttr.Value = "Persistent Secret"; secidAttr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_ID); secidAttr.Value = secretid; mi_secret.SetAttributeNode(secidAttr); mi_secret.SetAttributeNode(synchAttr); for (int i = 0; i < nvc.Count; i++) { sKey = nvc.GetKey(i); sValue = nvc.Get(sKey); //Key key1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_KEY); Atr = doc.CreateAttribute(ConstStrings.CCF_ID); Atr.Value = sKey; key1.SetAttributeNode(Atr); //Value value1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_VALUE); value1.InnerText = sValue; key1.AppendChild(value1); mi_secret.AppendChild(key1); //Console.WriteLine(sKey + " = " + sValue); } //Time XmlElement Time1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_TIME); XmlElement zone1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_ZONE); zone1.InnerText = "IST"; XmlElement cr1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_CRTIME); cr1.InnerText = null; XmlElement mod1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_MDTIME); mod1.InnerText = null; XmlElement acc1 = doc.CreateElement(ConstStrings.CCF_ACTIME); acc1.InnerText = null; Time1.AppendChild(zone1); Time1.AppendChild(cr1); Time1.AppendChild(mod1); Time1.AppendChild(acc1); mi_secret.AppendChild(Time1); //Finally Add Secret to Elem keychain.AppendChild(mi_secret); return ConstStrings.CASA_SUCCESS; } } public int Remove(XmlNode secret) { XmlAttributeCollection atcol = secret.Attributes; String secretid = atcol["ID"].InnerXml; //TBD: Why no other overloaded API store.removeSecret(secretid.Substring(secretid.IndexOf(":")+1), Secret.SS_CREDSET); XmlNode root = secret.ParentNode; root.RemoveChild(secret); return ConstStrings.CASA_SUCCESS; } } }